Martin's Lawn Builder FLAHEtESS ELECTRIC HOME HEATING COSTS SLASHED AGAIN 9% REDUCTION EFFECTIVE NOW! New savings for families who heat their homes, heat water and cook electrically. SECOND RATE DECREASE IN 8 MONTHS Before you buy, build or remodel your Under PP&L’s new, lower TOTAL present home, check the many other ad van- ELECTRIC LIVING rate, FLAMELESS tages of electric heating ... clean, carefree Electric Home Heating now costs only 1.5 c and comfortable. per kilowatt-hour. PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY We would- like to know more about FLAMELESS electric home heating. Please have a PH&L heating specialist visit our home soon. A Address City. IV Marlin's Limn Build er to mitaltee the grass in .'four lawn. Excellent to help produce luxuriant growth. Spread only 75 to 100 lbs. tor oath approximate 1000 sq. feet. Appl) h> hand or by spreader. Not hannlul to hands or to grass. I\ \N M. M \BTLV, INC. BLUE BALL, I>\. Hew Holland EL gin 4-2113 Gap Hickory 2-4148 Terre Hill KXllcrest 5-3455 Makes Total Electric Living a bigger bargain than ever. County. ♦ Cleaning 1 Tips (Continued from Page 1G) For stains that persist, use lemon juice and salt, sodium pel borate (available at gro cery stores), 01 a dilute so lution of sodium hypochlorite or other household chlorine bleach Take upholstered articles, mattiesses, rugs and carpels Uopartme nt mores used to outdoors and brush thorough- dlscourage tUe US(I o 1 SV nthetic !y Viruum them caiefully o detergents in laundering oi diaw out all ot the mold Xne foundation garments hut now an electric heater and a fan nlall y manul.ictui ei s reeom to carry an ay moist air mend washing In- machine If mildew persists, sponge , lt |, deteigent Scnthetic dc lightly with thick suds ol t( , rg(Mltb ÜbCd ( oiiec th .aus. soap or detergent and wipe no mor(J dett rioiation tlian a with a clean damp cloth SOJp neteilor . U ioii ol elastics Sponge mildewed i ugs and car- Jnd , aU . x ls nlolfl often duo pets with soap suds or a rug t() bodv ()lK anc , perspiriltlon Tel. No. State Lancaster Farming", Saturday, April 21, 1962 shampoo Dry m the sun if possible Use a low-pressure spray (on taming a fungicide to get rid of musty odois SVNTHKTK’ DKTKHUKNTS .JM) SOMK I'SMS While we are ou the subject ot synthetic detei gents here aie a lew suggestions I AN- INVESTOR-OWNED I ELECTRIC UTILITY /ATL U 7 \ IN THE SERVICE tRJWr* OF THE PUBLIC and infrequent washing Alibi detergents are liked tor these fabrics and aie good to use it foundation garments aie washed before getting too soiled Il vou want to take the soap him irom plastic shower (in lams use either the bath tub 01 jour washing machine toi soaking till the tub or the machine about hall lull with warm water and make a good sihls with a deteigent her the cm tains soak lor a few minutes thou biush or sponge olt stubborn spots II some remain, use one cup ol -water solrener to a tub lull ol wmiiu watei lor soaking II \ou bare a white plastic contain and it lias turned yellow ties a is not too Hindi that can be done it the jellowung is caused In dotmoiation II the \ellm\- jing is caused by a him of i oap and wate,, pioceed as jaho\ o Clo when the haslet is remote tl Ci om its stoiage spot s* {Tfc\ Dealers Names to be Announced Soon! Watch These Ads! 1» mvm h. liAi » r<'i. 1511 S. Jefferson St Allentown, P.i, 17