14—-Lancaster Farming,-Saturday, April 7, 1962 For the Farm Wife and Family Perky Fish Dinners Is\ Mis. Kkli.ik) (' Spent e Fish ioi dmnei is no lonm t dependent upon liaMiut ,in OMK'it annlei mound the house Thanks to tapid tianspoita tion and (onti oiled i eti taei ation ton can bu> liesh lish and t-e.itood pi.u tn allv airvwheie in the United States Jt miii In i tn an ont-ot- Ihe-was tom mum tv son tan iistuilh biiv (|imk-lui/cn lish m one ol tile many i,ood (aim ed \anetios Fish is so plenti ful in one loim ot anothei that son tan almost seise it in- Hotnntels wit hunt lepitition How Much Kish To Hut When piiKhasimt tish -von 11 vant to t onnt on about 1 pound pel pel sou ol lisb tillets ti othei boneless SO J Seed Potatoes • Bliss • Surprise • Cobblers • Kathadins • Kennebecs TOBACCO MUSLIN 2-3-4 Yards # Vitjoro • Vcrtagreen GROFF’S HARDWARE NEW HOLLAND lohsteis aie pindiasid lit the pound in the shell though some ot the hettei sloies also ollei them rooked Sott-shell (i.tbs aiensnallv sold 1)v tount How To Cook It vour lamily like mam \mem an lannhes does not cate lot lisb the chantes aie that they simply do not (aie loi lish (ooked as thev hate eaten it Its east to o\ei (<>oK lish It ton don t tealt/e that the umnectne tissue sol teiis tapidh cltttnit; too Kim; and that the piotem ot tish is almost as delicate as that ol ettus ton will ptohthly o\et < ooK it insulting in a Hat 01 less and unappetizing You ttill 1 1 nd that sei \ in:, lish like meat is best it cooked at a low tempeiatuie When sufficients looked Usli loses Us 1i anspai eiu \ and tlakes uasili when the tiheis aie sejiaiated with a loik hut . Raising Livestock Takes Money! At times a little financial cooperation from the bank is a great help. Whenever you are in this situation, come in and tell us about your needs in confidence. Livestock loans arc an important feature of the service of this bank. Certificate of Deposits Written For One Year 3 1 /2% Interest I se Om t om enient Dim-In A\iiido\r One-hall l)Iof K 1 1 oiii ]’< nn Squaie on South Queen SI ten Rem ol M.nn Rank NATIONAL BANK “Sinirn; Lnuaster Iroui Cenfei Square ume 3SS‘I mii,m:i:s\ im,i; i:i: \\< ir ARniliPi I'( deral Dr posit Insurame Coi por.ition Al.iMinum Insurame Mu.iHMi per depositor U is still moist and firm It’s a good ink* to “cook as hnefly as possible'and sene prompt ly” )’>i oiling tish is one of the simplest methods ol piepaia tion It vou plate a sheet ot aluminum toil on the hi oiling lack beneath the lish theie will be no lish> pan to wash atlei (lie meal Km binding use split small whole lish w oighing up to two pounds Oi use tish bleaks lillets 01 seatood sue h as shnmps loh stei 01 soft-shell eiabs Ai lange lish to be hi oiled on the lack in the hi oiling pa-n oi on a heat-pioof sening platlei and hi oil about 4 inches fiom model ate heat in pie-heated bioilmg cpm bail ment It is unnecessary to tmn fish til lets and split whok lish Remember that a sheet ol aluminum foil placed under the lish will make vour dish w ishmg simpler latei I!ioiIin~, is one of the easiest wars to piopaie fish because it cooks so quicklv and lequues a min imum ol handling fiom the sto\e to tlie table Though nothing approaches the sheet ciclu lousness o't tiesh bioileri tish libeialU spnnkletl with lemon )ince and amph season ('d am oi voui ta\onte /est\ sauces make unubualU out st. incline dishes tiom most hi oiled lish i:i;oii/ill) hiuiut 1-% pounds halibut steak 1 tablespoons tat 1 teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet 1 teaspoon salt 2V2 0 /0 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts i*\iuvi\G 2"> S Queen Stieet Swan P.uKnisc Got \nif & S QiiPt ii Sts Stoner Paikins; Lot S A\ Coiner Ame and Queen Sts :So‘2 V (.KOKGK Sl’ Va teaspoon pepper Vs teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons melted but ter 2 teaspoons lemon juice Wipe fish with damp cloth and aiiange on gi eased heat pi 00l plattei Blend togethei the lat Kite lien Bouquet salt, liopiiei Mid papiika S|)ie.id halt ol imxtuie on fish Place in pie-heated hi oiling c om paitment about 1 inches fiom modei ate heat and hi oil about h minnles oi until lighth hi owned Tuin steak spiead with lemaiiimg t.it nmtuie and hi oil until fish flakes lead ih about ") minutes longer Combine melted buttei and lemon juice adding V> cup sliced shifted olives it desired and pour over tish just before sen mg Senes 1 BKOILKI) 1 pound fresh oi tiozeu shi imp 1 teaspoon Kitchen Bou- quet cup melted butter !'> teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon peppei - 1 bunch watei ness U cup lime oi lemon juu« 4 slues toast CURRENT ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $lO,OOO Irmsf federal! 9 (Javinps and/ojan *8 ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER 25 North Duke St. Customer l > .irkiii” in Uetir Phone EX 7-2818 ’ Remdve shells from shrimp. Place in bowl and sprmido with Kitchen Bouquet Toss lierhtlv with fork to coat even ly Place on heatproof platter. Pom melted butter over shrimp and spunklg with salt and pep pei Place in pie-heated broil ing e oinpai tment and bi oil 4 indies fiom modeiate heat un til sin mill aie licchth bi owned, about S minutes Meanwhile fmeh cut water ciess leaies and combine with lime or lem on mice Pom over shi imp and sene immediate!! on crisp toast points Senes 4 SPICY TOM \TO S\mi 1 tablespoons chili sauce 2 ta'hlespoons lemon juice 1 teas-poon Worcestershire sauce ik teaspoon Kitchen Bou- quet i/ 2 teaspoon dr\ mustard Vt teaspoon curry powder Combine all ingredients and beat thoroughly Pour over broiled or baked fish Make* about c cup sauce llaked fish mav require moi e pieparation but it needs (Continued on Page 15) // \ Package Mortgage Loans comfortable to live and easier to reduce :ause the monthly pay its include principal, /esf, taxes and insur ;e. Today, it may cost less then you think to make a move. Ask us about the latest figures. There's no obligation. DIVIDEND Per Annum Paid on Savings