Public Farm & Poultry and Household Thursday, March 22, 1962 The undersigned will sell at Public Sale on the premises located in Manheim Township, one mile West of Neffsville, on Route 501, turn West on Buch Avenue tbe following: LIVESTOCK 25 Fat White Face Steers FARM EQUIPMENT Farmall 300 with Hyd. Kilt, Kami.ill 400 with M\ ton Chevy Truck, Cultivator with Ket tdi/ei Attachment, 2 Ensilage Wagons 1 with talsc endgate - 1 with canvas, 2 Hay AVagons, Hay Kan with 5 hot so motor Potato Plow, Hand Hay and Straw Cutter, 40’ Silo Pipe (>”, Chisel 7’, Cultipaeker 9', Motor lor unloading Ensilage, Ce ment Mixer with Engine, Ci usadc Bale Elevator 30’, AValking Plow, AValking Shovel-harrow, Spike Han ow, Potato AVeedcr, t-bectlon Level-harrow. 2 Wheelbarrows, 30-gal. Oil Drum with pump, 3 Hope Tackles, 1 ton Cham Hoist, Cradle, 35# Grease Pump Gun, 3 Crease Guns, 4 Cog Chains, Pump Motor, 40’ endless Rubber Belt 7”, 30’ endless Rubber Belt 6”, 3 Tractor Chain - 38 or 40” Wheel, Bub-soiler, Tractor Pi.Ctorm Hjd. hilt, False Knd gate with Cables and Bolls, ISO’ - 1C” Galt. Pipe - used, 130’ • I}*” Galv. Pipe - used. Fencing, Heav> 40’ Intension I.adder, B6’ Ft ton si on Ladder, 12’ Kttension 1 .adder, 1 Snow Fence Corn Crib, Klee. Feme and Posts, Creosotcd Fence I’ost 7’, 2 Iron Troughs s’, 3 - t gal. Xapsaek Sprajers, 3 Floor Scrapers, Iron Bean Polos, Berr> Traj, Pipe Vico, Vice, Pipe Fittings all assortment. Thread Cutters, Pipe Cutters, Lincoln Klee. Welder, Grind Stone, Potato Grader with Motor, Potato Slim cl, 4 Building .Tacks, Klee. Knicrj Wheel, 3 Iron Kettles, Copper Kettle, 3 Pitcher Pumps, 130’ High Pressnie Hose Harness Set, Saddle, Shot els, Digging-Iron, Folks, Blooms Hand Saws, Caipenter Tools, Ate and 75’ Hat Hope. Tobacco Paper, Stewart Sheep Shearer, Cow Clipper, Bee Smoker and Veil, I'ced Stoops, 3 Feed Carts, Vir Compressor Plow lane Rope Balters, Milk Stools, 3 - 13’ Into Tapes 100’ Kttension Cord, 30’ Kttension Cord, 3 Jameswaj Feed Carts, and Klee. Calf De-homer. POULTRY EQUIPMENT Broodei Stote - 500 eapatitj (toal), 1 Gas Stote - 300 capacity, 3 Klee. Brooder Stotes, 5\5 Butler Poultrv Bin, 11 Range Shelters, Chit ken and Turkcj Coops, 3 Platform Scales. 40 Chicken est (Keeiuo & .lamcsH.n), Time Clotk, 150 - 5 Broiler Feeders, S' Hen Feeder, 30 - 1’ Clink Feeders, Water -Fountains, Water Trough. Water Jars - O and 3 q(s., < Ineken Debaker, Binket-a-daj Stote - 30 gal., Kgg Basket, Klet. Kcen co Auto. Kgg Scales, Hand Kgg Seales and 3 Wlurlawaj Kga Washers, Poulti.t Wire. Also the following: HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 Frigtdaire Auto. Washers, Fngidaii e Klee. stoce J)e litwal Cream Separator srS-tt), 22 cu. It. Deep Fiee/e. \par(- menl-si/e Coal Stoco, Coin liner - Stove T\ |ie, Knitting Ma chine, Butter Print, Walnut Chest, Wardrobe, (8-sec lional Glass Butter Turn, Milk Stiamer, Gal. Clocks and dais, 30£ Market Scales (good), \pplc Peeler, Chens Seeder, Heatrola-lorgc. 10’ Butcher Bench, Iron Ah at Fork, lion Meat Facile, Sausage* Stullei, Sausage Grnnlei, 2 Pudding Stun is, Mooden Stirrer, Pig Scrapeis, Coppei Mash Htnler, Tubs. Riviera Koto-Faun Mower, Planter Jr., (.aideu Tractor, Porch Koeker, Plantei Ji. Gaiclen Seeder, 2 Grass Seed Sewcis and Garden Tools. Also 40 Tons H.cj, Mivecl Ha>, Allalla, Ihcmn Glass and 70 Tan Corn. Henry, Shrciner, Auct. Erk, Clerk Sale! 11:00 A.M. Sharp Terms by Levi Weaver Equip. Goods IviiesloiK, laun implements and houseliold Roods li\ Vi th in Hmbaker, between Mastti somillo and Milton Grme One Mi Southeast ol Milton Groic 7 0 head ol livestock Holstein cows Gueinsei bill ers Amrus ions with ialves Rutus Geib Amt Wed Mar 21 12 Noon F.iim Ma.hmeiy and House hold tcoods M\ W illjui Polio. K Mohr road tiom Hu. K to Holt wood 1 Mi \\ ot liu.k in SALE REGISTER Sat March 17 1 TO pm. Real Estate and Kami I‘kipl l!y Aaion R Hess alomr load 1 1 <3lll Mai ti( Mile to Smitluille I_> nil ol Mai Iu \ ilk R! loom, (urn crib attached, aiifl household uonds h% \\ il hui Polio* K, alonsj toad lioiu l!ii(K to Holt wood Kiculii and Dillei \tu ts Thin s Miir Noon - - 1’ul) S.ilo ol K.mii M.ulnneiv b\ Seth .1 Sint/ .11 liom Kitiiu C’kiK to 11h Mount, .ippioi .! miles N of llollam Ku'ol) A (iillicit, Aim 11 a in Tilui s p in—Kami Kiiuipnx'iit aloni; toad lioin Lntoit to rtcsswcll in Manot Iwp H\ I Unpaid Stehman J) iil o i and Kioidoi ■VIH is I'll M.n ! - 2 pin • 11 li V< i e I),m i l,u in ,i Mi \\ ol V\ .iKetii'ld in .ii 2 1 MI S ol La in asl ei 11\ (lia\ son ( oopi i I iillei and K ll uli i \in is T inns \(,u 22 Complete dispiisal ol 7) lecisteied llolsiims 15\ \1 M \\ encel Rhei ms ! nil K of Kli/aln thtow n and ! mi \\ ol Mount lo\ South ol K, I(. out in lied on J’a „(■ 12 Xoon 12 no “An old timer is a fellow who remembers when folks rested on Sunday instead of Monday.” 12 10 \\ lien fil.mniiiii to Inn or soli (.(II HENRY E. SHREiNER Al (' I io\i*:cr And Ki .i 1 list..ll( S ili M \ <>-(> !*><> I'.u I.V 7-.5571 K»-:-500-303-=-c:-ac-ai PUBLIC SALE! Implements & Antiques FRIDAY, MARCH 23 ill I*lllo (mo\o l'u|i. .s» lull Ikill ('o., 2 null's him tlionst ol I’iiie (UIHO Ol 111110 HOltllWOsl of Snoot Vi mu l.aki . W.ilili lop salo anows. 2.‘» HEAD OF CATTLE IS milk lows, liosh i lose spiinm'is, Iho iosl summer lows, lomm lioitois. This lioul ioiisisls ol Holstein, Joi so\, Viislmo. (iiioinsoi. Tin's© laltlo won- all raisoil on lann. Viilono looking loi a uooil ilairi tow, (onn am) look flioiii ov oi. FARM IMPLEMENTS Foul li.kloi, 2 bolloiii ti.u loi |>lou, (nili\.itoi Foul po\\<-i I.iKcoll pi< Kiip h.ilii, l''ci "iison b.n I.IKI, 7 11. fii.ts-, inmvi i, Mi'p'is b.n inislu-r. o used spreadei, dis( bail dm, f-i tin dull, 2 iithbcr I lie n,i»iiii'i with b.n 11, its, b.ile eleiatm, , |io«ei sau , s|i!in<; baiiou 2 loi I, < 111> M.isieis. < lec 11 ie milk (.in Inns), elei ti i< |iiiui|i, i post bull* dii>i>ei .mil In)*, small items I 2.10 si.iinb ss milk t.inlr, milk, stainless milk bin k jels, 4 mu) nnlkeis. plat lui m scale lame ibcliu bain tan, 1 b lei>}>ed ill i> | > leal table, planlc si at ih,ms ,> nlil ilmks iloimb (ia\, lame i ii|>|iei keltle, small biass kettle 2 i|iiillm” liaiees, bntli i i bn, n |iiain> stool, 1 < oili e cii inib i i in)kn int tei s, slei"b bills, iii|i|)ii bull bit* spoons i.iibiili h”b|s a|‘()le ‘in.ibi milk \\ 11111 i anille sinks baei,iii“ miiiin millc tlbile iiml ml li<*bl. otbii ml 1 I il* lit s, 111 > 11 1) 11 bain I sliot ”1111, 2 sansagi stnltiis, s i]t and I <11 , 2 mi at tgiindiis 2 non kittles, < lei tin Inatii. ba\, **lia«, iai min, and lots nl small linns not mi nlinneil ’ Sab at 12 (Ml Oibn k. | ( inns I>\ Mrs. Joseph Heinboch John Uici(lc":iiii .mil W Koch. \u< lioncci^ W.ilfci SI mull. ll. Min Htifiln-t, ricilo, 1 I <1 111 Oldims t Of Livestock, Form on 0110 season 21 J J)