Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 10, 1962, Image 1

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    vol. 7 no rs';
Rl, spends some of his time during the winter months indoors taking care of his
sows and newborn pigs. Here he checks one of his Spotted Poland China Sows
and her Yorkshire crossbred pigs m a farrowing stall Sows and pigs are kept
in the stall until the pigs are six-weeks-old and weaned. Zeiset also feeds steers
and is planning to increase his sow herd from the present 12 to 24. He has 12
gilts nearing breeding age. L F. Photo
Secretary Henning Sees Weather Forces
r-, n Postponement Of
Program For Progress s . C. D. Banquet
You.' men should be encour
aging more ol the brighter
boys to remain in agricultural
positions, Dr William L Hen
ning, Penus} Kama Secretary
of Agriculture told Lancaster
Rotary Club members and
their farmer guests Monday
He said at present time,
most of the stood scholarship
grants are going to the engi
neering schools and many ot
Farm Calendar
March 12 8 30 p m
Conservation District
nual Banquet in the Quarry
ville Methodist Church, Sec
ond and Hess Streets, Quar
ryville Postponed from
Manh 6
7 30 p m - \r>shire-Jersei
4-H Club meets m the Farm
Bureau Buildin? Dillerville
Road, Lancaster Election of
March 13 9 30 am to 3
pm. - Cattle teeder clinic
at the Lancaster Poultrj
7130 p.rr> - Garden Spot
, (£k>n tinned qu Page 10)
s> '* rS&'t*
'■> v g
the brighter rural bo\s art
going into professions ofl the
Dr Henning, speaking at
the annual farmers da> at the
- Soil
club outlined the four-po rt
program he brought with h'm
when he took othce in Jan
uary 1955
Real progress being made
(Continued on page_B>
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 10, 1962
. - t .
% <
T ie annual banquet ot the
Lancaster County Soil Conser
vation District will be heKi
this Monday night. -Wanh 12.
at <5 "0 pm in the Quarry
vdle Memorial Methodist chur
ch The regular monthly meet
ing ot the district directors
normally scheduled tor Mon
day night, will be cancelled
The banqii“t had originally
been scheduled tor Tuesdav
night, March 6 but wa-- can
celed because ot the snow
ana aign wind-- th it hit the
Ije church is located at
:h“ r ruer ol Second aud lle-s
Sfeef'. Quarrvville
"' progarm will include a
re_>j-t ot the work ot the d st
rc* duneg the past uur nl
a ti'm “Fallout and Agraul-
In addition to seven Coa
.-ervafon Achievement Awards
th" d '.met will name th->
Oa r srandiug Conservat'on Far
mer for the jear A plaane
wxU be presented to the as-o
ciate director who ha-. s'gnea
up the most new cooperato-s
during rhe >ear
\ "
„' v J,
A v £ t
Conservation Farmer
Likes Contour Rows
‘ I didn t know if Ici like those (.rooked rows or not ”
is the wax Lanr istei fount' s Outstanding fomersation Farm
er ol I'Mil explained his lirst leelum towaid conservation
farm nut
Abram S /Chisel of Hast Kail [ wasn’t suie the strips
Rt contouiod his farm in nould be worth the short
19)6 but oniv after nim h lows Zeiset explained but
observation of some of his after t i le strips were on the
neighbors who had put soil fields he lound he had fewer
savini, pi ictitas on then laims short ions and longer rows?
Zeisul 'who begin fanning hener he said “But some of
on the home t arm ui aii neighbors thmK it is be
savs “Mliner (Elniei Senscn- cause I feed more cattle and
i(h Soil Consenatioii '»■ met ha\e more manure to put oa
Duettos) talked me into it the ground’
but he didn’t s.ll me on it” Some o[ the } ield lncrease
He said bet oi e he put the con- ls dup t 0 better te rtu,zation
tours on Ins land ho would get [)ra( . £ice , Zeibet behetes. but
in his nr and dm - to a he SiUs ..j POuldn t bold the
nieghbor’s tarm alter , lam lnanure and tertilia-er on the
to see how the rows were hold
ing the watei (Continued on page 7)
Brucellosis Retreating
Extension Vet Declares
“We have to test 10,000 cows to find one with Brucello
sis ’ dany men were told Tuesday at the second annual Lan
castei County Dairy Day '
Dr Siniuel Guss, Extension
vuleinanan tiom the Peiinsv 1-
taiua State Umversitv said
bruiellosis m the cattle ot the
Commonwealth has reached
the point ot near eradication
No Brucellosis could be found
in tluee counties in the slate
he said
Dr Guss gave much ot the
credit to callhood vaccination,
a-, well as bloodtesting and
slaughtering ot reactors
“Tuberculosis presents an
other picture, ’ he said Real
piogiess was made up to sic
Red Rose Baby Beef & Lamb Club
Hold Election And Beef Auction
Ground beef brought as
high as $1 00 per pound Wed
ne-,dav n ght
In an auction of trogeu
ground beef left trom the steer
purchased tor the annual ban
quet ot the county 4-H babv
beet club, several of the par
ents began spirited bidding Cor
the last pound of the 50 or si
pound packages with the re
su’tant price
Wilbur Hosier, last veir's
president of the club was the
Farm Hiring
Days Slated
Man h 22 is the date of U' >
second Farm Hiring Dav ■■
sponsored in the ecmutv tnis
spring bA the Pennsv Ivan a
Uureau ot Emplojment Sa
cur’tv according to Edw ird \
■knderson manager ot the
Lancaster loiai office of the
emplovment service
The Urst such dav was he’ei
at the same place th“ Far i
t Continued on page 6)
$2 Per Year
are defmately
years ago. but from 1959 to
sixty the number ot report
ed cases doubled and from.
19GO to 61 almost doubled
This is something we must
make up our minds about, he
said We have to decide to
gel bus\ and get nd of it en
tireb The tanner has become
complacent and some testing
has been hap-hazard in the
past The state has paid $2O
million in indemnities to
slaughtered cows, he said
(Continued on page 7)
auctioneer of the sale that
saw all ol the beet sold to par
ents of c lub members at the
close ot the annual reorgam
/Uion meeting Proceeds from
the sale went into the treasury
ot the dub
Robert Heilbron. president
in the Lancaster Livestock Ex-
(Continued on page 6)
Saturday - Wednesday
Tern tires during the
next (i\e days arc expected
to .uerage invar the normal
i .time oi ::o .u night to 4ft
in tlie afternoon. Only min
or day to day yariations in
temperature-, are expected.
Pret ipil.ilion may total Vt
inch or more, melted, falling
a> or rain Saturday
morning and again about
Tuesdaj or Wednesday.