SALE REGISTER £>at , Feb. 21 11 aiu. Pub. s»ile of Feedei Steers & farm machinery. By Stephen and Joseph Keplro. Vt nu. S of Parkesburg, along Rt. 10, Chester Co 00 steers weighing ifi'O-fcOO pounds. Leroy Zook, Auct. Sat , Feb 21 Il'tiO a.m. Pub. Sale of Guernsey cat tle, farm equip and some household goods. By Kthel M. Ah A- R Clair Murphy. One nule- E. ot Wakefield tust otf R-t. 272 Oilier and Kreider ■Aucta. pires this year He will be con (Contulued on Page* 22) sidered for re-eleetion as a Public Sale Livestock-Farm Equipment and Household Goods Saturday, March 10, 1962 The undersigned will sell at Public Sale on the premises located 3 miles northeast of Manheim, near White Oak the following; LIVESTOCK 17 HEAD OE MILK COWS T B and Blood-tested with Charts In all stages of production. 11 HEAD OF STOCK BULLS 150 to 200 2-year old LEGHORN HENS FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere Tractor A 1952 Model with 3-poiut hookup with Aluminum Kit good shape. It. John Deere Tractor 1947 Model with 2-row Cultivator, Power Troul Trailer Plow and T Grass Mower all to tit. John Deere Spring Harrow John Deere Side Hake - 4 bar, John Deere Cornpl.mtei. B. Allis Chalmers Tractor 1938 Model with a Hender son Manure Louder, Cultivator, Plow' and a Saw' Buck all to tit," recently overhauled. Allis Chalmers Combine s’, Van Brnnt Disk Grain Drill, Lime Drill, David Bradley Tractor Disc bj Power Irowl, 45 T. International Baler. Case Clevator adjustable for small grain, hav and straw - 28’ long, 2-row Stauffer Tobacco Planter, Silage Wagon With false front end, t-ton Ford Truck - 1046 Model, good Shape, Double Tobacco Ladders with Bubber Wagon ehassis 8 Single Tobacco Wagons, 1 Wagon Bov, McSpikc Harrow Single - row Potato Planter and Digger. New Id, bailej and small item-, not mentioned. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Bureau, 3 Chifliomers, Iron Bed and Mattress, Child's Crib, Dai bed, Wardrobe, Diesser and AVashstand, Child’s Desk 18 it. Extension Table, Electne White Sewing Machine, Vic trola and Beoords, AVood Chest, Rocking Chair, Chans, Bench. 2 Meat Benches*, 1 - f)\T2 Linoleum Rnf>. Wash Machine, Curtain Stretcher, 3 Lawn Chairs, 3 Mir rors, Wish Chair, Small Tables, Clothes Hamper, 2 Trunins Boards,, ;} Clothes Trees, W hatn.its, AVindoiv Screens, 2 Corn Driers, Commode, 14 Linoleum Stair Tieads, Ice Cream Fice/- elr, Coal Oil Heater, Mop Bucket, Coal Bucket, Washbowl and Ditcher, Cake Boxes, Jars, Dishes and Dans, Roast Pan and Homemade Soap. Ers; Washer, Boldins Bate-, Butcher Tools, Pucldins Stirr er, 2 Iron Kettle's, Meal Saw, Lard Cans, Clocks, 2 I.awn Bakes, Xapsaek Sprat cr, 3 Lanterns, small Camping Stoxe, 2 Berry Crates. 12-snage Shot Gun, AA'ash Cart and nian> items too nunieions to mention. Henry Shreiner, Auct, Potato Growers Annual Meeting At Potato City Annual reorganization of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Co-operative Po tato Glowers Association takes place Thursday, March S at Potato City Hotel near Coud ersport. The business meeting follows the 11th annual Penn sylvania Potato Groweis In stitute lit the hotel on March The 3-year term of Leland W Xi\on, State College, pres ident for the organization. e\- of 11:00 A.M. Terms by Mo rris Lowe dnector from the Central Pennsylvania district Others whose terms expire imlude Western Pennsylvania - Robert Harwood, Wattsburg and Vernon Trover, Union City, both Erie County Har wood is presently tirst vice president ot the cooperative Cential Pennsv U-ania Leon Epler, Xorthumberland. Xorthumberland Countv, sec retary of the association Eastern Pennsylvania David Seem. Kutrtovvn. Berks Con ntv In addition to X’ixon, Hai wood and Epler present ©fil lers ot the -2220 OF homo giown forage seed dur ing the past tour years The suruns were made in the spring and summer of 19 61 by rosea rt hers in agronomy and agi iiMiltural economics from the Agi 'cultural Experiment Station at the Pennsylvania State Uimersity Seeds high in germinating ability contained too many weeds Seeds low in weed con tent were also low m ability to germinate, reports Harold C Campbell, graduate assistant working on the project Average germinating ability was no higher than 80 per cent for nmothv and trefoil and per cent for clover. Only one farmer among those surveyed tested Ins own seed for germ ination Only 3 out of 13 timothy samples were sufficiently free of weed seeds to be rated ac cept ible In red clover 6 out of 27 samples met the standards for weed-free quality Thirty eight species of weed seeds were found CJuackgrass and Canada thistle, weeds prohibited in certified seed, were found in seven samples Thirty sev en samples contained nox ious weeds such as dodder, horse nettle, wild mustard, and buckhorn plantain The survey indicated few farm ers, and few local feed milK, clean forage seed propel 1\ Wild Life Club Holds Round Up The fust annual roundup of the Lititz 4-H Wildlife club will be held March 21 in the Farm Bureau Cooperate e Building on Dillersville Road, Lancaster Judging ot individual pro jects by the Cumberland County Agent will begin at 7• 30 pm At the February meeting in the home of Mr nd Mrs Mel vin Long, Lititz R 3, a demon stration on how to set traps for fur bearing animals was given by Carl Siegnst. also of Lititz R 3 A “Show and tell” on “The call of the wild” was present ed by Annette Long < Actual recordings of the call of wild turkeys, crews and a squealing rabbit, used to call wild animals within range for a hunter to shoot them, were played for the group The sound ot the squealing rabbit is used to call foxes to the hunter’s location The meeting closed with a film, “The Mourning Dove', shovvn by Victor Plastow, As sociate County Agent 21