14 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 3, 1962 For the Farm Wife, and BACON Thoie's no need tor a slump kmle and a strops; aim tor bacon in the home kitchen nowadajs For now there in one-hall pound and oik pound p.u kaares of bacon slued Hist rndit for those who like if thin ( regular) Tin heat sealed window packaue piotects the liesh wec t smoked taste ot tlie |t,i< on and at the sum* time • ors the shopper check tor ■he dcsned combination ot leanness aml fat The pat k uce is easv to open and eisj in close loi ref liberator stor icp Thin slued bacon is the 1 1 aditional baton ten hieaktasl (in sandwiches and e nimble I opium;s loi appetizers and i cm tables Those who like thick slued ’) k on will tint! it in two pound Don’t Neglect Your Ejes Visit Vom iil\e l)0(loi it \on Tobacco Muslin 2-. 4-yd Michigan Peat Seed Potatoes Red Bliss Surprise Cobblers Katabdins Katabdins Rled. Green Mts. Lime Baj; Spread Vertagreen Vigoro Garden Seeds Lawn Seed Scotts Seaboard GROFF'S HARWARE , JVcw Holland, Pa., . TV) Family IS BEST ami occasional!} in one pound packages Thick she eel bacon is especially suited to hcait> breakfast and luncheon or supper menus TO SEFAUATE SLICES To separate one bacon slue trom another many find it c ointment to run a i libber sc rapei between the slices It seicial slues aie to be tiled, (he slues maj be separated as the} heat Complete diiections ten ft vine; bakins; and hi mi ni K aie usiialh on each pack- STORAGE OF BA COX To eniov the stood lla\or ol bacon it should he stored in the reti metator and used in about one week Bacon should not be tto7on Fm like othei cured and smoked nieiN when fio7en baton tends mi detelop lantidiU nioie lapirth -j PENN SQUARE MUTUAL FUND Investing in Diversified Securities for INCOME and CAPITAL GAINS Possibilities NO BUYING CHARGE NO SELLING CHARGE Snbsi i iptions Attested A\ it h No Minimum Shaie Retiune ments Fi'»e ot Bp* Beisonal Piopeitj Ta\ in opinion ol Leital Counsel AON- \SSVSS \bm: J. L. HAIN & CO, tr>l Venn St|iiaie Readmit Pa. VII 5-4424 Please -,end me tiee intoimalion about Penn Squaie Afu tual Fund Xante Adduss _ _ _ Cll\ ami State _ _ Attention Hollinger's Farm Market, Inc. i:iMin\t\, u i). i, i»\ . . , . t 3-031.1, L; .• : - '..1 il I\ U 1 5 U ORDER Michigan Peat NOW Car Arriving About First Week In March $32.00 per ton at car than meats that have not been cured ail'd smoked. cvwdiw styljH bxcov The boneless pork loin, cur ed and smoked, is (ailed Cana dian stvle bacon in the United Stales But in Canada it is labeled Canadian Back Bacon Fmtliei mme, it dilleis ironi legulai bacon in shape, tat and eating quality It is lound and veiy lean Canadian style baton is commonly slued and \acuum sealed foi tresbuess in six ounce packages The number ol slices in each pack age may vary trom six to nine slices, depending upon the dta rnetei of the loin they are cut trom The bacon 'may also be pirn based by the re tailer in six to twelve pound slabs lie in turn'cuts it into one-half to two pound units depending on customer pie teience Thin sliced Canadian st>le baton is tav 01 eel toi bieikfast, while thick slices may be broil ed tor lunch oi dinner One and two pound pieies make attiactive boneless roasts toi small dinnei paities A one pound i oast in a J-’l degree oven will leach 170 degiees on a roast meat thei mometer in about 4 7 minutes, a two pound roast will be ready to sene in about 1 houi and la minutes HKARTY Jl\( ON sOLFFUK 1 pound bacon 5 tablespoons Hour Farmers! YOUR Vi teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon nutmeg ;i tablespoons bacon dripp ings 1-Vi cups milk li eggs ’a cup quu K-< ooKmg oats Cut bacon into Ms-inch m'nmei 10 minutes Remove puses Fan-lrv until .nsp peaches and place 2 bacon. Diam Stu the Hour, salt, and «-«rls in each peach half Serve nutmeg into the bacon (Inpp- with waflles. using seasoned mgs in a saucepan Gradually peach juice as syrup add milk Stu ' until thick * * * Separate eggs Beat yolks until CANADIAN' BACON BCVDLIc'S thick Add oats and bacon 6 slices Canadian style Fold into white sauce Beat bacon egg whites until stilt Fold into sauce mixture Bake in a 1-Vi-quait casserole set in a pan ot water for 50 to 55 minutes in a slow oven (525 degrees) Serve at once b sen mgs # * tf Brush vvitn lemon juice Roll h BATON (’TUBS ’V I'KACHKS quarter ot banana and a stick 10 slices thick slued bacon ot pineapple in each slice o£ < 5 halves) bacon Fasten with a wood«n % cup mange juice pick Place bacon bundles on 1 pound can peach hahes baking sheet Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon cornstarch brown sugar Broil about 4 U teaspoon cinnamon inches trom heat for 3 mm -1/10 teaspoon cloves utes Serve hot with scrambled Wallies or pancakes Pan-fij bacon As each slue is removed liom the pan, roll (Continued on Page 15) Vent Be ABOUT ASKIN' loaning Money for Homes Is Our Business Today, Savings & loan Associations provide the greatest source of mortgage loans that is available in the country. WeYe proud of our ability to get a fam'ily into a home of its own. If you would like some information on what it would take you to make a move, stop in. There is not the slightest obligation in talking things over. CURRENT ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $lO,OOO FIRST FEDERAL! Savings and /oan ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER 25 North Duke St. C iisUimrr I*m Lina in Roar S|B|Wk l*Hdhc tX 7-2818 <|lllLl' around the tines ol a fork to toini bacon curls Drain peach es Combine peach liquid, oinnge mice, cornstarch, cm- namon, and cloves in a trying pan llo.it, stirring, until thickened Add peaches and 2 bananas Lemon juice S pineapple sticks Brown sugar Scrambled eggs Peel bananas Cut in hall lengthwise, then crosswise. eggs DIVIDEND Per Annum Paid on Sayings