LANCASTER POULTRY CENTER Broilers Regain Strength Broilei pines (limbed back up to ovet 1 ( ) (cuts .it flu' Lancaster Poultiv Center this week as 55.500 head in lots crossed the block at prices of 18 7 to 21 "> for a sale av erage of 10 O') Si\ iter cert of the sales were 20 cents or higher, but ovei half the birds soM at 1!) to 19.2. Only one other lot was sold This xm hided 8.70 head ol heavy fowd which sold for 20.1. One lot of 000 heavy fowl failed to sell at the bid of 19 8 Following la the complete sale with lot number, seller, grower m parenthesis, amount and breed, age in weeks and days, buyer and price CODE AVA'C - white vant ress cockerels, WRHF - w hite rock heavy fowl, AVV - white vantress. 111 - Indian river, WMT - white mountain 1. Daniel U. King, 600 WVC, 9-6. Carl B. Risser, 20 0; 2. Same, 3 David J Beiler, S3O WR-HF, llmo, Daniel K Goad, 20 1, t VA m K. Burkholder, 2000 WV, 9-2, Starr Poultry. 19 1, ."> Same, 2900 WV. 4-2, Daniel K Good, 19.2, 6. D. E Horn, (James Alar tin), 8000 WV. 9-1, Stan Poultry, 14 0; 7 Same, (Am- MASTER FARMER , RAT BAIT & CATTLE LOUSE POWDER Both Guni.uiteed to do Their Job ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. GROFFTOWV ROAD I’HOAK K\ 2-4!)(C! SSSSSSSSSSSSi. CHICKS KOK 1 KlUm Ol H TWO VKAII 01,1) iUiKKDKTtS • Itcttcr Hg{* Qualit) 0 Ucttci LucabiliO • Jumbo l)a\ Old ('hicks ALSO STMITLI) PI LLIITs . < ONT \(’T IS TO!) AA MOORE FARMS I 780 i:di;n uovd l \nc\stkk IX) o otio % FOR BIGGER HARVESTS i.H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. • IAMDISVIHE, PEHNA. strvin| fcrmrt with finest quality (wrft sine* IW os Funk) 0700 \V V 10-1 V r Weaver Co Inc , IS 7 ' Same, (Lee Hemeiken 6000 WV. 9-2, Header’s Poulu 10 1. 0 Kenneth H Noll 1400 WV . S-6 Carl I! Itlsscr 20 0. 10 Same. 1100 V\ \ 8- Marlin M itiendle, 21 7 11 Miller & Itu sho n s (Uuhard Kilts), 1700 W Ml. Daniel K Cood, 19 0, 12 M.felt, (Same), 4SOU W \lt. 9- Hoy 1C Ream, 10.7, 10. M&B. (Arthur Powl>, 0600 111. 8-6, V. F Weaver Co Inc , 18 7; 14. M&B. (John O. Moyer, Jr.), 6200 WV, 9-0 Starr Poultry, 19.1: 1.7 M&H. (Same), 6200 WV, 9-0, Island Poultry, 18.8; 16 Win Flint hbaugh, .700 lIF, -VO Sale, 19.8, Bid Fluid Milk Volume Increase Loses Speed Production ot fluid milk in creased in all areas, but the increase was at a reduced rate. Supplies were burdensome and diversions to manufactur ing plants increased Demand was somewhat lighter as schools closed tc the holiday Alanufactunng plants were opeiating at ca pacity and ditfu ulty in plat in. surpluses were encounteied Bulk Spreading Service Dealers for— LIMESTONE FERTILIZER and SMUCKER BROS. Ph. la'ola Oli «-222 ft Moore Farms Offer- Ghostley Pearl See vom Holt nun Seed-Man now loi top Melding all ilia and clo\er seed Delmarva - Georgia Prices Advance About One Cent La\e putt's ad valued shai p- U to appi o\imatel\ one tent hiirhei with a ,rood demand toi the mrdeiare oft emu; I) elin a i \ a repoited Ino hioilei prices of 17 7 to 1') > loi Sds ODO head at farms duuns the 21 hour period end ing lo .10 Fi ida> morning Iteadv to took poultry d.- m.ind was good with irregu lai interest developing Esti mated slaughter by eastern shore processors for the week |{ r(>wns end was 737,000 head com pared with 870,000 head lasi w eek end The Delmarva broiler-feed ratio for the week ending Feb ruary 10 was down tw'o points from the previous week re tlei ting the .04 drop in broil er prices .Mixed The ratio was 3.7 when broilers averaged 17 32 and mash cost the growers 93 G 9 per ton For the comparable week a \ear earhei, the ratio stood at 4 2 when broilers averaged 19 3 7 and mash < ost the grown ?01 9 7 per ton Wholesale selling prices at Xew \oi k ranged s">.oo to s"i 13 per 40 quart unit. Most ot the sales were at s"> 0> FREE! FREE! | I PUBLICATIONS V V ,% • Wnihmore -tl Uroiler Concentrate Booklet * • W irthmore Grow and Egg Leal let*' *;* • W n thniore lli-Ener-G-Breeder Leaflet r •> * • Breeder Mash and Scratch Leaflet* 1 • Mirthnioie Quickies Leallet’*' *:* X • M hat About Xicarbazin Leaflet *;• • :il)Vt Poultrj Concentrate Leaflet •> ♦> • Cage Layers (10-page booklet) • Piesercing Egg Quality (12-page booklet) *;* • Poultry Health (.{2-jmge booklet) * * • Mailcet Egg Book (new 2S-page booklet) V »*« •> • “Poultij. Egg and Gram Account' Booklet ,j. X • Egg and Feed Record (’aids ( ) Book ( ) *:* *;* • Egg Recoid Card * * • Bi ooder Record Card .> • Feed Consumption and Egg Record lor one month A *:* • Egg Record * • Egg Ricoid Card for use in Jameswat Cage •> v • Foun A R - Egg Recoid Card X t) Cage La\ei Recoid Card |j* • Bioilei Recoid Chart * *l* S Poultiv Pioduction Repent (Padded in ~>o si * # Wuthmoie Tieat * • I * •> ❖ <• * * ❖ ❖ * 7 f. y Wiithnioit Poulfi> Fitting lle.m Roasteis - Capons Captttes - Light Roasters • Tiapnesl Reioid Card • FlouK Hlstoic Re< OI d C.ild • Wnthmoie Coop Tags • \>kc mating Chickens lot Coccidiosis • \\ < ekh Pullet Rt poi t pads • Qul< K Pei K J eallet O Chick Staitei I,eallet • Ponltiv Package Plan Hook 6 Estimated Peed Consumption Chart Lor Riplaceim Pullets • Complete Oiov, ins Ration foldei • Table fo. calculating teed costs pel dozen eggs • Hi-l£nei-(! I. « Phone Kplinila Itl'|>ut>lic S-2009 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 24, 1962 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. f'lora Mund.n Fch \\ lutes K\ Ft > H\h ts .IS Fcj 11 >s\ t s Fej Med No 1 Mt d Pullets Peewees Ex Fey Hjwts 38 Vj Fcj. Hywts Fey. Med Pullets Pee wees Pcy ilywts No. 1 Med Pullets Stds Checks TREND Highly irregular situation in spot, shell eggs with, surplus suppl’es ot large Iresh especially top quality white, and increased selling pressure with ourtaled support All browns continue short II OS with the S') 00 price lepresentilig distressed sales He.m ( ipette-- - r>th to Ft id i\ 1< b -Mid Mon, Tues 31-1 I ' I 1 is - 17 ■; 1 1<_, M'. 3 1 U 3 I V, 38 38 Vj 37 H. 37 ’s 37 \s 3G Mi 3.7 U. 3,7X3 34i a - .': 3 4% 33 Ms 33 Mi 34 % 31 Vj-32 r,O On O. t 1 Ultl Hitler an- noin ed that Russia was defeat ed. inner to rise airain The happiness of lite de pends upon the qualitv of vour thoughts The Most Famous Name In Corn Pfister Associated Growers R D. 3, LANCASTER Phone TW 8-7121 VION EGG Old 11 en-* \e\er Dip • 'I he\ In-! Lav Aw.iv 1 Kspi uallv it The>’ie ’I lie I,on-; Trim l*a.v<‘r” Itandom Winners’ (The "I'lo lanißest Uanduin Tests In Iho I mli (I SU>t«"-') .1. now \im> mooki: ;{O7 Sin imd A\<-nu»' liITITZ, PI.NM I’luini- M Vdtson 11-5108 Windle's Hatchery fO( HK V.W 11/I.F. I* \. I’liiino: Aljjlcn I.V IS-.VM 1 U«