Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 24, 1962, Image 2

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 24, 1962
Market News Reports
At Lancaster Yards
]cd( i,il - ,St.He Mm Ket \nis
Sei c it t
I i itlav Wteklv . .Feb -.5,
Hit >‘2
C V'ITI.F 11) I) li hi“ul tom
ji.iie<l to !() Is load last wool.
Snpph intitules pert out
■dauuhtei slot is and In pei
< ent stotkeis and leedeis
Vi admit slow Coinp.ued with
nicks (lose slamthfei site.,
on Mond.i' were 2">-">o hnthet
instant cs Vi hnther eailv hut
lew siles late in week weie 2'.
low in oi st( uh to 2"i htsthe
than 1 i-t weeks close Cows
2" hi-thei Hulls InlU stead'
Wot Kei s ami Ik dels stead'
>-L \ I’Ci 11 I’KH STKERS
C'lione made ‘filt-niU It)
2(, 2 7-2 7 7() Smeial loads
inUi Choue 1100-1270 lb
27 7 7-2*» 27 I.Dul biah Cbon i
.md I’l line 11 7o lb 2S >o
Cood to low Choice
2i> 27 l!ul tew loads late nn\
r(| Cloud and low Choue 27 00-27
27 2 7 Standout 21 70-22 7 7
COWS Cnttfi and TuliO
Tii Tl-ls no. C.iimei and low
v’nl t(“i 1 ' ”>n-l •> 7a S h 11 '
taiinei dow n to 1 2 in
Chicago Cattle
\\ eeKlv ie\iew Cattle Ad
■v <>i se weather londitions in
;< 11 ii i>t»cl tlu noimal maiket
nif pioiediue and loia! le
(eipts wet e he’ow the pi e\ ions
\ eek s small tun 'I his is the
hud week in a tow ot mod
i i ate null ketinst
llith (hour
and pi mu
>', to "ill low-
slamthtei steeis
(i Lowei Made steadt to
diwei Steels hmliei on Mon
<la\ lint adtame moie than
iased on Tnesdat and on
\\ edm sdat Instil (hone and
mine 21 to ’hi lustliet Heilei-,
nosth stoach Cows about
,u id\ although not .is actnc
on tile dose as the path pa it
ol the week Hulls \ealeis
loilais and icedeis niubanst
. d
Si\ loads pi ime 12(10-14 10
nounds slausthtei steels on
\\ ednesdat 2'i 7.1 to set a new
11.J1 stud lanitals i'ti, 1 Man
dat a load ot pi imo 1211)
pounds 20 till Hulk ol the
i him e ‘inn to ]1 no point Is
2 0 21-2 h in
Hoa dints
lieil ei s
ibcne s,ood siatce ti w lots
'hoia 2 1 10-27 flood I n licit
2 2-2 1 21
I lihn and (ommeiiial ows
7 I 1(l-l(i In Camtei and nltei
7 l-lii Coniinei c nil hulls l’i
-2 J 10
flume , loii-<i7ij liedm stems
2 1 in-21 Medium and good
110 pound sunk steei >,ilos
Tractor Brings $630
At Ober Farm Sale
1 1 1 a i toi hiotuth top price
ol s(, jo at Hu tann s.ilt ol
Donald Obi i 1U 72 neat lOIs-
on\ Jllc
'I »o othei ii.iuor-. 1)1 oiu’ht
•'< no nul s Hill and a < ult i\ a
,o) hionnht •*• !11 To)) cow in
•lie lii j i (I ol In sold toi slOl
Oliu i [Hues mi luded
idi a si 11-[ii o|iell( d (oinhinp
i huh ol sIST and .t low ol
s 1 o_’ 1 01 lim opt n In iters
iJS-, toi i m mini spie.uUt
7 1> b.uki > 1 (iT 7o < Uciin saw
*- Sl7 I) I lllldl (!) ]ll h. >1 1 7
Mm tin follow uitr .iniit|in s
■dinuei bell SjMi toilet (host
h iii ini, Injn SI 7 oil
■ mil) 1 1 two .mtnine dish
■ s '’l Hi i nil ,i nci M\ ( Imii -
1 ii 7ii i .i< h
■> I 7
fl W ol"(Mniitli anil U
(.Mb win tht* auctionin'-
HI II S I’tilit' and Com
m filial 2D 1)0-2 !00 Good
made 22 00-24 00
St oi kt i s ind teedeis Good
and Chon i sOO-1000 ih feed
ei slot rs 2.J 00-21) 00 Good
and i lion e laO-sOO lb slot It
er stteis 2 1 00-27 0)) Few lots
-,ood stride slot k calves 2(j 00-
C -VI.IO S 1. 5 0 Compared
wiHi a l )’, load last week Veal
ms stead.v Tradnur niodeiati
h at live Good and Choite
veilets ;i 5 (10-3 000 Chon e
and Pi inn 50 00-44 00 - few
ai 47 00. Standrnd and low
Gotti 27 00-,! 5 00. Utihtv 2J
-00-27 00
II()(1S 107'» Compaied uitn
1124 load last week Tiaditi;
slow Hmowh and stilts weak
to 'ill lowei Sows steadt
I’anows and l,iUs US 1-1
1 >1(1-2 2', 11) IS 7)0-20 00 tew
lots No 1 100-220 lb 20 00-
J 1 00, l- - i 100-230 17 :>o
-2-.1 2 10-2,10 II) 17 00-
1S 00
2 1 7".-
1 s 10
Sows TS 1-! mostU 2-5
100-000 lb 15 00-l(> no
SniOKP 121 Compared
with llid head last week Trad
ing modelateh actne Woolen
slannhtei lambs stead\ Goon
and ('hone 01-10 a 11) slaunh
tei limbs 11 10-1 slO Choice
and Pi ime IS 10-21 00 Utiliti,
1 5 10-11 in
“Illlinelllti has but thiee
Meal enemies te\ei I.inline
and wai of these b\ tar th
yieitest In lai the most tei
nble n tevei Thus s))Oke tin
1 ’incus pin sician William
Osier and he jelenid to thus*
i,i eat epidemics ol plana'
which ha\c killed and still kill
millions ot people
Complete automatic feeding for
~1 idinst
Plus a complete line
of bunk feeders to meet your exact needs
. j£Ef i,
See us tor modern automatic feeding equipment
K. D. I Drumore Center KI 8-21IC Quarryville, Pa
Vintage Sale
Fidei al - Slat- "Market News
CVl'l'LE OUI Comp.ued
with last Tuesday s market,
slanghtcl steeis weak to 50
low pi Cows 25-50 higher
Bulls weak
Choice guide 'l5O-IiOO lb
slaughter steeis 25 25-20 8 5
(iocxl to low Choice 22 Oh
-25 25 Stand.ud 2100-2.100
Cutter and Utility <ow 5
10 5 0-18 00, Canner and" lo
Cutter 15 50-10 00, Shellv'
c aimer down to 12 00
Util i t \ and Commercial
bulls 10 50-22 50 Good and
Choice 000-OOS lb leedei
steeis 22 85-23 00
CALVES 4 2 o Vfalers
slicing Good and Choice veil
cis 'll 00-20 00 Choice and
Pi line .10 00-45 00, Standalcl
and low Good 2 7 00-33 00 I -
tilltt, 21 00-28 00
HOGS 170 Barrows and
Mlts 5 0 lowei U S 1-! isl
-227 lb bairows and mils
1 7 75-is 15 Lot Xo 1 212
lbs 10 75, Lot 2-3 254 Ills
17 2 5
SHEEP 17 Not enough on
s ile to establish a market
The lust coluni d newspapei
was issued m Boston on Sen
timbei 25, 1700 Named “Pub
Ink ()<< m ernes Both Foieiga
and Doine.tuk", the papci
was soon suppiesstd In Eng
lish authonties because u con
t> in e-el letlei lions ot a \ei\
higln natuie and sundi
doubt Ini and tint ti tain ie
[lol ts
Van Dale
Double augers deliver more silage
per minute even when silage is
deeply frozen . . and at a lower
operating cost Patented V paddle
impellers throw not blow . .
silage down chute Adjustable drive
hubs give positive traction in ad
types of silage
Three-point suspension keeps
unloader lev el at all times.
Straight-out Auger Feeder
With Van Dale units you can custom build
the bunk feeding set up to fit your needs
Drive section Includes hopper, drive as
sembly and 10 , high capacity 9 auger
Additional auger sections are in 10 units
and are easily coupled
Feed-R-Flo Bunk Feeder
The new, all-metal complete feeder High
capacity 9 auger rotates within tube Gives
all-weather protection, even (eed distribut
ion, and lower Operating cost.
Conveyor Trough
An important link in automatic feeding
Positioned below silo chute, the Van Dale
conveyor trouoh carries the silage to the
bunk feeder Primary section includes hop
per, drive assembly, and 10 , 9" auger.
Additional 10 auger sections may iia
Market News Reports
Sei i ic e
Tiieschi), Feb.
New Holland Auction
Febmarv 22, 1002 horses $135-285 and during
Cattle 1100, High choice horses ‘{.155-215 Killcro
and pi tine slaughter steeis In ought S tents
steads all others 50 lowe> Receipts at the llona.ij sale
Cows w ine steads but weak deluded 02 t hogs The hog
Bulls sfiong market was 25 to 50 lower
Choice and prime slaughter JS SO me ret ail hogs to local
steers weighing 075-1.200 lbs butcheis went at 10 to 21.
weie 27 10 to 28 00 Bulk, of Number 1 to .5 grade slaught
the (hour 000-1,300 pounds, er hogs to packers brought 18
25-27 Good to low choice, 23- t o 18 5o with some ot the 2
2i, and Standard 21-23 and 3 hogs selling back to
Cutter and utility cows
It! 50-18 Cannei and low cutt
ei 15-1(1 50 with shelly canner
down to 13
Utility and commercial bulls
20-2,1 5o with good grade bulls
2 2-2 3 7 5
Calves 524 Vealers were
weak to 1 00 lower Good and
choice vealeis were 33-38
Choice and prune 38-13 Stand
ard and low good 20-33 with
utililj 22-27
At the February' 21 auction
ot daily cattle New Holland
reported receipts of 12S\ows,
eight stock bulls and 28
hetfeis The market was
dreggy and lower
Fiesb Holstein cows $3OO
- Guernseys - $175-250,
other breeds $175-270 Stock
bulls - $llO Stock heders -
$4 5-1 10
At the February 19 sale ol
horses ponies and nudes,
nudes brought $3OO-550 by
the pair and $135-210 single
Pony mares were SSS-115 with
geldings at > 45-85 Riding
All- ■
dairy feeds
vitamin A
There is convincing evidence among dairvmcn today
that cows need vitamin to promote general over-all
better health. Cows fed rations fortified with a higher
concentration of v itamin \ stav at peak production
longer . . . are in better condition for 'calving . . .
haircoats are glossier . . and voung stock grow faster
and take their place In the milking line earlier.
For better clai’rv in" feed Red Rose Dairy
Feeds with added vitauua A. We carr> the
complete line.
Ammon E. Shelly
U I) J Litit/ I’a
Mountville Feed
U D - Columbia, Pi
West Willow Farmers
i v i
17 5 0
There weie 0 2 calves on the
steady market Choice and
prime bought 38-42 50. good
and low choice 33-38. standard
and low good 24-33, and cull
and common 18-23
Machinery Is Sold
At John Riehl Sale
Machmerj and livestock
brought good prices at tha
public sale ot John Riehl, AVTI
- Street R 1
A tractor brought $670;
hav pumper, $475 haj baler,
$4 5 5 manure spreader. $302;
wagon $250 mower, >172 and
diesel engine $505
Mules were sold for 84 50
a pair with singles bringing
■>2oo and $247, cons brought
up to 8 IST apiece Milk cans
were sold for as much as 88 50
each, a milk cooler for 8187
and corn lor $25 a ton.
Diller <Sr Kieider were auctiou-
Brown & Rea
A. S. Groff
Xorth Queen Strtet
Lancaster Pa
West Willow Pa
* v> 3
1 I *
•V )• J
*■ v < v"?
’ vJ
-s *<3
t .
Atslen, Pa
X } (