VOL. 7 NO ] 3 A NEW STRAIN OF HOUSER-TYPE CELERY will be available to growers, in IhOn Here, looking over some of the samples ot the new Ij-released Pen-11-4 fi strain taken from a trench on the farm of Amos Funk, Alillersville. are left to right, Funk, .James Dutt. Exten sion Vegetable Specialist trom the Pennsylvania State University, Cy F Campbell, In charge of Seed Certification Service in the Bureau ot Plant Industry ot the Penna Depaitment of Agriculture, and William L Yount, Plant Pathologist with the Bureau ot Plant Industrv The men were Inspecting the new variety for growth habits, disease resistance and Keeping quali fy at a meeting of celery growers .Monday in the vegetable preparation room on Funk's farm. Punk will produce the toundation seed and certiiled seed lor commercial growers —L F Photo Maternity Stalls Unclean Dr. Guss Tells Dairymen Maternity stalls for dairv cows are usually not fit for a cow to calve in, Dairymen were told Thursday night Dr. Samuel Guss, extension veternanan of the Pennsylvan ia State University", speaking at tho Lancaster Distrut meet ing of the Southeastern Penn sylvania Artificial Breeder-- Cooperative, said, unless the walls of the box stalls are clean enough that vou could scrape peanut butter oil them for voui sandwuh they are not dean enough tor a inaternitv stall Dr Gus retoinniended hav ing the cow calve m hei own stall. He suggested putting a hale of s'ravv behind the ani to keep the ca If out ot the gutter, tut he said this piai tice is mm h better sanita tion-wise than bolding tin tow in a box stall Dr G-ass speaking on the subject, “Raising Health! Iteifera’’, said. “A call is bom Farm Calendar Feb 26 —7 30 p ni - Lancas ter Count! FFA meets m the Gaiden Spot II urn School, New Holland A warding of Red Rose Fai m- er degrees Bpm- Red Rose Dairi " Herd Iniproi ement Associ ation directois meet in the Farm Bureau Building, E lection of officers. Feb. 27 —7 pin -- Interstate Milk Producers District meeting at the Blue Ball fire hall 7 30 pm. - Northeast 4-H Tractor chib meets in the shop of A. H. Matz, Denver. (Continued on Page 10) with little protection except the skin she is born in ’ She must get the gamma globulin into her blood trom the colos ttum. or first milk, during the tirst tew hours ot her life Al ter the first day ot life, th call has lost mo-d ol her abil ity to absorb the substance trotn milk By six weeks ot age. he said, the call must make her own antibodies to fight infection in her body Cuss also recommended that dairymen send for plans tor individual talt pens v vailable from the Universitv He said one impoitant teature (Continued ou Page 9) Hog Show, Sale Are Scheduled Maich 14 ha- been resened h\ the Lancaster Count! Swine Piodmeis Association as the date foi their annual market hog show and salt Hogs w ill again he judged atiordiug to the hieed of the sire with pnzes aw aided to champions ot e ich c las- Ihe sale will be a teature eagerlc awaited bv those who saw all the champions ot the show last >ear go to one local butcher at all-time-high pi ices Ihe show committee of the Swine Producers includes Junes Z Martin, set retar! Earl Fisher, show manager, and Waiten Leminger, presi dent of the Assn Conducting tae sale at the Lancaster Lmon Stock! ards for the Lnestock Exchange will be Justin Plank, ciatrman. John Stoudt Nor man Barlej and 'Walter Dun- lap, Jr. The annual banquet of the Association will be held March 22 in the Blue Ball fire hall. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 24, 1962 Itecause Lancaster Farm ing is in luo sections this neck, tlu* iwimcn's tealures will In* loiiikl on pages It and 1“> ol the second seet ion. Young Farmers Hold Regional Meet At Solanco YFA. members will discuss “The I’uiposes ot Our Young Farmers Or ganmation ' at a meeting ol Region II ot the Peniisjlvama Young Farmeis Association on ilarch b The meeting, stheduleJ to begin with a tour ot the new Solanco High School on Route 2 22 south ot Quarrv v ille. will get undei wav at it) ,’>o a m Altei a hhoit business taon the mommi; program will take up (lisui'-Mon ot the pio blem ot t' The Soils Daj is sponsored b\ the Lancaster Count} Ex tension Sen up and is open to .ill l.uniei- and lard awneis in cconiinuec on rage t'i the aiea Extension Assn. Elects Directors Foui Ineitois were returned to office .uid one new one elec t i (1 to a one-\eir terni Mond.n night In I he Haruasier Count! \gru ullnial and Home Econo- mics Exti nsum Association Fauneis cot mg ut tne an- nual meeting and 1) unmet ol the < ount> extension associa tion returned the tollowing district directors to office - Northwest, J. CUjton Sangrej . Noitheast. ’Willis Z Esben shade: Southeast Mrs J Ro bert Hess, and Southern, Hilli ard 1’ Maule Elected to the board from the Southwest district was Vlrs Kenneth Musser. Columbia RJ Robert (Groff, president ot the association, conducted the election. 'i wo -.ociions > le 01 - ap mese see Fanners Honor Smith For 25 Years Service Lancaster County larmers and their wives turned out 350 strong Monday night to honor County Agent U. M Max Snutk tor 23 years ot service in agriculture extension -work. Csmg the occimoii ot the annual banquet ot the Lancas ter County Agricultural and Horae Economics Extension Asso ciation. the rural residents ot the county paid tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Smith coming to the rountv in 1937. Mam speaker at the even- o , hers reejllm! ,' inudent3 was Ph,ll,D Alampl ' Ne ' v m Smith *s career were Harol* Jersev secretary of accruul- ... ~ ~ , .. .. „ , ~ , , McCulloch, ot the Pennsvlvan ture, vc ho railed Smith ‘a u St ag'icuUural circles showed a senes of slides deputing Smith's hie and career since Lancaster County Soils Day To Feature Local Experts Local larmers will team un with L’lmersitj experts to pre sent a program ot interest at the annual Lancaster Counts Soils Da\ next Thursday ac coiding to M M Smith, Conn ie Agent A panel on “Improied com piodtution will tie modelated b\ Janies II BaKiti of the ag lononn extension stall at th * I’eiinsilvanta State ITmeisiU and will feature the 1 ( 'G1 Com Contest winners as pan el membeis Names ot the pan e! nieinbi rs will be anriouiued on the da\ ot the meeting There will be cm hand a \er\ worthwhile group of ex- OFFICE MOVED The Editor i a 1 ol 1 ices ol IiVNCVSTETt EVUMIV. lime been moot'd Iron. Eaiuaster to iatit/, Lan caster Kiirniing will retain the same phono number and lamcaster mailing ad dress, but can bo reached additionally by di-ding the oflke ot the 1.1 Ut/ Record Evpress. ucerb m t lubits and displaxs presented b\ local lime, fertihzei and seed dealers Smith said. Foi the second consecutive \ear, the Soils Day will be held in the Pennsylvania Guernsey Association’s sales payilion located about six: miles ease ol Lancaster on Route ,'.(i The si hedule ot events for the day is as follows 10 00 am “Rec om niended Weed Control Pract (leome Btiggien, Ag- Kuension Pennbyl- k i onunu ((.'onntilled on page 61 FIVE - DAY WEATHER FORECAST Satnrdaj - Wednesday Temperatures during the ne\t ti\e da,>s are expected to atentge near normal e\- < ept lor t order periods Sun daj and Mondaj. Normal teniperatmes lor tliis time of j r range Irom a low of 27 at night to a high of 45 in the atternoon. Precipitation m»j total -it to .6 inches, melted, falling as snow or rain Saturday and again about Wednesday. $2 Per Year 'omimuHi on page