Welding Classes Are Scheduled At New Holland An evening arc welding school for farmers in the area will begin the week of January 15th at the 'Garden Spot High School, Robert D. Herr, teacher of vocational agriculture said this- week. The school will be con ducted one night a week for five consecutive weeks. It is for beginners and other wish ing to improve their welding skill Robert D. Herr and; Gene Daugherty, Vocational -Agri cultural teachers at the high school, will teach welding in various positions, off different kinds of metal, welding,-east iron, soldering, cutting and brazing with an arc welder Persons attending , all five sessions will receive a certi fied diploma. A fee,of $5,00 will be charged for the course and all materials IfflL i_V*ONEGGEPi i -■-ZJ ■ - - - Year after year we find ourselves selling HONEGGER LAYERS To the same' Folks! Their success the secret of our success! HONEGGER LAYERS J. HOWARD MOORE 307 East Second Avenue LITITE, PENNA. Phone: MAdison '6-5408 Windle’s Hatchery COCHRANVILLE, PA Phone: Alglen LY 3-5941 power'insurance GENERATOR fh. moment power - - falls, a WiNCO Re mote-Start, stand-by % electric generator with Automatic Line Transfer ,will take over. tjBHplC. You don't have to touch it to keep re- frig era tion, lights, heat, power going. Learn about tha new Low Npisa Lavel 5000 Watts with Automatic Con«erv-er Idling Control. Belt drive and P.T.O Models Available for Tractor Operation L H. BRUBAKER 350 Sirasburg Pike, Lane. Lrtitz, R. D. 3 Ph. Lane. EX 7-51£9 Sirasburg OV *#69os needed for the course will be, supplied free of charge. The welding school will be limited to thirty-five persons, .on a first come—first served "Basis Interested farmers are in vited to contact the Agricul ture Department of the Gar den Spot High School by January &, 1962. • Poultry Co-op (From page 1) Replacing Carlin as treas urer is Melvin Stoltzfus, of Ronks Rl. > Carlin, 35, a 1944 graduate of Coatesville High School won the coveted Star Farm ei award in the Future Far mers of America in 1946. He was elected to the coopera- CAN YOU FILL IN THE MISSING WORD? The answer -should be easy because some things just naturally go together. Take electricity for example. It just naturally goes with comfort, convenience and a low-cost way of getting things done. That’s why electricity and better living go hand-in-hand ... to make it the biggest bargain in your family budget today. Mfjnffjnio pepjff —nnsuy How wondrous the message given to all man- ' kind at Bethlehem nearly two thousand years Now, on Christmas Eve in 1961, an un easy world pauses to hear the glad tidings, ago. and is filled with hope and joy-once more. For the Prince of Peace is born anew in the silent hearts of men; May,His loving, peace abide with you u gt - s& He comes to us again. MILLER & tives’ board of directors two years ago. He operates a farm in partnership with his brother Walter, who was also an American Farmer in the FFA. The brothers be gan their poultry business in 1940-while still in high school. Bulk Spreading Service Dealers for— FERTILIZER and LIMESTONE SMUCKER BROS. Bird-in-Hand Ph. Leola OL 6-2229 ;! i« i A- v '{'• / v . v. f- >)!/? &' ■' >'v * h< 3L» Feed Manufacturers Rohrerstown, Pa. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 23, 1961 West Willow 1 * i 1 'lp'Vnt v V » fc' *» **■ ' f \l \ * "lt # ! * I 1 4f v?-* v ' \ /K v V /■ "S. -t-’ , ,.. -’ • v , » T /V"f< * x W/ \ 4 BUSHONG, INC Farmers Assoc. WILLOW WEST PP&L . AN INVESTOR-OWNED f ELECTRIC UTILITY /j , IN THE SERVICE VS V of The public & I ■ % A ' v * i •*.* =] ' * */ - < < 5 SB'