ILi'ETtif EFFICIENCY M t. V L n* Not necessarily so. Efficient means to produce more of a quality Must l OU DC Digger p roc j uc t with less time, money and labor per unit. EFFICIENCY to be More Efficient ? is raeasuved by comparing Production with costs more of a product —at less costs. Breeders, Nutritionists and allied indus try all help, Jsut, Feed Waste! Money Waste! Labor Waste! Mortality Waste! Thinking Waste! Condensed from Hen Cackles. 196i.' Published by Penm State University and The Agricultural Extension service Miller & Bushong will gladly help you with information, facts or figures in the planning, managing or programming of your poultry enterprise, just call Lancaster, EXpress 2-2145, er ® us * lon^ l,c - ** ROHRERSTOWN, PA. Ph. Lancaster EXpress 2-2145 "r ' • ■ »aanasB aaaviUßß '| BKUnHVaa Hß»BanttftasauvnaaHnß»RH»aaaßaa>RaßHßa*»Bß>‘Hl oart of the state. Lieht *■ damage was renorted, in T Vayne County where only ’•< oer cent of the stalks °re effected. Normally m an open wm t. the com b'wer oopulat m is nartially reduced by Vrds Last winter’s heavy -nows prevented birds from -eaclnng the borers the De triment of Agriculture pi nt experts believe The European com borer ">s brought to the United >tate from Hungary or Ttalv n broomcorn. Tt was first ’scovered in sweet corn ear Boston, Mass., in 1917. Farmers are advised to ‘ve attention to the plani ng of next year’s corn crop nth the proper variety to esc withstand the corn bor ~ damage. The destructive est can be controlled ef ectively by using hybrid orn to resist borer damage, mreau officials said. Jerry