« 10 c to34 c MORE NET INCOME THAN OTHER MAJOR EGG STRAI '•% (3 5c more t * ian avera S e entry in 15 tests) '[ 'f'l'rlv ’ S *Based on final reports in 1959-60 Random Sample Tests in Ariz., 8.C., Calif., Fla, la., Minn., Mo., C.N.Y., W.N.Y., N.C., Pa., Tenn., Tex., Utah, and Wises. In the three 1959-60 tests in which the new K-155 Kimberchik was entered, it equalled the well- known K-137 in net income. Have us reserve your 1961 Kimber pullets now! Longenecker’s Hatchery .IZABETHTOWN. PA. :eer Feeders — ecommendations r Feeding uring The Conditioning Period v~ou can. help your caitle adjust themselves to feed lot environment by ibserving some of the following recommendations which are based on ears of experience of many good steer feeders. Start your steers on an antibiotic fortified feed THE FIRST DAY the* arrive on the lot. This feed should contain a higher protein content than grain, but less than a regular supplement, and approximately 250 mg of a broad spectrum antibiotic per pound (500 gms. per ton). Feed no more than 2 pounds per head per day to beef calves. * This will supply a daily antiobotic level of 500 mg. For yearling cattle and older, the initial 2 pounds should be increased by l A pound per day until about 4 pounds per day is being fed. This supplies an antibiotic level of 1,000 mg per head per day. 3. Grain should be fed along with the antibiotic fortified feed in custom ary quantities gradually building up to full feed of grain. Feed half the recommended daily ration in the morning and half in the after noon. CAUTION; Do not feed any other protein supplement during th« conditioning period. If cattle are not "bunk broke", spreading some of the feed on the ground or spreading some salt over the feed in the bunk may help in getting the animals started. Mixing the antibiotic-fortified feed with grain or roughage in the bunk is also a good practice. If steers do not consume all the feed and grain, it is well to supply the feed first and wait for it to be consumed before roughage is fed. After 5 to 8 days on the program, change to GREEN PASTURES STEER SUPPLEMENT No. 29 or No. 30 and feed according to recom mendations of your Miller & Bushong service representative. Bloat can be a problem. If a conditioning feed is used to control bloat feed it at low levels - - - about one-third pound per head per day. for a successful and profitable steer feeding program, contact any Miller & Bushong Service Representative or call us direct at Lancaster.EXpress ,2-2145. OF COURSE WE'RE BOOKING STEER FEED. J UST CALL US COLLECT. WE'LL BE GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU. If een Pastures Livestock Feeds and Good Management A Winning Combination For Any. Cattleman ft Miller & Bushong, inc. "Finest Service Anywhere" Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster EX 2-2145 NS* EMpire 7-1545 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 23. 1961—5 Harvest Queen SOLaNCO FAIRS HARVEST QUEEN, M.ss Jeanne Cutler, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jesse Cutler, Drumore, is crowned by retiring queen Anne Quigley, Quarryv lie Mis* Cut er, a 17-year-old senior academic student at Solanco High. School, plans a career in nursing She is a membei of the Future Nurses o' America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Solanco band and chorus She was pre sented a $5O CO sav.ngs bond by the Quarryville Liens Club Runner up in the contest was Miss Betty Ulr ch>, of Peach Bottom She received a $25 bond The excitement of the moment was too much for Miss Jane Housekeeper, of Nottingham R 2, who swooned and required the use of smel ling salts in order to revive in time to hear her name road as third place in the contest Other contestants were Mary Ann Johnson, Quarryville R 2, Chrs ne Miller, Quarry ville, Maria Frey, Quarryville R 2, and Jane Abel, Quarry ville The queen was chosen by audince applause For the Most Markets Read Lancaster Farming Opening a new chapter the dean, fast cut you want for better feeding silage, easier handled Your foliage is cut cleaner, shorter for green feeding or ensiling. Forage handling is easier ... fewer long stems. Cattle clean it up much better. Tonnage mounts up quickly. Full six feet of scissor-slice shear power masters the heaviest, toughest crop! Here is a machine unequaled in quality and “beefy” construction. New design chopping rotor with 36 free-swinging knives and full-length shear bar provides chopping efficiency you’ve never seen before in a flail-type! You’ve never seen hay and forage power that saves You so much . . . ALLIS-CHALMERS D-SERIES TRACTORS Finance for ‘profit Ask ns about Alhs-Chalmers time payment plans. Get the dollar-making difference with A. ALLIS-CHALMERS SALES fc SERVICE Nr Grumelli Farm Serv. Quarryville, Pa. Snavely’s Farm Service N. G. Myers & Son L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Nissley Farm Service Rheems, Pa. Litiiz. Pa. New Holland, Pa. Washington Boro, Pa. —L F Photo R. S. Weaver Stevens. Pa.