Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 8, 1961 2 At Lancaster Yards Steady To Mostly Lower lambs 65-90 lb. 18.-20 50, a few lots Prime 21.- Good & low Choice 16 00-18 50. CATTLE 2500 and 2633 head last week. Supply in cludes 60 percent slaughter steers and 30 percent Stock ers and feeders. Trading was slow Compared with last ■week’s close slaughter steers weighing under 1150 lb steady to weak, weights ov er 1150 lb. weak to 50 lower. Cows steady to 25 lower. .Bulls steady Stockers and 'feeder steady Slaughter steers Two loads Prime 1190-1340 lb 25 00, load Prime 1090 lb. 24.75 two small lots most y Prime 953-1203 lb. 24.50, Choice grade 950-1375 lbs. 22.50- Gold and low Choice 21 25-22 50, Standard 20.00 21 50 Cows —Cutter and Utility 17 DO-17 75, Canners and low Cutters 15 30-17 00, shelly Canners down to 12 50 Bulls—Utility and Coml. 19.50- Good grade 22.- 23.00 Stockers and feeders— Good and Choice 600-800 lb. stock steers 23.00-26.50, few lots 500-600 lb 26.-28. Good and Choice 800-1050 lb. feed ers. 22 -25. CALVES: 450 compared with 578 head last week, Trading moderately active. Vealers grading average Good and better steady, low er grades 1.00 lower. Good & Choice vealers 27.00-32 00, Choice and Prime “32 -35, Standard and Inw Good 23.- 27 50, Utility 21 00 24 00 HOGS- 900 comparde to 1357 head last week Trading active Barrows and gilts 1 - 00 higher sows steady. Barrows and gilts - U. S 1-2 190-220 lb 20 00.-20.75, few lots No 1 190-220 lb 20 75-21 00, 1-3 190-230 lb ■■9so-20 09. 230-250 lb most ly 2-3 grade 19 00-19 50. Sows U S 1-3 mostly 2 3 300-600 lb 12 00-15 00. SHEEP 300 cprapared with 576 head last week. Trading moderately active. Spring slaughter lambs steady Choice and Prime spring FOR ANY FARM PURPOSE MADE THE FARMER'S WAY L A LANCASTER •A PRODUCTION CREDIT ASS’N 411 W. Roseville Rd. Lancaster, Pa. f Ph. Lane, EX 3-3921 K, l . , " ( rierj’s BJG News from your . s [NewHolland dealer The New Holland “67" Hayliner your “best buy” Baler! Attention, \ou family faniieis 1 Looking (or big baling capacity, and stamina to lit your faim—at -n attiactivelv low price’ Come in and loot at New Hol -1 md's lov.-cost, higli-capacitv “67” I fay liner before you decide It’s got