12 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8. 1961 PSU ScllGCluloS @ Machine (From page 1) c*aim is based on tbo feeding of approximately 2U pounds of grass per cow pci day The manuiacturcrs say they do not piopose to id place any feedstuff m the ia tion —only to supplement diet of animals with enzymes vitamins end othe- food e’e ments not presetu in dry oi prescivcd feeds The spokesman loi the lab oratoiy .'ays the sinaT test animals wll be led the giocn gra s as a supplement Accoiding to Ivan Z Mar tin, production manager and rosoaich engines., the incu bator will opeuie foi aboul $2 00 per ton of g) ccn feed If the cost of the giain and plant "cod is added, the cost comes to about s>lo 00 per ton of ihe glass When asked about the cost o± the uml, Martin said the unit could be installed in a dauy barn lor lust ove* S 3 000 lor the 24 cow size He points out that this woo'd compa e lavoiably with the cost ol const! acting an up right silo with the capacity to hand’e as many cows But how can grass grow from seed to eight inches heignt in seven days'' In the cabinet of the incubator is a thrce-quartci ton air condi tioner as well as a heating clement, bo ( h thermostatical ly controlled Tompciatuie in the box is held between C 5 and 68 degrees at all limes Water satuiated with p anl food is sprayed over the sev en tiers of Ira', s at specified intervals and the humidity inside the ircubatoi is at a high level at all times Twelve hays, twenty four poi lions for a dairy cow, on one tiei aie filled each daj With fmsh gram (Any cereal gram will serve the makers say, but they have found oals to bo the most satisfac tory ) Approximately 7 lbs of grain goes into each tray and wid produce up to 40 or 50 pounds of green feed m a week Lights in the sides of the incubator are not in opera tion during the first 4 days the grain is in the tray. Af ter the grain has germinated and begins growth, lights are turned on and up to eight inches of green giowth is made in throe days The manufacturers of the machine say grass can be produced economically for bi oilers, biceding hens, tur keys, horses, dairy cows, and wild animals confined in "cos as well as small labora tory animals At present there seems to bo very litl'e experience on commercial farms to bear cut or disprove the claims, but county farmers will be watching installations with much interest SMOKETOWN, Ph. Lane. EX 7-3539 ® Accident Bee Shortcourse (From Page 1) , v . , , The production of lioney m satisfactory condit 1S a fascinating subject. Man The accident occured when 6ludlcd thls sub]CCt for Schaeffer was cl ’^ x J, 8 hundicds of years and much tobacco near the edge Oi a been ’lehined about the field on his farm about 43t wa;> . Dees . W oik together in pm Iho tractor lolled down p rodu , lU rt ibis delicious ncc an embankment onto a load j\Teiclr o£ this information i uniting along the field and Wlb bo piesenled to indivi ovoi turned cmals attending the 16th An Schaeffer said ho tried to na„l Beekeeping Short Cour lump from the vehicle but sc of the Pennsylvania State became pinned as it ovei- Umvc"sity. turned on the roadway Mar- Thc course will be held tin Black, a worker on thc August 21-25, 1961 - Includ iaim, saw the accident but ed m the. instruction will be could not move the tractor icetuies and demonstrations Ao Black was letiumng to on thc following subjects the house to- summon help, Spnng management and -cvet:il neighbors came upon swarm control for comb and the accident and helped to extracted honey production, move thc tractoi and fiec Methods of Wmtcnng Bees, Schaeffer The neighbors Introduction of Package Bee then took Shaeftcr to the Conti oi oi Diseases and Ene hospital (Turn to page 13) 24x42' MACHINERY SHED s l®Si 30x?D' LIVESTOCK SHED S l99® 40598' LOAFING SHED :.. . S 39SB SHARON'S Modem combination steel and weed farm buildings. Other sizes available. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT CALEB M. WENGER R. D. QUARRYVILLE, PA, Drumore Center KI 8-2116 jJBB IBHMBMIIMB ■■■aillßßMßi ■■■!!■»* 5 PAINT - PAINT - PAINT - PAINT ■ [ 2 Gallon $6 98 ; ■ Varnish Enamel Floor and Deck S ■ Outside Paint Wall Paint ■ “ “SUCCESS WITH ROSES THE SCOTT'S WAY ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ All Women's Straws Reduced to $2.00 Youth Work Shoes $1.99 All Women's Heels Reduced to $3.97 ' $5.00 VALUES Lee's Corn Cutter and Creamer Cut enough corn in One Hour to last all year. s Kauffman’s Hardware ■ S NEW HOLLAND. PENNA. ■ ■ Open Thursday & Friday 'Jill 9 P. M. ■ niiiiniuiaiiiiHHimHimmiiiiiiiißii 1 ! Milk Cooling Specialists I See Us For A Good i i | Deal on Your Bulk Tank I M. S. SENSENIG 1 j 109 E. MAIN STREET NEW HOLLAND Phone EL 4-0691 I 1 1 FOR SALE I Used 12-can Wilson front opener Milk Cooler. PA. I I IMPROVE YOUR SLEEPING Buy a Scaly Box Spring or Mattress $59.98 Value - $38.88. Greatly Reduced Shoes for The Entire Family Fisherman's HIP BOOTS - $6.95 A hen-pecked husband is gels too mucn of a good U u , just an average man who in j the way of a better half NEW HOLLAND Bargain Days THURS. - FRL - SAT. JULY 13 - 14 - IS ipiiaaßHßiiaaa'jaaßfliaiiaaiiaaiiaßsaaiiaaaiartHSiaiiii, i BARGAIN DAYS M [ JULY 13 - 14 - IS B S Bargains Galore! W '■ ”i '-r' 'v,'i |v SsS&mmySSBSte Sp 22" ROTARY Briggs ft Stratton Englna 1961 Special Features: • Choke-A-Matic Control on iianoli ONLY % • 3 Cutting heights \k A“7 71 v\ • Hi-lo Adjustment .. . raises or '* 1 lowers handle full 5 inches • Stor-Mo'wer Handle . . . standi RUGGED • » / A t-of-the-way sfowi YET PRICED n % RIGHT! \\ A22 S 20" Rotary ■ 25" Rotary I BOONTONWARE SALE : “BELLE” SAVE UP TO % JJ Regular Sale P llC * 8 Dinner Plates .... $1.90 99i ■ Cup-Saucer $l.BO 99\ ■ Colors—Pihk - While - Yellow - Turquoise * | “Deluxe” % OFF 5 All Deluxe Boontonware Colors 8 buy boontonware and save ! | GROFF’S HARDWARE 5 cf 4 08^1 ■ NEW HOLLAND Phone EU 8 Our Store Closed Wednesday Afternoons . $43,71 18" Reel .. . $73.71 $50.71 21" Reel I 4 .«teSfc i&r $87.71: