|C poultry Center o Price Bottom In Sight rhere appeared to be no tom to the poultry mar aS prices slipped again the June 8 auction at the iw Center. A total of i o ts of broilers including 510 head sold at prices of >to 141 fox a new rec jovv average of 13.47 , average last week was ;g and the average for the responding sale a year f was 18.75. i ne grower was heard to , aI K this week that the ,i e rs he sold had cost l c ents as day old chicks, ther growers nor dealers re optimistic about any ; e nse within the next : weeks. Broilers in Del •vb slipped below 12 cent week and some sales in Carolines have gone as as 11 cents. allots and roasters at the [ lon ranged from 20 to while leghorn fowl ie 9 2 he complete sale offered 35 head in 29 lots and 60 785 head, in 25 lots", allowing is the complete with lot number, seller, ANY FARM -PURPOSE MADE THE FARMER'S WAY LANCASTER PRODUCTION CREDIT ASST* 411 W. BMWtiO* Bd. LaaeariM, fa. Ph. Lane, EX 3-3121 > v- 'Vh icco hornworm—if not controlled, this pest can completely defoliate tobacco plants . usda photo TOBACCO GROWERS; How to get long-lasting control of hornworms and all other major foliage insects with low-cost endrin idrin’s quick-killing' action and •ng-lasting effectiveness give you Gnomical, long-term control of trnworms, flea beetles, tobacco bud !s > grasshoppers, and cutworms. e are the details: 'Ligations of less than Vi pound of idrin per acre protect tobacco against J or insects that cause severe damage to ,acco leaves and consequently cut into ,r piofits. Endrin is economical ' endrin application lasts c a } s - This means that you make fewer ' lcat| ons. You save time and money. 'AOCO GROWERS E^ T DRIN is available as a liquid, wetlable powder or dust. CONTACT YOUR NEAREST MILLER DEALER OR grower in parenthesis, am ount and breed, age in weeks and days, buyer and price CODE: WV - white vant ress; P - pullets; C - cock- X - cross; IR - Indian river; LYF - leghorn fowl yearlings. 1. D E Horn & Co. (Lee Reinecker), 7000 WV, 9. Vic tor F. Weaver Inc., 13.4; 2. Same (Philip Stover). 3000 WV, 9, Daniel K. Good, 13 4 8 Same (Sterling Shirey), 3500 WV, 9-2, NO SALE, 13 bid; 4. Lester High, 1600 IR, 10 Daniel K Good, 13.4 5 Miller & Bushong Inc. (George Enders), 1800 WV, 8-6, Daniel K. Good, 13.4. 6. M&B (Vincent Hoover), 800 WVC, 13, Daniel K Good, 20: 7. M&B (Richard Blessing), 1000 WV, 8, NO SALE. 13 2 bid; 8. Garden Spot Broilers (John L. Herr) 550 WVC. 13-2, Walter B Lehman, 23 4; 9 Same, Mar vin Sweigart, 22.4; 10. Same 1250 WVP, 13-2, NO SALE, 17 7 bid. 11. Mark Mver. 1800 WV- P, 15-2 NO SALE, 19 bid; 12, J. W. Eshelman & Sons 'Enos Eshbach), 3900 WV, 3-5, Harry K., Weaver Jr., "3.4; 13. Same. 3000 WV, 8- 5 W. C. Mellinger & Son, 13.5; 14. Same. 700 WV, 9-2 Martin Brendle, 13.4; 15. Same, 2400 WV, 8-5, Daniel K. Good, 13.4. 16. Wenger’s Mill, Inc., 'Vernon Zimmerman), WVP, 15, Daniel K. Good, 20; 17. Robert Noll, 1260 W- Tr X' 9-2, John N. Thomas, ’4.1; 18. M&B (E. Leo Frey), 3000 WVX, 8-6, Daniel K. Good, 13.4"; 19: Benjamin' F. "Martin, 900 WV, 9, Starr Poultry, 13.3; 20. Same 950 WV, 9, Starr Poultry, 13.3. 21. John B. Kurtz (John * Martin. 3500 LFY, Carl Your local insecticide dealer has endrin, as~hquid and dust, under well-known brand names. Look for the name endrin on the label or in the ingredient statement. Shell Chemical Company, Agricultural Chemicals Division, 2299 Vauxhall Road, Union, N.J. w-fTK Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Corporation P. O. BOX 25. EPHRATA Delmarva - Georgia Some Strength Shown In Price Delmarva reported live broilers cleared readily at approximately V 2 cent high er than the previous day dur ing the 24 hour period end ing 10 30 Fr.day morning. Increased demand for birds was noted. Estimated slaugh ter for the week end was 911,000 head compared to the 834,000 head last week end. Prices of 12 60 to 1410 at farms were reported on 847,- 900 head including 569,000 head offered and sold at the Thursday sale at the Eastern Shore Poultry Growers Ex change, Shelbyville, Del Prices at the Monday auction at Shelbyv lie ranged from 11.9 to 13.30. The Delmarva bro ler-feed ratio for the week ending on June 2 was down one point f*om the previous week at 2.- 8. Broilers averaged 13 45 per pound and mash cost $94,92 per ton. The ratio for the corresponding week a year earlier was 3.8 when broilers were 17.74 and mash cost $92.52 per ton. B. Risser, 9.2; 22. Christ L Landis, 2000 WVX, 9-2, to Daniel K. Good, 13.5; 23 Garden Spot Broilers (Jac ob C. Herr), 1700 WVXP, 12-4, W. C. Mellinger & son 20; 24. Same, 2300 WVXC; 12-4, W.' C. Mellinger &Son, 20; 25. Same (Melvin Bar ge), 5400 WV, 9, W. C. Mel linger, 13.5. 2B: Same, Starr Poultry, 13.5; 27. Same, 3200 lE, 9 2 H. W. Longacre, Inc., 13.5; 28. Same, 3400 IK, 9-2, to Starr Poultry, 13.5; 29. Sa me, 2600 IK, 9-2, H. W. T -nvacre. Inc., 13.6, Where to get endrin SHELL endrin A PRODUCT OF SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY Phone RE 3-6525 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 10, 1961 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, June sth to Fr,day, June 9th Ex. Fey. Hywts 36 - Fey Hywts 36 - Fey. Med 30 - 29 - 29 #1 Med 28 -28 Vi 23 -28 Vi 28 Pullets 22 Vi- 22Vi- 22%- P-wees 18 - 18 - 18 - Ex. Fey. Hywts 36 - Fey Hywts 36 - Fey Med. 29 - Pullets 25 - P-wees 18 - Fey. Hywts 35i/i- SSVi- 34Vi- 33 - #1 Med 28 -2VA 28 -28V 2 28 -28'/ 2 28 - Pullets 21V£- . 211/2- 211/2- 2V/z- Stds. 31 311/.-32V2 33 - 32V2- Checks 29 -29 V& 29 -29i/ 2 29 - 28 - TREND: Trading on top grades still unsettled and slow in most quarters, with offerings of nearby in surplus of needs. Fluid Milk Supply Peak Moves North In the northeast section of New England and New York production of fluid milk was reported at near peak levels In the middle Atlantic sec >on. receipts, held- steady or ended downward. Fluid foot ling demand in the north 'ast was fairly good, mostly air. Heavy movement of ex ess offerings continued to eparators or manufacturing hannels. Difficulties contm te to be with surplus dealers 'Orly in the week but situa ■on improved at close of the lenod. 'lpl #4 SUPPLEMENT gfa YOUR PASTURE PROGRAM NEW @)lßTeaOft€ HIGH CALORIE ALL PELLETED Dairy Feeds These feeds are excellent for maintaining body condition and high production. Available in 14%, 16%, and 18% protein levels, -Try These New High Calorie Formulations For Superior Performance PAUL M. KESSLER & SON PARADISE. PA. GO BULK AND SAVE Tues. Mon. Whites 36 - Browns 29 , - 25 - 18 - Mixed Copyrighted 1960 By Utner-Barry Co. by FEEDING CONTACT US TODAY Thurs, Wed. 34 -34'/2 33%- 34 Vi-35 33Vi- 28 - -28*/> 28 - 221/2- 18 - 34 Vi- 36 - 33 36 - 29 - 241/2- 18 - 29 ■ 25 - 18 - Southeast market supplies ample for a I‘ghter demand as schools were closed thru out the area. Wholesale selling price in New York was $4 25 to $4.40 mostly $4.25 to $4.32 per 40 quart unit of bottling quality milk. Eggs are an excellent choice for a breakfast food, says Mrs. Laßue Hefner, Penn State extension foods specialist. Eggs are well-en dowed with iron, phosphorus vitamins A and D, and the B-vitamins—all needed for energy, growth, good appe tite and to maintain calm nerves and healthy blood. Eggs are a natural for the breakfast menu any day of the week. Ph'ne Strasburg OV 7-6292 3 Frl. 321/2- 28 - 28 - 22 1/2- 18 - 341/2- 331/2- 29 - 24Vi -18 - 321/2- 28 - 21V2- 32 - 28 -