Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 03, 1961, Image 4

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    Farming, Saturday, June 3. 1361
Foster Mother Of The Human Race
What is so rare as a day in June?
the poet asks.
June is Dairy Month. It is partic
ularly appropriate, we feel, that we
should set aside this time of year to
pay homage to the •'foster mother of
the human race, the dairy cow.
For thousands of years after man
began keeping cows for their milk, the
springtime or early summer was the
only season when he could exp ct to
have a good supply of the life-giving
liquid. Even then he had to share with
the calf, and many times the calf’s
share was most of the total production.
It is hard for us to, realize that this
is still the case in many areas of the
world, if indeed any milk is consumed
at all.
Milk has beerr called nature’s per'
feet food. It has almost every element
of nutrition known to be needed for
human health. Few, if any other, foods
lend themselves to as many and varied
forms of preparation as does milk and
dairy products.
This is vote of appreciation to
the dairy cow/ She takes rough, course,
fibrous, unpalatable, undigestible (to
most other animals) feeds and, through
her particular-brand of magic, turns
them into the most perfect, refreshing
and highly palatable drink.
She truly Reserves the title “The
foster of the human race”.
At least 'that’s how it looks from
where we stand.
Give Wildlife A Brake
A fluff of brown feathers on the
edge of the road was all the evidence
that remained, of the carnage that had
taken place. .
Not much evidence to bo sure, but
tragedy had been here. The hen pheas
ant trying to "'cross the road to her
feeding groinids on the other side
could not know the terrific speed
Davld ■ • i*
There is a good chance of their income, lax
that before Congress goes es, to finance a
notne it will plan have been introduced
a self-financing retirement, in every Congress for the
•or pension,' program“fbt so
me twenty million self-em
ployed Americans.
Such a program is long
over-due, Because of the tax
laws, self employed people,
such as doctors, lawyers, den
tists, farmers and merchants
have been denied the advant
ages of retirement plans a
vailable to most employees
in government and industry.
Under present laws costs
of a retirement plan partly
financed by employers and
partly by employees are not
taxable as income. A self- Within a few weeks the
employed person, however, House Ways and Means Coin
must pav income taxes on mittee had considered the
money used to finance a re- proposal and voted 18 to 5
txrement program. to report favorably on the
Bills to enable self-em- Keogh bill, and to recom
ployed to set aside a portion mend to Congress that prom
pt action be taken on pas
Lancaster Farming
Lancaster County’s Own Farm
P O Box 1524
Lancaster, Penna
the Senate. Another bill a
long the same lines as HR 10
Phone - .Lancaster was introduced by Sen. Wal
jackPowen4;SEditor lace F - Bennett of Utah.
Robert G Campbell, Advertising A MATTER OF JUSTICE
Director & Business Manager . ,
Established November i, 1955 The intent of this leglS-
Pub'tshed even - Saturday by lation,” Sen. Bennett said,
Lancaster Fanning Lancaster, Pa 4. ’ • *
, , . , , *. * is to give equality of op-
Entered as 2nd class matter at . .. . •«_ ~ , *
Lancaster, Pa under Act of Mar portunity to the self-employ
«, 1879 additional entry at Mount pd to Set aside a portion of
°Subacription Rato, J 2 per voar. their . inCOm * * or their Old
three >cirs t 5. Single copy price sge, in much the same man
„ _,, , ner in which corporate em-
Member* Pn Newspaper Publish- , K , .
«rs p AF*ootaMon: National Editor- ployees now contribute to
(at Association company operated pension
■». plans.”
63 North Duke St
Lancaster, Pcnna
—ln Washington
With Clinton Davidson
A Pension Plan
past ten years. Most of them
have been opposed by the
Treasury Department.
One of the first bills intro
duced when the present Con
grass convened lasc January
was HR 10 by Rep. Eugene
J Keogh, New York Demo
crat, to encourage the es
tablishment of voluntary
pension, or retirement, plans
by self-employed people. La
ter, identical bills were ' -
troduced by 19 other,, ppng
The US. Department of
Agriculture today announced
a proposal to amend the re
gulations governing poultry
inspection so as to minimize
and further reduce water ab
sorption by poultry process
ed under Federal inspection.
The Poultry»Products In-
A somewhat similar, al- spection Act requires Feder
though not identical, bill by al inspection \£&f wholesome-
Sen. George Smathers of ness of all ppuKry processed
Florida, has been introduced in plants dealihg in inter
and is awaiting hearings in state commerce.
with which the car would bear' down
upon her. She didn’t even make any
effort to get out of the way, and so she
ended up as a twisted mess-Of brown
feathers on the edge of the road.
The passing motorist commented' on
the loss of one more pheasant. What is
one bird more or less. But the passing
motorist could not know of the dozen
cold eggs in the nest just a few yards
from the edge of the road where, the TXT HAT’S it all about? Once in
brown feathers lay. A dozen young *" a while we sit down and ask
pheasants, just a few-days from hatch- ourselves that question. It’s the
ing, were now lost because one bird, biggest question there is,—or it
more or less could not come back to can be ’ depend,ng on what y° u
more or less, coma not come duck to mean by the bttle word „ itA
the nest that night. football stadium with 22 men run-
We do not agree with the “saver’s” ning this way and
philosophy that no bird should be kill- that, in the mid
ed any more than we agree that any of it, and with
other natural resource should be saved ’,00,000 plainly
and never used. , :^ zy n ?® op3e fiU *
We do believe in the conservation
of all natural resources. In that corner- the game and you
vation, we are against the waste of any ;an maybe ex
part of our natural resources whether ha in why the
it be mineral, plant or animal. ' viewers act crazy.
We know too it is not always pos- , . , A . supermarket, a
•It 1 , j |,, , 1 aa a a , t SCxlOOlf cl fIOSPItSI, Slid SO forth,
sible to avoid hitting wildlife on the you can understan ’ d them after
highways. Rabbits many times run di- fashion. They fit in. they make
rectly in front of an automobile,-espSc--'' "sense.
ially at night when they are confused riut does life make sense? Bits
by the bright headlights. And and pieces of it do. But what's
times pheasants and other birds fly too ,ife aH ~ ab s ut? Does life. life.
low or run too slowly as they cross the v.rf 0 . ur lrfe ’ h . fe ma nkmd, fit
J J ' any conceivable pattern, or
ro X 1 , ' , ~? 'isit a meaningless madness in-the
As we drive down the roads of this midst" of ah'-empty universe?
county we see such a large number of .c. _ e .
animals dead on the highway, we can T . _ * . ..
, , T .. The strangest book in the Bible
not help sending out a plea for caution was wntten by a man who was
in driving through areas where wild- haunted by this question. Does
life is likely to be. We especially urge life make sense, and if so, what?
motorists to be careful at this time of The book called Ecclesiastes tells
year when there are so many baby ani- ? f thls man ’ s search for the mean
mals and birds dependent on the adult ° f ™ *7™ ”I°*^ ls , co f lusion f
, - * What makes the book strange is
, „ , not the question. It is the answers
“Give our Wl dllfe a brake”, reads that are strange, or rather the an
the posters in some of our state paries. *' swer. For his main conclusion Is
This is a good slogan. that we don’t know. The writer of
At least that’s how it looks from Ecclesiastes is what might be
where we stand. t caUed a cyn f, He had tasted
the cup of life and found it bitter,
or rather he had tried to drink
It would make <2Bs&S£g of and found the cup empty. One
a company , eligible- to parti- mournful refrain comes over and
cipate in a retirement plan over,—“all is vanity and a striv
similar to that available to ing after wind.” Vanity —not
~ . , ~ ~ , ~ ” (Based on outlines copyncht
their employees, but would meaning to say prtde, but empti- the Division of Christian ram
limit the amount they could ness. Life is like a man trying to chriSf* n C tbV"v. s a®
set aside to the smaller of catch the wind. He can’t do it community Press service.) ca
$2 500 a year or 10% of their and even if he could, he would still
income. ,- have—nothing. The wheel of life
As a general rrßtf' oes around and around, till “all
ment benefits received by
self-employed would be tax
ed as ordinary incoine atlne
time received. Retirement
funds could be invested
with a bank as trustee or
used to purchase retirement
annuities from an insurance
The Senate Finance Com
mittee, which jjas the bills
under consideration, report
ed favorably on a" sffflilar
measure last year. It, is to
be hoped that Congress'‘will
not again postpone action on
this important proposal.
Changes Asked
In PoultryJU&
USDA points out that ice
and water (or refrigerated
water) chilling of poultry is
necessary to conserve the
wholesomeness and quality
of the that this
practice inevitable
some absorption of moisture.
While recognizing this fact
USDA in the public interest
is taking every precaution
to prevent unnecessary wat
er absorption which may oc
cur during the washing and
chilling process, USDA offi
cials said.
Bible Mftterlalt Nebcmlah 8 through
10; Ecclesiastes 1:12-18; 3:1-14; 5.
Devotional Reading: Psalm 42:1-5.
What’s It About?
Lesson for Jane 4, 1961
Is The Time - ♦ .
Extra acres of winter grain may be made into grass '■
with maximum returns. The best time to cut thesae c
for silage is in the flowering to early milk stage and
them into the silo without any wilting. Cereal grams»
very good preservatives to add to the feeding - value I'
spring oats are used as a nurse crop it is advised to re®
them for silage rather than permit them to ripen foi S :
where mere was alfalfa weevil present on the first cut
and not any spray was used, it is suggested that the stt !
be sprayed within a few days after the crop is rew B '
Use two quarts of Methoxyclor per acre to kill the s(
worms before they attack the new shoots.
TO TRIM EVERGREEN TREES—EarIy June is a good 1
to prune nearly all kinds of evergreen tie*
ornamental plantings the trees may be pruned for v
shaping and to keep to a minimum size In Christina*
plantings the trees may be pruned for a better shaped
and one of higher quality and fullness. When the tro*
pruned during or part-way through the new growth se>
new buds will' form on the ends of the twigs and $
will be contused next year, This is strongly lecomn 1 *”
in order to get a large percentage of marketable Clin 511
things are full of weariness"
A Ftv Certainties
.And yet life, even for this
old man, is not entirely a sw-
As it is In a real swamp, 0 *
with life, here and there jii
bog are small solid islands g
of these islets of certainty
names. (At least for him they
certain.) One is the fact, «
he feels he has to accept, that
life, for all its good, has qJ
match. Light and dark—go 0( j
evil—cause for rejoicing and J
for mourning—seem to have J
settled places. There is a tin;-
everything, he says, and ti lc J
lines up good-and-bad pans,
as weeping id 1; ;hi
.s .ping an. laughing,
and healing, losing and sei
hate and love, war and ji
This Is -one of the certamtj
hfe, that not all of it is good
cl esiastes more than hints
we might as well admit this
make the best of it. Man ca
figure out what God has don f
the thing for men to do is t,
joy themselves as long as
live. If sorrow is real, so i s
Furthermore, it is possibl,
work at something, and tot;
what one has done. In short,
tired old cynic is not altogeti
cynic, because he does beliet
a few things. One bit of ;vr
we can take from him at this;
is that there are unpleasant
tures of life that cannot
changed Waste no time qm
Ing with life; accept it!
Fear God!
One of the strange fej
about Ecclesiastes is that
author, who believed so little
was good, still did believe m
It was not a high faith that lit
It was nothing like the faith
example) of a Saint Paul. G«
Ecclesiastes is not a Comps
he knows nothing of God’s 1
“God is in heaven and you
earth,” he says, “thereto
your words be few/' that is,
is so far away that you’d I
not say too much about hn
lives in a different world M
theless, though God cannot
man thought) be known 01 1
he can be feared. You cam
vow% to him, you can do
service for him God has noj
ure in fools; so don’t be
Empty words grow many,
pour out more talk. Just Ire
best you can in the world as
If this seems too dark a worl
member Ecclesiastes
last word in the Bible!
that are to freshen during the late sun
or cany fall should given ast
eight week rest period. This will p«
the cow to gain in body weight ant
prepared for maximum milk produf
the following lactation. Milk prices du
the spring and early summer are not
high as late summer and fall and $
men. should benefit from planning si
for maximum production when prices