slightly. and add to it re* gether; add with raisins to gaining 1 cup milk and van- bread cubes; mix well. Pour [Ha Pour some of cooking into buttered baking dish. „ c e into mixture,' then re- Sprinkle with nutmeg. Place !ur n all to ‘utensil, stirring dish in pan of hot water and »ently 'Continue cooking bake in moderate oven (350 slowly for 10-15 minutes' or degrees) 1 hour or until the un til set. kmfe inserted in center will pome out clean. Serve with plain or whipped cream. Will serve 6 to 8. * • * RAISIN honey bread PUDDING 14 cup raisins \' t cup honey 4 cups white bread cubes quart milk 5 eggs '4 cup sugar 14 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla yew grainsTiutmeg Rinse raisins and drain Combine honey and bread ■ubes, cook over low - heat in d stir -until bread absorbs ioney (2 to 3 minutes). Blend nilk, slightly beaten eggs, iijgaf, salt and vanilla to- BIG SAVINGS ! ! ! ! STANDARD EQUIPMENT'S BIG SPRING DISCOUNT AIM CLEANERS and COMFORT STALLS IGHTY-MOVE tARN CLEANER EASY-ALL COMFORT STALL Discount Changes: Mar 14, Apr. 15, May 16, May 31st See Your Standard Dealer Today. Do Not Delay. - GLENN H. HERR ANHEIM. R. D. 1 . Ph. TW 8 7444 ' '*■'J'- • ” A •* For Convenience, for Confidence, Bank at the Fulton RAISIN BREAD (makes 2 loaves) 2!4 cups warm water (110- 115 degrees) 2 packages active dry yeast 2 eggs 7 cups sifted all-purpose flour % cup sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon ginger 6 tablespoons soft shorten ing 1 cup washed raisins HHKMUAJIE * McCOVEEH AVE * MOUNTVItLE * EAST KTEEStUW * AKHW lumber /edertl Jepoiit uuurenet tergtnMm * * VACATION Perhaps, you, like so many others in 1960, decided that you were going to have ready cash when it came time for vacation in *6l. And like so many, you joined the Fulton Vacation Club. A wise thing to do—for the thrifty-minded individual. Now you can have a grand vacation in '62 by joining the Fulton Vacation Club Now. {( Pour the warm water into a mixing bowl and add the yeaBt. Let stand a few min- whi i e grease two 4VfcxBV£x or tongue utes. Stir to dissolve. Add 2%-inch or two 9x5x3-inch V* cup vinegar the eggs, about half the dry loaf pans y 2 cu P raisins ingredients which have been g tir , batter 20 to 25 strokes 1 lemon, sliced thin mixed "together, and the a thick, somewhat 1 tablespoon fat shortening. Start the moxer s |-i ck y batter. Put into the Mix sugar and cornstarch on medium speed, or beat by pans Batter will fill pans V 2 in top of double boiler and hand. Beat 2 minutes or m- full Let rise in warm place til smooth. Beating in this until edges of batter reach (Turn to page recipe take* the Place of t of s . about 30 kneading Stop mixer Add u £ s Bake 40 to 50 minutes the rat of the dry ingredi- (or unlil we ii. b rowned on ents Blend in with spoon un- sides t )in prehea ted til batter is smooth again 1 ick moderate oven (375 de . to minutes. Blend in the grees)- If desired , brush wit h raisins. butter a few minutes before removing from the oven. Re move from pans and cool on rack Scrape down batter from sides of bowl. Cover bowl with waxed paper. Let rise in warm place until doubled - about 30 minutes. Mean EASY BUDGET PLAN! Ton pay in equal install ments spread over the year —avoiding big bills in cold months when oil consump tion increases. GARBER OIL CO. 105 Fcdrview St MOUNT JOY. PA. Ph. OL 3-2021 % Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 20, 1961 RAISIN SAUCE % cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch IV2 cup broth from ham y-'-y v -R.D.I. mount: joy, pa.:#, PENN SQUARE MUTUAL FUN© Investing in Diversified Securities for INCOME and CAPITAL GAINS Possibilities Subscriptions Accepted With No Minimum Share Requirements i Free of Pa. Personal Property Tax in oomion of Legal Counsel | NON-ASSESSABLE ) J. L HAIN 6c CO. 451 Penn Square, Reading, Pa. | 3 Please send me free information about Penn Square Mutual Fund | Name 1 Address i City and State jnnmriMiiiinßUHiniiinHiJiiHiiim^j [ COSTS LESS THAN s j $l.OO Par Square Foot [ ■ (FARM CONSTRUCTION—UNDER AVERAGE ■ • CONDITIONS) ■ | SOFFIT BLOCK FLOORS I vW—} ■ * Low Cost • Fire - Safe 5 • Sayings from low J ■ upkeep cost and ' ■ low lire insurance ■ rates £ * Capable of carry ■ ing great loads ■ • Longer life lhan ■ many other types 5 of construction j KURTZ bros. JL [ CONCRETE, Inc. S i EPHRATA, PA. Ephrala RE 3-1231 ">iiimiiuiiiimimianiniiHiunimiul « • NO BUYING CHARGE NO SELLING CHARGE FR 5-4424 Denver AN 7-2197 ■ 9