Delmarva - Georgia ice Decline Continues Pric6S Tr ® nd filler prices, on the and days, buyer and price. UOWH WSrCI, „ grade for several wks., CODE: WV - white vant- _ , fmied to slip at the May ress, X - cross, C - cocker- Live prices in Delmarva .irtion at the Lancaster els, P - pullets, R - roasters, averaged approximately Vi Poultry Center. Do- IR - Indian rivers, HSWC - cent lower during the 24- ohout a half cent per hubbard silver white cocker- hour per.od ending 10.30 on j from last week, broil- els, LF - leghorn iowl, WRF Friday morning. Prices at wrought 15 to 16.8 for white rock fowl. farms ranged from 14.20 to Average of 15.2 on 86,- .14.90 for 740,800 head re head in 22 lots. Only ported sold, i per cent of t}ie birds Offerings were ample for , hid to more than 15 2. the processing requirements, sale for the correspond- Estimated slaughter for the wee k in 1960 had an av- week end by eastern shore s of 19 66 with some processors was 677,000 head , going as high as 20.8. compared to the 720,000 head last week end. IC . Poultry Center jursday’s sale had 3,000 ,ts m two lots that sold 10 and 23. Six lots con ns 5,700 roasters brou -21 to 24 while 17,000 firn fowl in three lots . 95 to 10.8. A lot of ' heavy fowl broueM while one lot of 100 ■s crossed the block at Mowing is the complete which offered a total 24,725 head in 45 lots sold 35 lots including 15 head. Sale results in . lot number, seller, the !er m parenthesis, am and breed, age in wks. 3H ANY FARM PURPOSE MADE THE FARMER'S .WAY LANCASTER Dieldun sprays are economical ami long-lasting. They consol major potato insects. How to get sure control of major potato pests with dieldrin Dieldrin controls potato flea beetles, Colorado potato beetles, army worms, cutworms, and European corn borers. One application lasts for days. This means you make fewer sprays “■save time and money. Here are the ; tails: ,t ato pests such as flea beetles and potato beetles cause serious damage by diewing the potato plant leaves. Low-cost, long-lasting dieldrin protection lc ldi m effectively and economically con tFlJ's I)1J ]or potato insects. little as 14 pound of dieldrin per acre Is a H u takes to do the job. Its long-lasung i ion means fewer applications. ' lCn applied in accordance with the potato growers We have 50% wel*able powder dieldrin or 1.5 dieldrin E. C. CONTACT YOUR NEAREST MILLER DEALER OR PTjlfTi Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Corporation Phone RE 3-6525 I. Miller & Bushong,*- Inc. (Paul Livengood) 1500 IR, 9-2, Roy E. Ream, 15.1; 2 Garden Spot Broilers (Jacob C. Herr), 4400 WVX, 9-4, NO SALE, 15 2 bid; 3. Same, 15.1 bid; 4. Same, 14.9 bH; 5 Same, (John L. Her , 350 WVC, 14-2, Walter B Lehman, 24. 6. Same 1100 WVP, 14-2, W. C. Mellmcer & Son, 23; 7 George Neauman, 3000 WV, 9 2 Darnel K. Good, 15 1; 8. Same. 2800 WV, 9-2 Daniel K Good, 15.1; 9. °ame, 4000 WV, 9-2, Starr Poultry. 15 2; 10. Same, 2500 WV, 9-2, Starr Poul try. 15 2. 11. Anson Long, 1500 WVC 12 6, NO SALE 20- b f d; 12. Same; 13 Same 20 bid; ’4 Same 1900 WVP, 12 6, W C Mellinger & Son, 20; 15. Jack Bucher, 4800 WV, 8, Starr Poultry, 15.1. 16 Same Header’s Poul try, 15 1; 17 Same. 5200 WV 2-1, Header’s Poultry, 15.1; '8 Same 5000 WV, 8-1, header’s Poultry, 15.1; 19. 'vi&B (Lloyd Wenger), 6500 'RX, 9-2, H. W. Longacre, T nc., 151; 20, H&B (Hoses Zimmerman), 1000 WVC, 12 8. Daniel K. Good, 21. 21. H&B (Kenneth H. •’’unk), 250 HSWC. 12, Roy ’ i l. Ream 22 2; 22. Same, 500 HSWC, 12, NO SALE, 20 bid; 23. Same, 2250 HS WC, 12, Hartln Brendle, 22 2; 24. H&B (Harold Gli -k), 1250 HIC. 12-2, W. C. Hellinger & Son, 21.9; 25. ’ T &B (James Barley). 5500 WV, 9, Victor F. Weaver, 1500 WV, ~nc , 15. Good, 15 2; 26 H&B (Donald Noll), (Turn POTATOES* P. O. BOX 25. EPHRATA Fluid Milk Surplus Moves To Separators Fluid milk production a long the Eastern coast was lighter in southern areas with near peak product on reported throughout Pennsyl vania and New Jersey. Rapid increases were noted thru out south and central sec t ons of New York and New England, while northern areas reported unchanged to slightly higher receipts. Supplies were adequate in the southeast though much of the milk was o f low quality due to b tterweed. Other markets along the east coast had ample to more than am ple supplies with manufact urers’ facilities in New York nearly filled to capacity and concessions made in instances by the shipper to obtain out lets. Surplus in other areas cleared to separators. Class one needs dev ated little from the previous week. label, dieldrin can be used to within 3 7 / days of haivest without exceeding residue tolerances. Where to get dieldrin Dieldrin is available fiom your local in secticide dealer under well-known brand names. It comes as a liquid or dust. Accept no substitute. Check the label or ingredient statement for the name dieldun. Shell Chemical Company, Agricul tural Chemicals Division, 2299 Vauxhall Road, Union, New Jersey. Shell Chemical Company \xzf Agricultural Chemicals Division 9-2, Daniel K 27. Same Martin to page 14) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 20, 19S1— Weekly New York Egg Mkh From Monday, May 15th to Friday, May 19th Mon. Tues, Wed. Thurs. Ex. Fey. Hywts 33 3 A-34 32%- Fcy Hywts 34 - Fey. Med. , 27 -27% 26%- #1 Med 27Vfc- Pullets 221/2- P-wees 17 - Ex. Fey. Hywts 34 - Fey Hywts Fey Med. Pullets Pullets P-wees 34 - 28V 2 - 26 - 26 - 17 - Fey. Hywts 34 - 27 - 2214- 32 - 2914- #1 Med Pullets Stds Checks TREND; Market still showing fairly liberal surplus of Extra Fancy Heavyweight whites but undertone a shade im proved as some storage interest has developed. Copyrighted 1960 By Urner-Barry Co. Wholesale selling pr.ce in your own easy reach, and New York was $4.40 to $4.- s t ore so you can see each 45, with an occasional sale at without movins sorac s4.3s per 40 quart unit of ltem wltllout moving some bottling quality milk . thing else Helen Bell, Penn State extension home man- STORAGE PRINCIPLES agement specialist, poinls Three principles which le- out that these three prmei ad to a convenient kitchen pies can apply to storing of are; Store things where you dishes, kitchen supplies and use them first, store within equipment and staple foods. Making Silage? PRESERVE and IMPROVE YOURS WITH LANCASTER Sweet Mix • A BLEND OF MOLASSES 0 CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL 0 AN IDEAL PRESERVATIVE Lancaster Sweet Mix can be fed into the chop per or blower, spread in the silo or added in the field as silage is loaded. To chopped grasses add 100-150 lbs. of Sweet Mix per ton; to mixed grass- Legumes add 150-200 lbs. per ton, and to legumes, add 200-300 lbs. of Sweet Mix per ton. BEFORE YOU FILL YOUR SILO see us for complete details and price. SNADER'S MILL I. B. GRAYBILL & SON R. D. 1, Elevens. Pa. Reflon, Pa. LEROY GEIB, EST. WALTER & JACKSON. _ INC. R. D. 2. Manheim, Pa. Christiana. Pa. MOUNTVILLE JOSEPH M. GOOD FEED SERVICE & SONS 137 Newport Road, R. D. 2, Columbia, Pa. Leola. Pa. Whltes 31%- 31%- 3214- 261/2- 26 - 21 - 16 - 26 - 21 - 16 - Browns 34 - 34 - 34 - 2814- 25 - 25 - 16 - 2814- 25 - 25 - 16 - Mixed 31%- 32V2- 26 - 21 - 26 - 2* - 30 - 2814- 31 - 2814- Frl. 311/i- 3114- 311/2- 3114- 2614- 251/2- 2014- 16 ■ 2614- 2514- 2014- 16 - 33 - 33 - 32 1 i- 32 1/2- 27 - 25 - 25 - 16 - 28 - 25 - 25 - 16 - 3114- 2514- 2014- 30 - 28 - 3114- 2514- 2014- 30 - 2814- 3