—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 20, 1961 2 At Lancaster Yards Slow And .50 Lower CATTLE 3400 compared down to 23 with 3630 last week Supply HOGS. 1725 compared with included 50 percent slaught- 1780 last week. Barrows and or steers and 35 percent gilts steady. Sows steady. slockers and feeders. Trading Barrows & Gilts: U 7 S. 1-2 was slow. Slaughter steers 190-220 lbs 18 75-19.50, No. were weak to 50 lower w.th 1 190-220 lbs 19 75- 20 50. 1- few early steady. Cows 25 3 190 230 lbs. 19 5O, iSer Buiirsteady Stock- mostly 18.25-18 50, 230-250 ers and feeders steady lbs. 17.50-18 00. oi Sows- U. S. 1-3, mostly 2-3, S i oS e unn S ihf'9lW 9fi 300-600 lbs 12 00-15.00. grade 950-1490 lbs. 24 25-26 SHEEP: 650 compared with & m dS o 7 a 441 last week Trading fairly 1400 lbs. 24 25-24 75 Good to active Spring slaught er low-Chmce 22 50-24 25, Stan- ]ambs steady choice and dard 20 00-22 50. Prme 60=80 lbs. 22 00-24 00, Cows. Cutter ana utility Cfoorf and Choice 91 00-22 17 25 18 75 few late 19 CO, tT °°“ and cnoice 00 Canners and low-Cutters 16 - 17 25, shelly Canners down to 13 00 Bulls Utility and Commer cial 19 50-22 50, Good grade 22 00-23 00 Stockers & Feeders: Good and Choice 750 900 lb feed er steers 23 00-26 50 Few Good and Choice 550-750 lb stock steers 25 00-28 00, lot 5£5 lbs- 30.C0 CALVES 550, compared with 541 last week. Tradmg moderately active. Vealers weighing over 130 lbs. 1 00 lower. Lighter weights stea dy Good and Choice 30.-36., Choice and Prime 35 -38 00, few early 40.00, Standard & low-Good 26 CO-30 00, Utility Iff PLEDGER SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Low cost installation Completely Automatic YOUR BEST PUMP BUY The Pleuger Submersible Pump Type AS/LD is the most efficient of all water pumps for economical water supply far farms, cottages and households. Easy to install. Needs no prime and will not freeze. No maintenance after in stallation The advanced design assures the ut most in simplicity, performance and long life. PLEDGER SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS, Inc. 05 5 Harrisburg Ave., Lancaster, Pa. I USE EITHER OF THESE TWO i FINE • Tomato, Vegetable & Tobacco Growers— Use 3 lbs. of VHPF per 50 .gallons of trans planting water Either of these products will • Develop more roots. • Nourish plants while they are gettmg established • Regulate vital processes of plants • Supply needed minerals • Reduce wilting - grows sturdy plants • Save replanting costs © Give plants quicker start • Produce earlier marketable crops ® Increase yield • Improve quality and color NEW THIS YEAR, Another Miller Plant Starter 14-28-14. Completely soluble. Available in 25 lb. bags at a most economical price. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR Miller Chemical, & fiVf Fertilizer Corporation P. O, BOX 25. EPHRATA Phone RE 3-6525 r .iiiuinmiiiiinmimiiua«uiiiiiu»A SAVE YOUR TOES The whirling knife-edged blade of a rotary lawn mow er is vicious, warns Ralph Patterson, extension safety specialist. He suggests cho osing a mower that is shield ed well down toward the ground and treating it as you would a naked buzz saw Be careful and save your toes! Ten million people are em ployed in the storing, trans porting, processing, and merchandising of agricultur al products. Another 6 mil- PRODUCTS • Tomato & Vegetable Growers— Use 2 ‘ 2 lbs of Nutri-Leaf “60” per 50 gals of transplanting wa ter. • Tobacco Growers— Us Vz i'o. per 50 gals oz trans planting water Vintage Livestock New Holland Heavies Lower Prices Unevenly Lower Otf'Karc The May 18 auction at mules' included 298 h P , v c 3 ' New Holland had cattle re- The market was very dc j Cattle receipts totaled 428 ceipts of 1145. Compared to and higher on all kinds head at fhe May 16 auction last week’s market, slaugh- Mules by the pair brm at Vintage , Compared wth ter steers weighing under $ 2 90 to $5OO while sin last week’s market, slaughter 1150 lbs. steady to 50 low- mu lea, ranged $l4O-100 ivr steers weighing under 1150 er with spots strong Heav- ponies sold for $9O-1 dot lbs. fully steady, heavier ier weights 50 lower. Cows Pe ldings brought $45 weights 25-50 lower. Cows & 50-1 higher. Bulls steady. R.dmg horses crossed n bulls steady Bulk of the choice grade block at $l4O-540 and Bulk of the Choice grade slaughter steers 24-25 10, mg horses changed hands slaughter steers 24 50-25 50, f ew 25.50, good to low choi- $135-270. Killers wei e 0 few lots Choice 1250 1350 ce 22-24 25, standard down to 10 cents lbs. 24.25, Good to low- to 20. / Choice 22 50-24.50, Standard Cutter and utility cows 21 00-22 25. • 17 50-18.60. canners and low Cutter and Utility Cows cutters 16-17 50, shelly can -17 50-18 50, Canners and low ne rs down to 13.50. Cutters 15 75-.17.50, shelly Utility and commercial Canners down to 13.00 Util- bulls 19-22.50 Few lots of ity and Commercial bulls good grade 775-901 10. fe -19 _ edcr steers 22 25-23.35 CALVES: 225. Choice and Prime 36.00-39.00, odd head 40 50,. Standard and low Good 26 00-31.00, Utility 24.00-27 HOGS; 108. Barrows and gilts fully steady. U. S 1-2 176-200 lb. barrows & gilts 18 75-19.10. 1-3 200-225 lbs. 18 35-1860. Lot 2 3 grade 245 lbs. 18 00. SHEEP: 45 Spring lambs 50 lower. Good and Choice 50-70 lb. spring lambs 19 50- 22 50. CALVES: 225. Vealers steady, spots 1 higher on good and choice' grades. Go od and choice vealers 30- 36, choice and prime 36.00- 39 50. standard and low go od 26-30, utility down to 24. The May 17th dairy cat tle market was very slow and draggy. Receipts includ ed 92 cows, 12 stock bulls and 46 stock heifers Fresh Holstein .cows ranged from $3OO to -$4OO while Guern seys brought $lB5 - 240. lion - -have jobs providing sup- Other fresh ranged fT" plies to farmers. About 7 4 om 28 ?' 1 ... . , were $85195 & stock heif million People work on ers we^e .£65-165. and ranches. Receipts at the May 15 more work by the housewife. sa l e of Horses, ponies and "TRY" BUHRMAN'S Most Modern & Convenient PARKING DECK Enter from GRANT ST. Using either DUKE, OR LIME STREETS Next to Douglas Hotel and Western Auto Store Norman A. Buhrman, 228 North Duke Street “Try Our Bail Bond Service” ON DISPLAY ... at FARM It’s here...the new Bulk Crater FOR COMPLETE DAIRY BARN EQUIPMENT BUILDING SUPPLIES, CALL . See Us For A Modern DE LAVAL Pipeline Milking Layout Bulk Spreading Service Dealers for— FERTILIZER and LIMESTONE SMUCKER BROS. Bird-in-Hand Ph. Leola OL 6-2229 BU Lancaster EX 4-0541 New Holland EL 4-214 G Chicago Cattle Receipts Down About 15 Percen WEEKLY REVIEW—c tie- Receipts reduced neai 15 per cent Prices adv?nc Monday in face of curtail supplies but this was inj than erased Tuesday w liberal receipts Suppi, were comparatively sm Wednesday and steers avi age choice and below ag; sold on a higher trend Choice heifers unde” 10 lbs. often brought seme p ce as comparable steeis i der 1250 lbs. and in soi more than steers ov 1300 lbs of same grade Slaughter steers avera; choice and below stcacu 25 higher, high choice a prime steady to 25 lowt heifers steady to 25 high cows steady to 25 high hulls 25-50 lower Hard enough of the other das n sale for a price test Load prime 1225 lb s ts 26.75 Monday but hi nrime and mixed choice a (Turn to page 12) CHAIN SAW SERVICE CENTER New & Used Snavely's Farm Servit NEW HOLLAND EL 4-221 NOW... BUREAU CT :r 315 OAttONSJ I Covers design arm Tank Experience •.Incal Cooling Costs instruction a Mojonnrcr (optional) AND Manhei^ 1 MO 5 2 463 Quarry? lll3 ST 6-212®