12 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 20, 1961 • Chicago Yards (From Page 2) prime 1050-1450 lbs. 24 - 26 25 Several 'loads mostly prime 1200-1411 lbs 25-26 - 25 Bulk choice 900-1500 lb 22 75-24 25 largely 23-24 at the close Many loads mixed good and choice largely 900- 1350 lbs 22 50-22 75 and bulk good 21 25-22 50 Util ity and standard largely 18 50-21 Few loads and lots high choice and mixed choice and prime 900-1075 lb heifers 23 50-24, bulk choice 23-23 - 50 Good 20 25-22 50 with many mixed good and choi ce 22 50-22 75. Utility and standard 16 50-20 00 Commercial cows 16 17-50, Utility and commercial bulls 17 50-20 25 Good and choice vealers 25-30 Few prime 31 Several loads and lots good and choice 640-750 lb stock steer and feeder steers 23- 24 75, some medium and go od 700-950 lb feeding steers 20 50-23 CHIROPRACTIC ...A CAREER Opportunity Unlimited The Least Crowded Of Alt Professions The Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, lowa, offers a standard 4-year course, 4,485 60- minute clock hours This is the Chiropractic Foun tain Head —where Chiro practic was discovered and developed. Degree. Doctor_of Chiropractic,, awarded upon gradua tion. - ‘ For Further Information Contact Dr. Donald M.Boord D. C Alumni Association Representative 352 Main St., Denver, Pa. AN 7-2138 Farm Women 6 Host Society 24 Farm Women’s society 6 played host to society num ber 24 at their May 13th meeting in the Elizabeth town Church of the Breth ren Roll call was responded to by a memory of mother Devotions were in charge of Mrs Henry Breneman. After vocal solos by Mrs David Willoughby and a talk by Mis Wilbur Lehman, a senes of mother's day priz es were awarded The old est mother award went to Mrs John Groy, the prize for the youngest mother went to Mrs David Willough by. The youngest grandmoth er was Mis E Musser Hei sey and the yougest daugh ter was Betsy Ann Heisey SEE US FOR ... YourSpringNeeds FERTILIZER SPREADER SERVICE AVAILABLE • Baughs • Cramers • Armour • Limestone & Lime • Verlagreen for lawns and gardens • Weed Killers for pastures • Garden Seeds & Tools • Tobacco muslin & fencing • Poultry Feeds & Supplies West Willow Fanners Assoc. WEST WILLOW PH. EX 4-5019 Mrs. Frysiftger won the pri ze for having the most grandchildren. Hostesses at the meeting were Mrs. Harry Saylor, Mrs Samuel Myer, Mrs Sa die Risser, Mrs Elmer Gantz Mrs Henry -Breneman and Mrs Jonas Parrot. Mrs Norma DeLellis, As sociate County Home Econo mics agent, will be the spea er at the June 3 meeting of the society at the home of Stella and Lela Coble • Crop Summary (From page a) warm periods for bees work The cool, wet-weather has created a pessimistic report on vegetable conditions, but it is generally conceded that a week of .ideal weather can change the outlook for these crops quickly and favorably. Planting of early potatoes has started in Potter County and is well along in southern make maximum use of counties. Growers fear rot- tures ting of seed pieces in some of the earliest planted fields. Progress of the oat crop is O Hstchory IvGpoff varied Some oats have been (From page u planted for more than a „ million( or 21 per month, while adjacent fields abovo a year ago M 1 have yet to be planted be- . cause of soil conditions. . B l oller ch j ck , out*, About two-thirds of the ant.- in . Pennsylvania during A ~, . ~ , nl was 51 million or cipated crop is in the ground. ly lesg thjm half th(J Some wheat and ha. Icy ba tch. Broiler chick hatch have been drowned-out in j ngs W ere 22 per cent abo\, low spots, but most fields a year earlier while th look good to excellent. January to April hatch Wa , Spittle bug and alfalfa one-sixth above last year weevil are hatching and The U. S. Hatch of broils feeding in local counties type chicks was neaiK one Those pests are late in arriv- fourth greater during Apia mg and alfalfa fields sprayed i 960 than for the saim with deildrin last fall have month a year earlier few weevil. Pasture growth Throughout the Unite* is becoming rank, but the Stales about two-thirds o weather has been too Wet all chicks hatched are of the and cold to allow cattle to broiler type. for BIGGER YIELDS of BETTER CORN A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC., Londisviiie, Penno, "he World’s Best Way To The ~ * ! >\ Cunningham builds more Into 'em-’ so you can get more out of 'em! See the world’s greatest haymak- Cunningham...always the w® ers at >our Dealers now I Three her one name in hay condition Cunningham Hay Conditioners ers... now introduces these ni '*' ... the‘'Commander” with guar- ways to better hay . anteed reels . . . the “Ranger” “Sweepstake” Side with large wheels, and guaran- Rake and the “Roto-Teddfi teed reels . . . and the rugged. Get the good news about Ci® low cost “Pacer ” ningham at ) om Dealer’s no« "Bancsr” Hay Conditioner "cwSkii^^ 1 “Pacer” Hay Conditioner Better buy Cunningham belter by experience L. H. BRUBAKER . 350 STRASBIJRG PIKE. LANC. LXTITZ, H p SNAVELY’S FARM SERVICE NEW HOLLAND Mann & Grumelli Farm Serv. ;i QUARRYVILLE. PA. pboup ST 6 ■ld’s "Hoto Tedder" PHONE EL 4-22 “Sweep» taks " Side Deli^ff