use of fell. In ickling pigs from 2 \yeeks some cases they may put on age to weaning make very a pound of gain with as lit- IB] Ll' More Big POULTRY TRIBUNE for January, 1961, sug gests a Goal—based on 15 Random Sample Test averages—of 245 eggs per hen per year. The free fo’der shows that Hi-Cash birds DID BETTER THAN AVERAGE! May I hand you or mail you a copy‘ ; FROM This magazine also suggests marketing goals. Sell 97% of eggs produced and sell 95% of eggs as grade A or better. Hi-Cash egg-type Pullets also will help you get the QUALITY that enables you to make more money from a flock. Drop in! Let’s talk it over before you buy Pul’ets. WEAVER’S HATCHERY Phone Ephrata RE b-0885 H. D. 4. LITITZ, PA. WIN A OUR BIG You Can Win One of These or One of Nine Other Valuable Prizes! Here's How To Enter... Fill out the coupon you receive from Eby's Mill or Hemplield Mills. First prize winner gets a __ choice of Refrigerator-Freezer; 23 inch TV or Hi ' Fi Stereo set. Nine other valuable prizes will be awarded. The winners of all these prizes will be deter mined at a big Jamboree to be held during late summer. Watch for time and place. EBY’S MILL, Inc. LITITZ Phone MAditon 6-2106 Eggs iiiiasssigi tie as two pounds of feed, reports Les Burdette, Penn State extension livestock specialist SILO UNLOADER 1960 Model Demonstrator FULLY GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER 30% OFF FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CALL S. H. HIES!AND & CO. SALUNGA. PA. TW 8-3221 PRIZE AT JAMBOREE prrirv* la'ih,,'iitfjj'S s f!'-ie';iigii| J * asa feiMmSß SEE US TODAY HEMPFIELD MILLS, he. Hi-Fi Stereo Set Li * / ' V+* ** ' s • p'-'v ' ti' '-'-'itM 23 inch Console TV EAST PETERSBURG Phone Londisville TW 8-3031 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 22, 1961 —7 5 O Land Judging CFrom paee the Pennsylvania State Uni versity in June. Members in the contest are required to determine land c’ass, soil type, limiting "actors and erosion problems and to make recommenda tions for the use of the land. Other Lancaster County winners and their placmgs were as follows 3, Kenneth Spade, son of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Spade, Denver R 2; 4 Ronald Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kline, Denver R 2, 5, Gerald Kreider, son of Mr and Mrs Leon Kreid er, Quarryville Rl; 6, Carl Gehman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Titus Gehman, Mohntown R 2; Tie for 8, Ronald Kreir er, son of Mr. and Mrs. C air Kreider, Quarryville R 2. Gtehman was winner of the contest last year. Members of the York Co. Soil Conservation Service set up the contest and acted as official judges. mmm- I think that I shall never see a pullet Lovelier Than Thee! If thou dost Lay the way thou looks Thou must be HONEGGER Choice of successful poultrymen all over Ihe world (try 'em and be successful) * HOWARD MOORE. 307 East Second Avenue UTITZ, PENNA. Phone: MAdison 6-5408 te i li Win die’s Hatchery 'OCHRANVILLE, PA. Phone: Atglen LY 3-594] Pa. 820 Com A high population variety Yields up to 160 bu. P»r acre have been recorded. 1 Stands up when oth ers lodge 2 Withstands drought 3 Has a very strong stalk 4 Good resistance to corn leaf aphis and corn borer 5 Responds to thick planting and high 'ertilization 6 Low uniform height ears 7 Drier at harvest time than other varieties. REIST SEED COMPANY MT. JOY