J2 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 22, 1361 • Miss Milkmaid (From page 1J villo Rl, and Miss Sylvia Emenheiser, Mount Joy Rl. Miss Keene, who was crowned by the 1960 milk maid, Miss Barbara Keener, Manheim R 3, will represent the county in the state con test at Bedford Springs next month. Miss Keene has lived all her life on a dauy farm, but says she has had more ex perience exhibiting sheep Her grand champion trio and single fat lamb winnings at More pay from hay the HARVESTORE’way Field-wilt' your hay crop to4o-50% moisture.^/ Process it Haevestore. result is a better feed . . Harvestoee haylage. f' livestock livestock-supporting capacity of your grassland acres. See us for details. Sealed, oxygen-free HARVESTORE the landmark of high-profit farm KNIPMEYER,, Harvesters Sales and Service NEW HOLLAND &£<& A S / FAUM BUREAU in \ • mm ££• mbsl mm Tims IN EFFECT NOW BIG SAVINGS ■whether you buy 1 ot - EXTRA SAVINGS ■with the purchase o( .uu ( omb' SHOP FARM BUREAU and SAVE BUR^ Lancaster EX 4-0541 New Holland EL 4-214 G the 1957 and 1958 Pennsyl vania State Farm Shows are evidence of her experience. Mary Kathryn also exhib ited the reserve champion 4- H pen of three lambs at the 1959 Farm Show. A 1958 graduate of Solan co High School, Miss Keene is enrolled in a course in nu trition at Penn State. The county contest was sponsored by Lancaster Co Milk For Health Inc and was lield at the Lancaster County Faim Bureau audi torium it expands the Phone ELgin 4-2351 r * through a Fed to your ~ ""HTToS TIRES for all farm needs Manheim MO 5-2468 Quarryville ST 6-2126 • Darvin Boyd (From Page _ll member must be outstanding in Leadership ability and have shown this in his or her club work. Character deve'opmenf, 'citizenship, and community'service are all important criteria for select ion to this outstanding hon or Delegates are selected at the state level annually using the above, as reported in the member’s achievement rec ord, as a basis. Darvin, who was raised on a farm at Ephrata, Rl, has been in the club work 9 yeais During his 4-H career 41 projects were completed with membership in a varie ty of clubs within the coun ty Darvin has been active in the following projects - Baby Beef, Pigs, Beef Heifers, Ca pons, Bees, Tobacco, Field Corn, Strawberries, Electrici ty, and Tractor Maintenance In addition to carrying a wMe variety of projects, Dar vm has demonstrated much leadership ability and com munity spirit He has served in many different offices in a number of 4-H Clubs In add.hon, ho lias shown a line sense of responsibility & dutj while serving on the 4- H County Council, as a Camp Counselor and at sev- HARSH HYDRAULIC HOISTS gSr The 32 available models Como to you with To design end luild a light-weight, low (*&__, * "ide range of lifting capacities ranging eostmgTruck haisl suitable for oil typo, id o° m “® lons h»r y° uf truck, pickup, or - form use, priced within the average fanner’s "*■ *-* Itailor. The smooth, trouhle-frce action ol a budget was the aim ot “Bud” Harsh when —s. HARSH HOIST has a fast lifting time ot from HVDRALLICS LNLIMITCD MFC CO Inffu 12 10 lfi B seconds, which allows mote lima operations. This hoist was built and uM" fj(Ms3n\ * hauling. s | a use throughout the nation. Ihesa hoists come to you at an averaga the HARSH HYDtULUC HOIST avengei ’ cost ot only 16* a day as compared to tha o nl> 5328 S 2 (including Federal cub« lav) sdo-$l5 ft day you now spend to manually nn ,l maintains a low taxable weight unload your truck. averages 273 lbs. These economical holals ?7Tnft~-) f~W - are built for either back or side dumping. depending upon your need. Sava costly time and eliminate lari [ /MAm j* breaking labor hy unloading with u 110'^ \ f C& HADRAIiUC HOIST engineered for ««• ooraical, speedy, and dutahio fj™ uSt * FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT CO. B. D. 2, EPHRATA PH. NEW HOLLAND EL 4 9 Before You Buy Any Hay Machine See The Meyer Hay Conditions / J. PAUL NOLI Lincoln Hwy., Gap. Pa. eral State-wide 4-H functions -of themselves to do an out to which he willingly contri- standing job. buted his talents At the present time he ~ Darvln has been active in enrolled ln the Dela War . church and community activ- Valley College of Science j itles in addition to his 4-H Agriculture. His leadorshij Club work, and is a good abilities and. general example of the benefits that training are standing him )t can,be derived from 4-Hwork - good stead during his coiw by those who give unselfish’y career. ' , OR HVBmp A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. * IANDISVIUE, PENfJiS, Serving farmers with linesl iva'.ify seeds since 1899 See your Hoffman Seed- Man or Phone Landu- ville TW 8-3421.