I—. Lancasier Farming. Saturday. November 5. 1960 At Lancaster Yards Trading Active, Steady Wl g™v t 3 sa«s stated 7 20 la p1rT' n l d.K 13 25 240-260 lb. bogs word +#»r and 70 ner cent 18 00-18 50 U S 10, mostly stockers and feeder's Tiad- 2-3, 300-600 lb. brought 12 00 in » was moderately active. -15 00 - Compared with last week’s SHEEP 300 compared with close slaughter steers sold 451 last week. Trading was Cows 25-75 lower s.ow. Woo’ed slughter lambs with most decline on utility steady, Good and Choice 75- srade Bulls steady. Stockers 100 lb. slaughter lambs 17.00 and feeders strong to 50 -19 00 with a few lots Choice lusher and Prime 19 -20, Utility & Thiee loads Prime slaught- low-Good 15-17 , lot Utility er steers sold on a bought-to- carrying burry fleeces 14 00 arrive basis at 27 50, bulk of the Choice grade slaughter steers sold for 25 50-26 50, load high Choice 1180 lbs 26.90, and a ±ot 1000 lbs 27 Good to low-Choice 23 50- 2a 50, Standard down to 21 - 50 Cutter and Utmty cows r anPed from 14 00-15 50, Can cers and low-Cujters 12 00 - 14 00, and Sheuy Canners sold down to 9 00 Utility and Commercial bulls were 18 50-21 50. sev eral Commercial 1500-1800 lb bul.s 16 00-1100 Good grade bul's up to 24 00, few 24 50 Good and Choice 800-1050 lb feeaer steers at 23 00-25.- 50, two loads Choice 896 lbs 26 00 Medium and Good 20 - 50-23 50 Good & low-Choice 600-800 lb stock steers were 24.00-26 00, Medium & Good 21.50-24 50 Good & Choice stock calves sold at 25.00-27 - 75. CALVES 600 compared •with 635 a week ago. Trad ing was moderately active Vealers steady Good and Cho.ce vealers sold at 26 00- 31 00 Choice and Prime 31 - 36 , few up to 38 , Standard and .Gw Good 20 -26 , Utility down to 16 00 HOGS 1450 compared with 1455 last week Compared with last week’s close, bar rows and gilts were steady Sows steady U S 1-2 190- 230 lb barrows and gilts brought 19 50- 20 50 and a bout 50 head no 1 195-220 lbs sold at 20 75-21 00 US Where Quality Comes First Use Nature's Best Colloidal Phosphate Anply regularly on all stable manure to increase value and mineral content. NEW JERSEY GREEN SAND Did you knov/' that Green Sand has unlimited uses? One of them is on poul try drop pits. It helps solve the moisture prob lem. CONTACT Brooklawn Farm 118 KREIDER AVENUE LO 9-1580 Or Your Local Dealer Spray Now WITH DIELDRIN for control of ALFALFA WEEVIL & SPITTLE BUG in your 1961 hay crop fields. Also available— GRANULAR DIELDRIN combined with fertilizer. Spread Service Available SMOKETOWN. PA. Ph. Lane. EX 7-3539 Chicago Cattle Sharpest Drop On Top Grades CATTLE Receipts little changed from last week About 65 percent slaughter steers, 20-25 per cent heifers and 5 percent cows. Vealers and stockers and feeders in very light supply. An over abundance of choice and prime 1300-1500 lb weights made for the sharpest decline on these but all weights and grades found a lowe r trend. Moderate heif ers supp.ies proved a stimul ating factor and this class held to the price leve 1 s of last week. Slaughter steers 1050 lbs down largely 25 lower, 1050-13 lbs. 25-75 low er, 1300 1600 lbs 50-1 00 lo wer. Slaughter heifers most .y steady Cows 50-1 00 low er, Bulls steady, vealers stea- V V V w V V: V V V v v.v- R.D.I, MOUNT JOY, PA. *+ somet/ifog? foti is your dog in condition for the FALL HUNTING Season > REMEMBER to order Reb^Rose Dog & Puppy Food The food for condition and vigor Joseph M. Good & Sons Walter & Jackson, Inc. 137 Newport Road, Leola, Pa Mountville Feed Service R. D. 2, Columbia, Pa. Snader's Mill fl. D. 1. Stevens, Pa . Vintage Livestock Short Fed Steers Are .50 Higher CATTLE: 547. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers were steady, except short-ied steers, these 50 higher at-the November 1 Auction at Vintage. Cows 50- 100 lower. Bulls nominally steady. Several lots Choice and Prime 975-1285 lb slaughter steers 26 60-27.25, the bu k of the Choice cattle brought 25 50-26 50 Good to low- Choice 23 00-25-75 Standard 21 00-23 00 Cutter and Uti'i ty cows 14-00-15 00, Canners an,d low-Cutters 12 00-14 00. Shelly Canners down to 8 00. Few Utility bulls 19 85-21 50. Several lots Medium & Good 800-1010 ib feeder steers 21 30-22 75. CALVES 470 Vealers stea dy to 100 lower Good and Choice vealers 25 00-31 00. Choice and Prime 31 00-36 00. HOGS 51, Barrows and gilts strong. Several lots 1-3 dy, stockers and feeders stea dy to strong. Load prime 1240 lb slaugh ter steers 27.25 and bulk choice and prime steers 24 50 - 27.00 Monday Bulk choice and prime 23 50-26 50 at mid week. High choice 1000 lb yearlings 26 00. Mixed good and choice steers generally 900-1250 lbs. 23 75-25 25, Bulk good steers 23 00-24 00, Good and choice vealers 22 00-26 00, standard 17 00- 22 00, 12 00. Several loads & lots good and mixed good & choice 700-1050 lb feeding steers 22 00-23 50. Few med ium 700-800 lb feeders 20 25- Christiana, Pa. Leroy Geib, Est. R. D. 2, Manheim, Pa. I. B. Graybill & Son Refton. Pa. New Holland Slaughter Steers Up ,5 Compared with last weeks market, slaughter steers at Thursday night auction at New Holland were mostly 50 higher. Vealers were 1 to 2 higher. Cows and bulls held steady. Receipts included 741 head of cattle. In the run were 25 per cent cows and 20 per cent stockers and feed ers. . . Several lots of choice and prime grade 1,000 to 1,225 lb. slaughter steers brought 26 60 to 27.10, but the bulk of the choice cattle made grade 202-235 lb. barrcwi & gilts 19 00-19 75. Two lots US 1 2 188 and 193 lbs 19- 85-20 00. Lot no 2 205 lbs. 20 85 SHEEP 46 Woolcd slaugh ter lambs weak Several lots mixed Good and Choice 75- 100 lb slaughter lambs 16 50 -18 50 Few Utility to Choice wooled slaughter ewes 3 50- 7 50 21 25, mixed good & choice 500-700 lb Stock steers 22 25- 23.50, good 425 lb stock, steer calves 23 75 • Milk Market '(From page 3) At New York, pursuant to the provision of the milk marketing order, prices ad vanced November 1. Whole sale selling price for delivery before Nov. 1 was $4 60 but alter Nov. 1 $5 65 to 5.70 per 40 quart unit Give Lancaster Farming advertising a chance to work ■ <<■ I V A ~ 1 ' I I * n * <■ <; J > |!j p I* 111 L & \ I wl Ll 2. Coarse Texture \ - f' \' % Beacon Milk Check Feeds offer good value u'r 3*our feeding dollar .. . high return at the nuik pail . . . and in your own milk check. Call us today for more infoimanon on !■' feeds or on any aspect of the Beacon »' I ceding Program. The Beacon Milling Compan; A DIVISION OF SPENCER KELLOGG & SONS. IN PHILADELPHIA & CARLISLE STS., YORK. Pi Telephone; York 8-2341 BEACO 25 50 to 26.50. Good in choice were 23 50 to 2b standard down to 22 ° A few good and m, 770 to 1000 lb. heifer , 21 50 to 25 Cutter and ity cows made 14 25 to 60 while canners" and cutters brought 12 t 0 % and shells sold down Utility and comber bulls brought 19 50 to with good grade f ec i selling at 22-24 50 A lot of choice 790 stock steers made 26 50 eral lots of good and c i 800 to 950 lb. feedei si commanded 23 50 - 2 1 Medium and good mado 50 to 24. Calves 334 Good and ce vealers brought 27 j with choice and primp manding 33 to 37 50 , u few going as high as 30 39 50 Standard and good were 20 to 28 utility at 13 to 20 Prices continued ai steady on dairy cows November 2 auction hr ts were 152 cows, 12 bulls and six stock he. Fresh cows, Holstein; S?ko 4fiQ, Guernseys - - 320, other breeds - $; 325 Stock bulls - SSS - Stock Heifers - $7O - „ Prices continued steady at the Octobci horse sale with mules tinning to go to the h trade Receipts included head of horses, pomes mules. Ponies, mares - &8o - geldings - $45 - 110 horses - $9O - 185 w few head selling uo to Driving horses - $llO - Killers 7 to 8 cents ✓ f FOUR FEATURES OF BEACON ILK' CHECH FEEDS 1 , s < bring- benefits to cl day men in the milk pail... resulting in a Jan/ir milk check. 1. Highly Palatable 3. jHigh in Energy 4. Extra Trace Mineral Fortification