10— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 17. 1960 Q Freezing Recipes (From page 9 filling, seal the edges with a iork To freeze —Wrap and seal loi freezing and freeze im 'mediatcly To prepare for serving 2‘i cups turkey broth Place turnovers on a cookie quarts chopped turkey sheet (unless they wore froz Cut large potatoes in hall e 1 m ovenpi’oof containers; lengthwise as soon as they . id bake at 425 degrees (hot are from the oven oven) for 40 minutes, or un- geo op out inner portion and til pastry is browned Serve mas h Season with butter or v.ith peas in a cream sauce if margarine, salt, and pepper, desired Add enough milk to moisten POTATO SURPRISE Beat the mixture until it is 24 portions, 14 potato each smooth and fluffy and add 12 large baked potatoes the onion Stuff the shells . . . fastest growing beef feed 160''c sales inciease in two veais makes Eastern States BEEFMIX the No. 1 choice of northeastern beef raisers. And for good i easons • You get fastci giovith . . , heaviei finishing weights .. . hei d uniformity, beffmix -with 32 (