arming, Saturday, September 3, 1960—11 dried cow manure each we ek at watering time. Camp bell gives each plant 10 gal „ .. . lons of water per week un- As soon as the plants are Jess raing hav / be en hea n the ground and growing The ground around the p {. ;ampt> cl t g P S an t s is never allowed to dry ide branches which forces t he s |ie leader to grow longer. To help ou t with the grow The five inches of leaf I, each plant is hand fed mulch on top of the soil hel- 0 Big Tomatoes (From page 10) safety and low-cesffs for OHIVEB One-^w PyßMType Corn Peckers Up go com picking capacity and convenience.. .down go repair costs and safety hazards...when you pick your crop with an OLIVER Model 5. New snapping roll spacing adjustment lets you clear the gathering unit without getting off your trac tor seat. Longer snapping rolls and "live” points handle your bumper crops...lift the down and leaning stalks...bring in more com every year, in every field condition. Roller-type gathering chains are an Oliver "exclu sive”...are twice as strong...wear three times as , long as ordinary kinds. Safety clutches protect all drive assemblies. ‘WHMnqr Be sure to see the Oliver Model 6 !■■■■■■ before you buv any single-row pull type picker. - G. E. Busier Peach Bottom. Pa. Farmersville Chas. J. McComsey Equipment Co. & Sons Ephxata, R. D. 2 Cl * ' , r < . r.- M , NEW N. G. Hershey & Son Manheim, R. D. J Hickory HilL Pa. ps hold the moisture whore the roots can get to it Camp bell piles all the leaves fr om his shade trees on a heap in the fall. In the spring, the partially rotted leaves are broken up and used to mul ch around the tomato plans All during the season, mulch is stirred at frequent intervals. Campbell believes the stirring up helps the mulch form a better barrier against water evaporation from the soil. Although Campbell uses cow manure and leaf mulch on his plot, he is not, in the strict sense, an organic gar dner. He applies lime ac cording to a soil test and works either 5-10-10 or 5- 10-5 into the soil when it is turned in the spring Every three or four days during the growing season, Campbell will tie the leader to the stake and support each bud cluster as soon as the fruit has set. At the sa me time the plants will get a treatment with a commer- <.«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■;]■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ (Bulk Spreading Service I FERTILIZER and LIMESTONE Davco "Granular" Fertilizer Webb Super-Gro Balanced organic fertilizer Rock Phosphate Phosphorus Green Sand Potash If you need fertilizer call us- SMUCKER BROS. BIRD-IN-HAND. PA. !■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■Sl Insures uniform milking Only the De Lavol Com- bine gives you this essen tial uniformity because only De Laval has mag netic oulsation control Insures gentle milking No heavy togging or jerking weight on the delicate udders Insures perfect milking De Laval made the first pipeline and the De Lavol Combine has been per fected by more than a quarter century t*pen ence Insures simple perfect washing De Laval s In- Place ' washing system does a thorough iob of sanitizing Uses 2 /3 less hot wafer and 90 per cent less detergent. t)e Laval COMBINE —first since 1928. Set; WEAVER’S Farm Equipment LANC. CO. FARM BUREAU uncasi« J. B. ZIMMERMAN SHOTZBERGER’S LANDIS BROS. TALL TOMATO PLANTS TAKE TALL METHODS FOR THEIR CARE Sam Campbell of Mil ersville applies insect dust to the top Ox his 12 foot tomato p.ants as daugh ter, Wendy, stead i es the ladder Campbell started wxth an eight foot stake and addol a 5Vs foot extension He expects the plants to grow out over the top of the stake DEALERS FOR IlijPii^F Before you invest in any PIPELINE MILKER Leola OL B-Z2Z9 ■ Slrasburg Blue Ball Elm Lancaster cial all-purpose dust for control of insects and disea se Campbell likes the Big Boy tor Ins purpose because it is a rank grower and bea rs fruit The Glamor plants this year are very heavy producers, but the st alks are not as vigorous and the fruit is smaller and mo le uniform Last year he grew the Kevstate which ga ve him good results, but olants of this vancty were not available this year Campbell who works as a buyer at one of the Lancas ter oeoartmont stores, read ily admits that some of his oracLces may not be practi cal on the commercial scale, but he emoys growing big ger and bigger tomatoes than before Eneh summer he furnishes the tomatoes for the salad course for service and civic club luncheons whi ch Im attends “I lust get a kick out of wai. chine them grow and se eing how big I can get them” Campbell says That is all the reward needed for the tendo’’ loving care he be stows on his plot of gigan tic love apples Harvesting apple's at the right stage of maturity will do more to lengthen their storage lite and prevent scald than artificial aids, says Carl S Bittner, Penn S*ate extension pomologist Quality and appearance are influenced also by the color of the fruit, condition of the trees, and kind of containers used for storage. CHAIN SAW SERVICE CENTER New & Used Snovely*s Form Service NEW HOLLAND EL 4-22 U USE ... Belmont Limestone FOR . .. —SOUNDER ROOTS —HEALTHIER PLANTS —FINER CROPS BELMONT LIMESTONE COMPANY R. D. 1. PARADISE Ph. Gap HI 2-4133