2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 23, 1960 At Lancaster Yards Trading Slow, But Steady U. S 1-2 grade 190-220 lb. barrows and gilts brought 18-00-18 50 but closed at 17.- 50-18 00, U. S. 1-3 grade„l9o - lbs. closed at 17.00-1.7.50, few lots no. 3’s early 17.25, late 16.75. 230-250 lb. butch ers 17.00-17.50 early, but,this kind absent after Monday. U. S. 1-3 grade, mostly 2-3 grade, 300-600 lb. sows 11.00 . 13.00. SHEEP; 125 compared with last week’s 1574 head and small supply consisted, main ly of spring slaughter lambs. Spring slaughter lambs stea dy compared with two weeks ago or unevenly lower than last week’s Easter specialty trade. Janii E. O'Hara, fa Chorq*. Markat Naw> Broach - CATTLE: 3950 compared •with 4414 last week. Supply consists of 50 percent slaugh ter steers, 40 per cent Stock ers. and feeders. Trading slow Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers barely Steady. Utility and Commer cial? cows steady. Canners & Cutters 25 higher. Bulls and stackers and feeders steady. Bulk oil the Choice grade slaughter steers 950-1300 lbs. brought 27.50-30:00, 2 loads liigh-Choice 1200-1317 pound 3 - 26.50-28.75. A. few lots at Good an d choice - 1075-1235 lbs. wenteto 28.85 were 2 to 3 lower su -29.10. Good to low choice. an d' below were steadv made 24-26.75. Standard 21* ao d choice vealers \\L 24-. • 1 to 35. High choice and i Good and choice 720-900 absent SM.Bo^Sd£rffik 2278 ' g2J with utility 4*! Cuter and utility r~ws . on , made 16.25 to 19.25 with The April 20 dairy , canners and low cutters go- sale had receipts oj iag at 15-16.75 Utility and cows, 15 bulls and 86 commercial bulls were 20- ers. The cow market barely steady. Heifer — “* was active on the lari stock steers 23.60*28.00, sev era! lots medium and good 701-903 lb. feeder steers at 23.60-26.10. CALVES: 276. Vealers weighing under 115 lbs. 1- 2 higher, other wgts. fully steady. Good and choice veal ers 28-35, choice and prime 35-39 50, standard and IbW good 24-28. utility 17-23. HOGS: 96. Barrows and gilts steady. A lot of U S. 1&2 grade .218 lb. barrows and gilts 18.10. U.S. 1-3 gr ade 199-227 lb. 16.85-17 85. Several lots 151-161 lb. at 15.25-16.50. Few sows 2-3 grade 385-635 lbs. 1010 - 11.75. Tomatoes. - Lettuce - Cabbage Cauliflower 200 Nedlar New Hampshire Chicks - 30 Barred Ri Vigoro for lawn - garden - shrubbery Get your Insecticides now. We have ’em Sure we have Germozone for chicks , C(if(or , or Calf Feed 25 lb SI ' fekf.?* 1 S 2 45 Milk Replace! 25 lb • Fine Chick Feed 55.15 B. Starter, NFZ 20% Bluebird D:ur\ DP Special Chop 20<% Hog Feed Geraniums - B, Grower N.F Z ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE 947 Harrisburg Pike Ph. Lane. EX 4 Willis H. Weaver, Mgr. Do You Know Thai The SHAVER Q STARCROSS Leghorns, outlaid all other Nationally vertised strains, both on The Floor and Cages, at the 1359 California Random pie Test: 285 eggs (per bird boused) on Flo° r 261 eggs (per bird housed) in Ca<3 eS SHAVER These birds rcalb f oll D You owe it to w nirs GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, i MOUNT JOY, PA. Fresh Cows, Holslei $3OO to 440, Guernsey $2OO-250, others 305.. Stock bulls $j 190, stock heifers - ' The mule market Hed very slow with horses steady at the 18 horse sale. Riding were in better demat at stronger -prices were steady to strom ceipts totaled 269 he; Mules and draft h $260-325 for teams, , —sl2s-190, ponies, m $ 135-225, geldings— sf Riding horses—Sl 15-231 ving hc’-ses. 125-300, ers B*, j >to 9 cents $4.60 $4.40 288 out the e^- to try them- ci> 3