Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 16, 1960—5 any present day citi- Johnson grass is a peren r filing it means turn- mal grass closely resembling rough** 1 ® Sudan grass. It reproduces e electric blanket down by seeds and extensive un n M derground rootstocks, edium j: Ree^Rose MILK REPLACER With all the essential vitamins, minerals and antibiotics a calf ne«fds. Milk Replacer A. S. GROFF S Queen, Lancaster, Pa MUSSER'S WARREN SICKMAN Buck, Rl, Quarryville KD 1, Pequea, Pa. !E, SAUDER & SONS J. C. WALKER & CO. D 2, East Earl, Pa. Gap, Pa E. MUSSER HEISEY R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa. You Know That? The SHAVER Q STARCROSS »rns, outlaid all other Nationally Ad- ied strains, both on The Floor and in s, at the 1959 Caliiornia Random Sam- Test: 285 eggs (per bird housed) on Floor 261 eggs (per bird housed) in Cages Eft ' These birds really roll .RCROSS 9 greider ORN FARMS, Inc. ' Tj oy PAi ' Not Just the Most Economical ... BUT THE CONVENIENT & PRACTICAL WAY TO RAISE A CALF! A>k about the complete Red Rose COW-Q-LATED Dairy Program 25 lb. bag Red Rose Milk Replacer... FREE! $1.98 Unbreakable Plastic ALL-PURPOSE PAIL ... with every 4 bags of AMMON E. SHELLY R. D. 2, Lititz, Pa. 288 out the eggs. You owe it to yourself to trv them! Be Prepared Tent Caterpilier On Way Back Harrisburg, April 12—An unwelcome harbinger of sp ring is being noticed in many southeastern Pennsyl vania communities, Dr. Tho mas L. Guyton, director of the Department of Agricul ture’s Bureau of Plant In dustry, said today. “The Eastern Tent Cater pillar, it seems, has come through the winter very well ” he said “Some farm ers and homeowners report finding tents ’’ “Last year, lent caterpil lar infestation was heavy enough in many areas to completely defoliate shade an orchard tiees. Abundance of the caterpillars under goes periodic fluctuations, destructive outbreaks occur ring for three or four years followed by a longer period Vigoro for new lawns, old lawns, gardens, and ever greens Davco Fertilizer for lawns and garden Insecticides for shrubbery or garden. Rock Sa 1 t $1 90 B. Starter, NF Z Slock Salt $2 46 b Grower, NFZ Salt, 50 lb block $l-$1.45 All Mash Alt Dog Meal S 8 50 cwt _ .. ... , * -o •. n n ckik 20% Quality Mash Alt Rabbit Pelleis $5 15 I" . Horse Feed $4 00 26 w Dairy Fine Chick Feed $5 20 Fitting Ration Cabbage - Lettuce - Tomato Plante 947 Harrisburg Pike Ph. Lane. EX 4-7715 Willis H. Weaver, Mgr. JOHN K. DENLINGER Asphalt Paving 2505 Old Phila. Pike Ph, EXpress 4-6551 SMOKETOWN. PA. OL 3-2455 Ducks Rabbits Chicks Onions ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE GET MORE EARS TO THE ROW KILL SOIL INSECTS WITH H H 9 alarm Increase yields economically by controlling soil insects with aldrin. One application of aldrin pays for itself through bigger, better yields of quality com. Aldrin is easy to use. You can apply it as a spray, granules or mixed with starter fertilizers. Order your supply today and by harvest you’ll see why aldrin stands for bigger yields. SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS DIVISION HO Watt 61 Straat, Naw York SO, Now York in which it is not present in any numbers. Wild cherry, apple and plum trees are favorite food plants,” Dr. Guyton said. The larvae caterpillars are social, and all those hatching from an egg clus ter remain together and so on form their silken ‘tents’. These are added to from day to day as the darvae increase in size They remain in the nest during storms and the wanner part of the day, go ing out in the early morn ing and evening to- feed Full grown larvae are ab out two inches long “Nests are easily destroyed m early spring by wiping out with the hands This should be done when the caterpillars are in the nest, usually on cool, wet days,” aldrin STANDS FOR BIGGER YIELDS Dr. Guyton advises. “Burn ing out the nest may result in damage to the tree, hence it is not recommended. “To protect trees with a spray, use arsenate of lead, three pounds in 100 gallons of water; or DDT 50 per cent wettable powder at the rate of two pounds in 100 gallons of water (4 tablespo ons in one gallon); or Mal athion 25 per cent wettable powder at the rate of two pounds in 100 gallons of water (1 5 tablespoons in 1 gallon.))” One thorough spraying of the infested tree is, enough to give protection Spray as soon as the first small “tents” are noticed. Profitmakers the World Over $4 55 $4 35 $4 05 $4 20 $3 65 $3 75 For more income . . . . make your next flock the Internationally Famous Honegger Layer. Consist ently good year after year. TRIED AND PROVEN IN THIS AREA. Get more eggs while-six' getting maximum feed effi ciency and top egg quality’ J, HOWARD MOORE. Sales Mgr. Second Avenue LITITZ. PENNA. Phone; MAdison 6-5408 Windle’s Hatchery HAROLD G. WINDLE COCHHANVILLE, PA, Phone: Atalen LY 3-5941 SHELL: