2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1960 At Lancaster Yards Steer Quality Improves Jamai E. O'Hara, la CHorg*. Maik«< N«w» Branch Cattle: 4700 compared to 3858 last week. Supply in cludes 50 per cent slaughter steers, 40 per cent Stockers and feeders. Trading was sl ow on bulls and stackers, and feeders, moderately act ive on slaughter steers and cows. The quality was im proved with a greater per centage of choice grade av ailable. Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers were steady to 50 higher with mo st advance on high-choice and prime grades. Cows 35 higher. Eulls barely steady. Stockers and-' feeders steady. The bulk of the choice gr ade slaughter Steers 950- 1350 lbs. brought 27.50-30, with several loads and lots high-choice and prime 1152- 1225 lbs. at 30.50-31.50, a load prime 1192 lbs. sold for 32. Good to low choice 24- 2T.50, few lots standard 22- 23.75. 'Good and choice heifers 785-1010 lbs sold for 23-26, cutter, utility and commer cial cows brought 16-18.50, commercial cows were most ly 18-18 50, canners and low cutters 14-16. Good and ch oice 800-1100 lb. feeder ste ers- were 25 25-29, medium Now is the ideal time to apply New Jersey Green Sand and Calphos to grain and bay fields. If interest ed in natural program of farming it will pay you to investigate and use these natural colloidal marine deposits,. Any quantity available Bag or Bulk Ton or carload lots. Also available our com plete soil bafTder for lawns, garden and all row crops.- Try and compare. BROOKLAWN FARM 118 Kreider Avenue Ph. LO 9-1880 H. MERVIN McMICHAEL Lane., H. 6 Ph. TR 2-4377 or your local dealer FOR SALE tm CHORES MASTER HEAVY DUTY TILLER Do 3k whole week end’s work in a few hours' A single pass does the work of plow, disc, harrow . pre pares ground for planting, furrows for seeding, cultivates at any stage of growth Operates with single control center and recoil starter Works ground 11’, 22" or 33" wid* . . as deep as 10" Goes be tween narrow rows 1 FOWH TOOL DOES IT ALL! . breaks ground . hills » cultivates • woeds « furrows EASY FAY PLAN SPECIAL OFFER FREE $12.95- Fuxrower- Hiller attach, wi+h Heavy Duty Tiller. Stop in for Demonstration L. H. BRUBAKER 350 Strasburg Pike Lane, LiHiz, R. D. 3 Ph. Lane. EX 7-5179 Strasburg OV 7-6002 Litibs MA 6-7766 and good 22-26.50. Good and choice 550-800 lb. stock ste ers were 27.50-32, medium and good 23.50-28. Few lots good grade stock calves br ought 29-30. Ol pOJBdUIOO ‘OO l ISSAfGQ 752 last week. Trading was modrately active. Vealers were steady with last week’s close. Good and choice veal ers 27-33, choice and prim® 33-38, few prime selling at 39, standard and low good 19-26, utility 14-19. Hogs: 2020 compared with 1996 last week. Trading was moderately active. Barows and gilts were steady to 25 higher. Sows steady. IT. S. 1-3 grade 190-230 lb. bor rows and gilts 16.50-17, most ly 16.50-16.75, few lots no. 3’s at 16.25. Hogs more uni form for wgt. and grade, in cluding U.S. 1-2 grade. 190- 220 lbs. n-11.15, U.S. I’s the same wgt. brought 18. 230-250 lbs. sold for 16-16.50 US. 1-3. mostly 2-3 grade, 300-600 lb. sows 11-13. Sheep: 175 compared with 165 last week. Trading was moderately active. All class es steady. Good and choice 80-105 lb. wooled slaughter lambs sold for 21-24, utility and low good 16 50-21. Good and choice 50-90 lb. soring lambs brought 27-28 with a lot weighing 38 lbs. includ ed at the 28 figure. When a person dies leav ing property, but no valid will, he is said to die inte state, and the court can ap point an administrator to settle the estate. Feeder Pig Sale Monday, April 11 2 P. CAROLINE SALES CO. Denton, Md. 600 DISEASE-FREE PIGS, eligible- for interstate shipment.- MD. SWINE PRODUCERS ASSN., INC. IT PREVENTS... I I ERADICATES TOBACCO BLUE MOLD and WILDFIRE Phytomycin Mathieson’s : new LIQUID antibiotic 0 LONGER LASTING 0 EASY AND ECONOMICAL TO USE SUPERIOR TO WETTABLE POWDERS 0 BECAUSE: 1. Goes into 100% solution 2. No caking—forms better, more uniform mixture /J SAFE TO PLANTS /r#PS^V ms ; PHYTOMYCIN is manufactured by E. R. Squibb Mt Sons, A. Division- of Ohn Matluesoit Chemical Corporation SEE YOUR DEALER OR J. C. Ehrlich Chemical Co., Inc. 736 EAST CHESTNUT STREET LANCASTER. PA. PHONE EX 7-3721 Chicago Cattle Receipts Stllf On Upswing CATTLE— Unusual distri bution of receipts, Wednes days run of better than 18,- OOOr larger than on Monday and largest, for a mid week market since January 1959. Week’s supply slightly larg er than last week, Largest in two months and 20 per cent above the corresponding per iod last year. Nearly 75 per cent of Re ceipts slaughter steers, be tween 15 and 20 percent heifers and 5 percent cows. About-8 per cent of the steer supply prime. Around 55 percent choice and 30 per cent good grades, average weight of slaughter steers may be little changed from last weeks average of 1165 lbs. Slaughter steers and heif ers sold steady to higher on Monday. However, steers low prime and below and all heifers more than lost Mon days advance. Rank and file steers low prime and below closed steady to 50 lower than late last week and SO LDO under Monday. At the weekend average prime to high prime steers still steady to 50 higher for the period and at a new high since last May. Stockers and feeders stea dy to 50 lower, Decline on feeding steers over 800 lbs. Load prime 1207 pounds slaughter steers 33 25, four loads 1325 - 1448 lb. weights 33.00. Early bulk high choice and prime steers 29 - 50.-32.50 late bulk 1050-1450 lb. weights 29 00-32.50, Good and choice vealers 30 00-34 00, standard 23.00 - 29-00. Few loads good and mixed good and choice 525-650 lb. stock steers 27.25 28.00, load medium and good 600 pound weights 25.50. Few loads of choice around 1050 lb. feed ing steers 25.75-26 75, these showing considerable evi dence of grain feeding. Lancaster Farming Advertising Pays New HdH^nd Steers Barely-Steady Slaughter steers continued low good 22-26 so steady to slightly lower this 18-22. week at New Holland. Cows The March 30 Sj. sold steady and bulls were sale had receipts 1 lower, Vealers were 50 to cows, 20 bulls anj 1 lower on 220 head. -ers. The market * With receipts of cattle at to 1308 head, several lots of. vr sxja jsk js® js^sssT sw?i«sa. , “ head Hl S; Choice grade slaughter ste The March 28 i ers weighing 000-1350 lbs. had receipts of - few lots weighing 1,350 to The mule market' 1,450 also included at 27.25- ly steady on top 30. Good to low choice 27- ms. Draft horses i 2T.50. Standard 19-24 to strong. Good and low choice heif Mules, pairs - ers 672 to 995 lbs., 22-26.10, single - $l5O-300 Utility and standard 17-22. ses - $l4O-270 ’ Vealers, good and choice es - $2OO-300, g e i grade 27-34. Choice and -140. Driving hd prime 34.50-38 with a few 225, riding horse, prime at 40. Standard and 30Q. Killers - io ‘ LESTER A. SING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS MECHANICAL TRANSPLANTS] SPECIALIZING IN POWER SPRAYER S! PHONE—OVerland 7-6712 Supplement GRASS with G 1, ; i . . • For More Milk All Su Every dairyman likes the boost in milk cows get from lush pasture. He knows it im lars in the milk check . . . and at. lower feed But dairymen know, too, that pasture cai Supplementary dry feed . . . including gi am for its counter laxative effect. This supplcnu helps the cows hold body weight, keeps them i to produce up to inherited capacity. And pasture quality changes, too, as the grosses. Grasses become dry and less palatable less as the weather gets hotter. Supplemental'; monies even more important then. We'll be glad to recommend a specific p> to your herd, your pastures. The Beacon P a: program has helped thousands of daiivnien milk . . . profitably. Chances are it can 1' The Beacon Miffing Co: A Division of Spencer Kellogg & Sons. W PHILADELPHIA & CARLISLE STS.. YOB* Telephone: York 8-2341 BE AC MYERS SPRAYERS AND m -0 ;' 1 1'