2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 26. 1960 At Lancaster Yards Steers Steady to 50 Lower; than the previous ' -Week Good and Choice vealers closed at 27.-33, Choice and Prime made 33.00-38.00 but a few early in the wefek sold at 42 00 and 43.00. Standard and low Good made 19 00- 27.00, with Utility ’down to 14 00 A ’ HOGS- Receipts .will total about 2000 head compared with 2151 last week and tra ding was moderately active. Barrows and gilts sold stea dy. Sows were steady to 1 00 higher with most advance on weights over 400 lbs. U. S. 1- 3 grade 190-230 lb. barrows and gilts ranged from 16 25- 16.75 and a few lots of no. 3’s sold down to 16 00. Hogs more uniform for weight and grade including 1-2 grade 190-220 lbs ranged from 16.- 75-17 50 and a few lots no I’s the same weight made 17 75-18.00. 170-190 lb. but chers brought 15 -15 75, 230- 250 lbs at 15 25-16 00 300- 600 lb sows made 11 00-13. SHEEP: Supply will total about 175 compared with 303 last week. Trading was ac tive Wooled and spring slaughter lambs held steady. Good and Choice 75-105 lb wooled slaughter lambs made 21 -24 and Utility sold down to 16 50. Good grade 60-95 lb. spring lambs made 27 GO -28 00. James E. O'Hara. Is ChargOi Market New* Branch CATTLE. Receipts include nbout 40 percent slaughter steers and about 50 per cent Stockers and feeders. Re ceipts will total about 3950 head or about the same as last week. Trading was slow on slaughter steers and bulls ;ind moderately active on cows and stockers and feed ers. Compared with last week s ■c’ose, slaughter steers were steady to 50 lower with most decline on average Choice and below. Canners and Cut ter cows sold 25 lower, with Utility and Commercial cows selling 50-75 lower. Bulls were 25-50 lower. Stockers & feeders sold steady to 25 higher Two lots mostly Prime 1,- 125-1202 lb. slaughter steers commanded 3100 The bulk •of the Choice slaughter steers made 27.00-29 50, while-high Choice 1120 lbs sold at 30.- 30. Good to low Choice steers brought 24.00-27 50. A. few lots Good & Choice heifers ranged from 23 GO -26 00, with a lot high Choice 1140 lbs at 27.50. Cutters and Utility cows made 15 75-18 25 Early in the week they sold up to 19, Canners and low Cutters sold 13.75-15 75. Utility and Com mercial bulls made 20 00-23 - 50 and Good grade fed bulls brought 23 50-25 50 with a few to 26 00. Good and Choice 600-800 lb stock steers ranged from 26.00-32 00 while a load fan cy 670 lbs commanded 33 25, Medium and Good made 23.- 27 00 Good and Choice 800- 1050 lb feeder steers sold at 24 50-29 00, several loads of Choice 1040-1120 lbs. made 25.25-25 75 and Medium and Good sold at 22 00-26 00. CALVES: Trading slow on 775 head of vealers Receipts last week totaled 752 head. Vealers declined sharply at mid-week, closing 3.00 lower SPECIAL Tractor Tire Sale WOW IN PROGRESS See us before you buy tractor tires COPE & WEAVER WILLOW STREET ‘ Ph. Lane, EX 3-2824 GfT YOUR CHICKS OFF TO A FLYING START! WITH FLORIN 1960 Chick Starter Get The Full Details On Our Growing Program For Replacement Pullets Call Ml. Joy OL 3-2411 Today! WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. FLORIN, PENNA. BONED MEAT Boned meat at a higher price is sometimes a better buy than bone in moats, points out Catherine Love. Penn State consumer econom ics extension specialist For example, sparenbs cost less per pound than rolled rib roast, but the edible portion of three pounds of each meat is different. When buying meat, figure the cost for each serving and allow these a mounts for each serving boneless meat, k pound; bone-in meat, Vz pound, bony meat % to 1 pound. Chicago Cattle Highest Receipts Since January CATTLE Receipts fully 10 percent larger than last week, '2O per cent greater than the same year ago week, pnd largest for any week “since late January. Percent ages of the various classes a 'bout the same as last week. Percentages of the various grades slaughter steers also little different than last week, around eight per cent prime, better than 50 per cent .choice and around 35 % good Average weight' of slaughter steers estimated to be £bout in ' line with last weeks averag'e of 1170 lbs. Steers weighing less than 1050 lbs. and more than 1450 lbs scarce. Slaughter steers steady te 50 lower than last weeks close ’except average choice to low prime grades 50-100 lo\ver. Vea’ers steady Lend prime 1243 lb. slaugh ter steers 32 75, these feedlot mates of 22 00 top cattle last week, 6 loads prime 1200 - 1350 lb steers 32 25 and 32 - 50, most high choice and prime steers, the majority scaling 1050-1450 lbs 29 00 - 32 00, numerous loads mixed choice and prime grades 29.- 75 - 31 50, bulk choice steers 25 50-29.50, bulk good grades 24.00-26 00, Utility and stand ard steers 19 00-23 50 Few loads and lots high choice and mixed choice and prime heifers 28 00 29 00. Few good heavy fat bulls 18 00 Good and choice veal ers 30 00-34 00, Standard grades 23.00-29 00, Load choice 685 lb stock steers 28 50, load good 700 lb weights 25 50 and few medium 700 lb. averages 22 , WANT A CASH CROP? We are interested in con tracting 100 acres of pop corn If you are interested in growing 5 acres or more please contact us. Reist Seed Company Ph. OL3-3821 Mi. Joy. Pa. * STARTING mVt momHQ MASH , * ALI MASH • sgroww<*mash FROM YOUR LANCASTER EX 4-0541 MANHEIM MO 5-2466 New Holland Cattle Steady, Calves 0( Slaughter cattle held a bout steady with the pre vious week at the Thursday sale at the New Holland Sales Stable this week. Trad ing opened slow but closed active. The supply of 1018 head included 15 per cent cows. The percentage of low good and standard grades was in greater supply. Choice grade closed steady to 25 higher. Cows 1 00 low er, bulls steady to 50 lower. Few lots of choice and prime 1020 to 1205 lb. slaughter steers made 30.75 ot 30 85. Bulk of choice grade cattle weighing up to 1395 lbs. 27.50-29.85. Good to low choice - 24-27.50. Standard Steers - 19-24. Good grade 667 to 1055 lb. heifers made 22-24.50. Cutter and utility cows - 15 25 to 18 25. Canners and low cutters 14-15.50 Utility and commescial bulls 20-23 50. Good grade of fed bulls, 23 50-25.75 Few lots good and choice 550-645 lb. stock steers 27 75 - 2817. Medium and good 500 to 687 lb. 20 60-26 10. Good and choice 756-905 lb. load lots good and choice 875 - 1050 lb feeding steers 24 50 - 27 60, two loads choic£ 990 lb weights at 27 60 showing considerate evidence -of gram feeding and already grading low choice from a slaughter standpoint, few loads medium feeding steers 22 50-23.75. Part load med ium and good 350 lb mixed steer and heifer stock calves 25 50. “Prompt Bail Bond Service” BUHRMAN'S CONVENIENT PARKING LOTS Opposite Brunswick Hotel Opposite Post Office / Next to Western Auto Store 115 East' King Street Norman A. Buhrman, 228 N. Duke St. “Prompt Bail Bond Service" fi"- In cdiilin^iii^nl EGG CYCLE FEEDING ■y< / / Matures your Pullets to a Greater Profit level FROM HATCHING TO HOUSING you can realize more prolit from your replacements. Farm Bureau researchers and nutritionists developed the rear ing phase of Egg Cycle Feeding to lower produc tion costs while turning out pullets better able maintain their bred-in qualities. EGG CYCLE FEEDING assures your pullets °| stronger frames, vigorous bodies .., fully con®' tions pullets for the laying house. BUILD “Profitable” PULLETS WITH “Profitmaker” FEEDS GET THE EGG CYCLE STORY . Farm Bureau Fieldman, or cal ' ,c. cou M feeder steers 24 25; Medium and good 7858] 23-24. Trading was mode, active on the 272 hej, calves with vealers as, as 2 to 3.00 lower Goo, choice vealers 27-35 q and prime 35-38 and i prime up to 40. Stan and Low good 22-27 n 18 to 22. The March 23 dairj t sale had receipts 0 f cows, 16 slock bulls ar ; stock heifers All kin. bout steady with last m Fresh cows, Holstom - 440, Guernsey - 2(| others 200-275. Stock h $llO-185, stock heifers 140. The March 21 hor ( was steady with the pra week. Receipts were head of horses and inula Mules, pairs - $275 single - 130 170, pome, 120. Riding horses - $l2) driving horses - 125 28d i lers - 9Ve-10 cents Shrubs should be nn J; where there is no snow the ground is frozen the mulch only when ground is frozen. Mulch vides an insulating bk and keeps the soil iroral ing (caused by alte freezing and thawing) Give Lancaster Fai advertising a chance .0 FOR ANY FARM POBPO MADE THE FARMEIi WAY L - LANCASTE M product CREDIT ASS! R|)Jr 411 W, Rosenlli Lancaster, Pi Vh. Lane. EXM NEW HOLLA# 13 EL 4-2145 quarryvil l£ ST 6-2126