oultry Center s On Rise Again 3 continued to climb a t the Lancaster Center this week. 0 t the heavy snow Thursday, 11 buy a total of 129,390. 38 ’ots. Fifty lots, 167,990 head we } for sale, but gro used bids on nine bioilers and three ousters. ots of cockerel roa [ a t prices of 21 1 Seven lots of 9,520 asters brought 21.5 Leghorn fowl inclu 5 head in five lots 10 9 to 11 5, and 3 f 107,125 head of sold at prices ran o 19 6 to 21 5. ng is the comple -3 sale with lot seller, grower In is, amount and bre in weeks and days, J price ode WV - While IR - Indian River, ,ets, C - Cockerels, eghorn Fowl Year- El - White Rock, White Mountains, rm H Herr, 1000 )-2, NO SALE, 20 1 \ enn H. Herr, 1000 12, Marvin Sweig -3 Lane. Co. Farm John L. Herr), W- W C Mellmger & ), 4 Same, 1400 .-6, W C. Mellmger 0, 5 Robert Noll, 10-2, Daniel K. , 1900 WV, 10-2, Thomas, 20.7; 7. inters (John Go t WVP, 14. Carl 25 0; 8. William Ider, 3000 W R & SALE, 19 8 bid; farmers eacch- prefer to buy their Y / STRAW EAR CORN for better value and all around satisfaction, or delivered, any quantity as your require ly be. PHONE STRASBURG OV 7-3211 SHADE TURKEY FARM PARADISE. PA. 0% UNT ch 31 FENCE 'RY FENCE TRY TNG ; D FABRIC ® WIRE 'H WIRE POSTS Your Needs TODAY CASTER Ex 4-0541 IVEO 5-2466 9. David K. Burkholder, 2800 WV, 9, NO SALE. 20 1 bid; 10. Fruitvfile Farms Inc (Abram Shenk) 5700 W Mts. 9-2, Roy E. Ream, 20.2. 11. Same. 9000 WV, 9-2, H. W. Longacre, Inc., 20 0; 12 Mil'er & Bushong (R. C Garman) 3000 WVP, 10-3, NO SALE, 19 5 bid; 13. Same. 1500 WVP, 10-3, NO SALE, 19 8 bid; 14. M&B (Richard Blessing) 2500 WV 9-3, Starr Poultry, 19 9; 15. M&B (J. Floyd Kreider), 8000 WV 9 2, Meader’s Po ultry, 19 6. 16 M&B (Ed Decker) 15- 000 WV, 92, Col ege Hi 1 Poultry, 20 0- 17 M&B (Ed Decker) 15000 WV. 9-2, H W. Longacre, Inc. 19 8, 18. M&B (J. G Miller) 1675 L FY Victor J Koser Co , 112 19. M&B (W. E Diefender fer Sr) 4500 WV, 9, Starr Poultry. 19 7: 20 Same. 4500 WV, 9, Starr Poultry,. 19 8 21. Brubaker Bros. 1000 SXP, 17-3 NO SALE, 25 0 bid- 22 Clair Niss'ey, 1000 LFY, Victor J Koser Co. 11 0; 23 Irvin Forry, 600 SXP, 17, NO SALE. 281 bid: 241 Arthur Graybill, ?300 L-F, 22 mo Victor J. Koser Co H - 25 Garden Soot Broilers (Melvin K. Barge Jr ) 7000 IR, 9, W. C. & Son, 210. John L Stoltzfus, 400 LFY, Cai-1 B Risser, 10 9; \ -7 N T' /r iller, 6000 WV, 9 NO SALE, 20 1 b’d: 28. Jack Bucher. 4350 WV, 9, NO PALE 19 8 bid; 29. Same, 4350 WV. 9 Meaders Poultry, 20 2- 30 Same, 43- 50 WV, 9, Meaders Poultry, 20 2. 31. Henry Yoder, 10000 (Turn to page 12) S S —Vi / AM W AN S :fwi 4*4 ••''' * ✓ ~ A \v ' '\ NEW HOLLAND EL 4-2146 QUARRYVILLE ST 6-2126 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 5. 1960 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, February 29tlr to Friday, March 4th Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Frl. fixt. Fey. Hywts 30 - Med. 29 - Pmlets 241/2- P-wees 19 -20 Ext. Fey Hywts 35V2- Med 341/2- Pullets 28 - Peewees Ext. Fey Hywts 29 - Med. 281/2 Pullets Stds 281/a- Checks 25 - Flxt. Fancy Hywts 341/2- F!xt. Fey Hywts 29 V - Med. 28V2-29 Pullets 231/2- TREND—Market steady to firm with recipts generally light and well cleared in most quarters. Copyrighted 1958 By Urnot-Barry Co. Are you troubled with RATS’ Why not try D-Con Rat Killer, it works! 100 White Rock Chicks; Myzon for your poultry. Spring onion sets are here now. Why not spray that poultry house with Carbola. You can rent a sprayer not at only $l.OO per 24 hours. Order your Ducklings now How about turkey Poults. It is not 100 early to order your Pou'.ts. Do you need sfiy motor oil’ We have it at only $1 38 per gal. Don’t forget that Dr. Lee’s Germozone for your poultry or rabbits! ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE 947 Harrisburg Pike FAMOUS NAMES AMONG DAIRYMEN (0)lBTOWOft£ Mil V MT7I.D milk replacer for IfllLilV CALVES. Produces heol hy. fast growing calves and is cheaper to feed than whole milk. TWIN 11/fIY CALF GRAIN. An economical 1■» «« iillA formula feed of proven quali ty for building healthy, strong bodied calves. RECORD FITTING FEED- A TOP CONDITIONER For young stock and dry cattle. CALVING FEED-^KuSi MENTS OF CALVING. 32% RECORD DAIRY FMPWT A milking supple- OUI 1 LiJLilflE.il I MENT. Containing top quality ingredien's that provide the highest nutritional levels. CALL YOUR DEALER AND TRY THESE FEEDS TO SEE THE RESULTS OF WIRTHMORE Research & Service |p| CLEM HOOBER INTERCOURSE. Ph. SOuthfield 8-3431 Nearby Whites 30 - 30 - 29 - 29 - 24 V£- 241/2- 19 -20 19 -20 19 -20 Nearbv Browns 35i/ 2 . 34 Vi -28 - -351/2 35%- 34/2- 28 - 35 34i/ 2 - 28 - NOT QUOTED Midwestern Mixed 29 - 28Vi- 291/a- 31 - 28 281/2 29 - NOT QUOTED 281/2- 29 - 25 - 25 28 Vi -25 - Midwestern Browns 341/2- 341/2- Midwestern Whites 291/2- 29 - 231/2- 30 - 29 - 231/2- Willis H. Weaver, Mgr, 32V2- 30 25 20 3VA -30 - -31 -26 35i/2- 341/2- 28 - 32 - 20 -30 29 -30 -251/2 251/3- 341/2- 341/2 31 - 32 30 - 30 241/4-25 25 -31 -26 Ph. Lane. EX 4-7715 3