16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5. 1960 Baby Beef Club Elects Foreman Glenn Foreman, Pennsyl vania’s two-time baby beef champion was elected presi dent of the Red Rose Baby Beef and Lamb Club Wed nesday night at the Brecht school, Lititz Pike, Lancas ter. Foreman, the Manheim R 3 showman and varsity wrest ler at Manheim Central Hi gh School, succeeds Darvin Boyd, Ephrata Rl, who was elected game leader foV the group. Other officers elected at the Wednesday night meet ing were Marlin Cassel, of Manheim Rl, vice president; Nancy Landis, Strasburg Rl secretary; Jean Miller, Eliza bethtown Rl, assistant sec tary; and Wilbur Hosier, Manheim R 3, treasurer. Other officers include Jan et Frey and J. David Lapp, song leaders; Darvin Boyd and Mary Jane Herr, game leaders, and John Good and Judy Nolt, news reporters. Club leaders chosen we re Mylin Good, Manheim Rl Elvin Hess, Strasburg Rl; Fred Linton, Quarryville R 2 Victor Longenecker, Eliza bethtown R 3; A. R. Nissley, Manheim R 4, and Harry Sh owalter, Reinholds Rl. Experience is the differ ence between keeping your chin up or sticking it out. Now is the ideal time to apply New Jersey Green Sand and Calphos to gram and hay fields. If interest ed in natural program of farming it will pay you to investigate and use these natural colloidal marine deposits. Any quantity available Bag or Bulk Ton or carload lots. Also available our com plete soil builder for lawns, garden and all row crops. Try and compare.^ BHOOKLAWN FARM 118 Kreider Avenue Ph. LO 9-1580 H. MERVIN McMICHAEL Lane.. R. 6 Ph. TR 2-4377 or your local dealer Profitmakers the World Over Honegger Layers are bred, raised and iested for maxi mum returns. Maximum Returns Mean: • High Livability • More Top Quality Eggs • Excellent Feed Efficiency • High Egg Production For More Income Make Your Next Flock HONEGGERS Special Early Order Discounts J. HOWARD MOORE. Sales Mgr. Second Avenue LITITZ. PENNA. Phone: MAdison 6-5408 Windle’s Hatchery HAROLD G. WINDI-E COCHRANVILLE. PA. Phone: Atglen LY 3-5941 • County Council (From page 1) . take one or more projects throughout a year, raising their projects by themselv es. Each project is complet ed by a roundup at the end of the season. At the round up the members receive aw ards for outstanding work. The activities of the co unty 4-H are controlled by the county council. At pre sent the council is compos ed of J 6 members, eight fr om home making clubs and eight from the agricultural REPLACEMENT PROGRAM ECONOMY OF PROGRAM Basis present feed costs you can grow Leghorn pullets to 20 weeks of age on a feed cost of 75 cents or LESS. On the EARLY BIRD PROGRAM it takes about 19 pounds of feed or less to grow a Leghorn pullet to 20 weeks. 1. The Early Bird feed required on growing the 1958' Random Sample pullets for the Pennsylvania Egg Laying Contest was 19.1 pounds. 2. On the 1959 State contest pullets, feed required was 19,0 pounds. 3. On the Claude Hess Farm, R. D. -2, Ephrataj 5,000 pullets were grown in 1959, on 18.3 pounds of feed. 4. Mr. Walter Ames of Narvon, Penna., raised 2,000 exceptionally fine pullets to 20 weeks of age on 17.32 pounds of feed. ESTIMATE OF FEED REQUIRED This 19 pounds of feed consists of approximately the following quantities. CONFINEMENT PROGRAM Early Bird Starter Early Bird Grower Oats At present costs for feed in ton lots, this gives a feed cost per pullet of 75 cents using.bagged feed. SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE GROWN PULLETS FOR AS LOW AS 65 CENTS FE: COSTS AT 20 TO 21 WEEKS OF AGE. * MANAGEMENT & DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM For details see our booklet on Management, available on request. HAVE YOU WATCHED PULLET PLACEMENT FIGURES LATELY? They are substantially lower all over the nation. Perhaps it is better to start your replacements NOW rather than wait until everyone jumps on the bandwagon. If we can be helpful, please contact us. “The Way The Twig Is 8ent..... Remember: Your FUTURE egg production costs and your flocks PER- FORMANCE will be determined by the way you feed and manage your replacement stock NOW. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish! Do it right I For the finest poultry service anywhere, contact your Miller & Bushong Representative \\\ »!///✓ chibs. With the members January and the annual lea coming from all sections of ders banquet in Mount Joy the county, the council me- in February, ets once a month to plan included in the planned the many activities enjoyed activities are a roller skat by the 4-H’ers and their fri- j ng party on March 16, -a ends. Spring Jamboree to encour- County wide activities of the past year were as fol lows: 4-H Field day at Long Park in July; a combined sq uare dance and Halloween Party in October; Rollersk ating party in November; 4-H play, titled "Father Knows Best” in the Hemp field School in November; combined square dance and Christmas party in Decem ber; rollerskating party in 1960 EARLY BIRD age all 4-H’ers to invite the ir friends to join 4-H and make it another wonderful year of learning, living and serving. The council members, who are guided by the home ec onomics and agriculture ex tension leaders, will conclu de their successful year of experiences and new adven tures this spring when a date will be set for the offi- 2.0 pounds 8.5 pounds 8.5 pounds 19 pounds f” call Lancaster EXpress 2-2145 Miller & Bushong, ROHRERSTOWN. PA. Manufacturers of Poultry and Livestock Feed Since $ * RANGE PROGRAM Early Bird Starter Early Bird Growing Mash Oats - Ph. Lancaster EXpress 2*2. cers training meeting, j .that' time 'new-council be elected. - We wish “lota of luck” the new council and 4. members. STOP PAINT DAMAGE A common cause of blistj ing, scalding, or peeling ( paint is moisture, accord!) to Penn State extension a® cultural -engineers. Intern moisture is'wrote than ti from outside. say that this prevented from entering j wall by - using a vapor b, rier on the.inside.-wall c* Bt %\ 9 £ rfj He lp c/> 2M pou 6.8 pou 10.2 poundi 19 poum