!; Poultry Confer ceipts Off-Prices Climb c es climbed almost a per pound -on broilers Lancaster "Poultry sr this week when 37,- cad in seven lots sold at 5 ranging from 19.0 to However, 74 per cent at the lower figure and 10 per cent at the top the corresponding sale rear 153,050 head sold ices of 17.1 to 18.9. , 23 lots of 50,540 birds this week included four >f 3,950 pullet roasters .1 to 25.25, one lot of ockerel roasters at 25c, bts of 3,365 leghorn at 10 8 to 11.3, two lots 0 males at 10.0 to 11.1, tour lots of heavy fowl fag 4,800 head and sell r22 to 24 cents. >nty six lots and 63,540 were offered for sale, aids were refused on jts of broilers, and one roasters. r complete Feb. 4 sale rg with lot number, sel rower in parenthesis, it and breed, age in s and days, buyer and Before You Buy Any Hay Machine * lr>m „“68l -si J. PAUL NOLT .incoln Hwy., Gap, Pa. 959 Random Sample a ■a , haver K 3 Starcross M -d| Shaver Other Nationally Shaver ’* Starcross 288 Franchised Entrants Starcross New York $2.70 $2.56 Columbia Canada Eft OSS r " Jfc. The Code: WV-White Van tress, WRF-White Rock Fowl L-F-Y-Leghorn fowl year lings, IR - Indian Rivers, K-L - Keystone Leghorns, P- Pullets, C - Cockerels. 1. Longenecker’s Hatchery (Nevin Kern), 400 WRF-Y, John N. Thomas, 23.9; 2. Landis Sangrey, 600 LF, 20 mo., Daniel K. Good, 11.3; 3. R. B. Ludwig, 1500 LFY, Victor J. Koser Co. Inc., 10- .8; 4. Mervin Miller, 350 L- F-Y, Victor J. Koser Co., Inc. 11.0; 5. Clyde Beazley, 390 KL, 22 mo., Daniel K. Good, 11.2; 6. Clyde Beazley, 525 KL, 16 mo., Daniel K. Good, 11 - 2; 7. Hershey Hostetler, 500 WVP, 13-2, Carl B. Risser, 25 0; 8. Lane. Co Farm Bur eau, (John L. Herr), 2000 W VC, 10-6 NO SALE, 19.0 bid; 9. Jacob C. Herr, 1000 WVP, 13-6 Roy E. Ream, 25.- 25; 10. Jacob C. Herr, 850 WVP, 13-6, Roy E. Ream, 25- .25; 11. Miller & Bushong, (Samuel Stoltzfus), 1600 W VP, 10-6, Darnel K. Good, 20.1; 12. Elmer Sensenig, (Turn to page 9) OF THE 2.79 2.40 4.17 2.42 2.89 demonstrates the outstanding profit capaci. ty of SHAVER STARCROSS 288 in a variety of widely d °, ffi Si al Test locat ons - Please note that these l y Sample Tests in which the SHAVER STARCROSS 288 was entered in 1959. . notice that there are no skeletons in our closet, at every test we earned a clear-cut "extra profit". GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, Inc. MOUNT JOY H. D. I Delmarva - Georgia Prices Gain Slightly Here Delmarva reported pur chases of 587,800 head at pri ces of 17.60 to 19.20 for the 24 hour period ending at 10:- 30 Friday morning. Estimat ed slaughter in Delmarva for the week end is 507,000 head compared to the 495,- 000 head last week end. The Delmarva broiler-feed ratio for the week ending on January 29 was down one point from the previous week at 40. Live broilers brought an average of 18.98 and mash cost $94 65 per ton The ratio for the sairte week a year ago was 4 3 and six months afo it was 4 - 5 when broilers were at 22 - 11 and mash cost $98.74 per ton. Fluid Milk Surplus Builds Price Slumps Production increased at northern markets and was noted as much as 17 percent (Turn to page 10) See The New Meyer Hoy Conditioner Special Prices and Terms Comparisons 288 Leghorns Extra Average of All Profit For 2.60 plus 7% 2.22 3.59 1.87 plus 29% 2.57 plus 13% plus 6% plus 8% plus 16% OL 3-2455 Lancaster Farming* Saturday, February 6. i 960—3 Weekly New York Egg Mkt From Monday, February 1 to Friday, February sth Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. £xt. Fey. Hywts 28 -28V£ 27V 2 - Med. 26 - 25 - Pullets 24 • 23 - Peewees Ext. Fey. Hywts 32 - Med. 30 - Pullets 26 - Ext. Fey. Hywts 26 - Med. 25 - Pullets Stds. 251/2- Checks 23 - Ext. Fancy Hywts 30 - Ext. Fey. Hywts 26 1 />- Med. 25 i/ 2 - Pullets 24 - TREND—Market generally steady on top grades with trading a bit more active in some quarters. Medium, pullets and under grades steady to firm. Copyrighted 1958 By Urner-Bany Co. 100 Warren Red Chicks - 2 weeks. 100 Warren Red Chicks - 1 week. Don’t forget that Medicated Booster Feed for those laying slumps Altman’s Milk Replacer works wonders with those calves. 25 lbs. only $3.75. Calf Feed only $4 90 Fitting Ration 16% Super A Dairy $3 60 20% Bluebird 32% Dairy Concen- Dairy trate $4.60 Horse Feed ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE 947 Harrisburg Pike Ph. Lane. EX 4-7715 Willis H. Weaver, Mgr. Nearby Whites 28 - 25 - 23 - Nearbv Browns 31 -32 32 - 29 - 29 - 26 - 26 - Midwestern Mixed 26 - 24i/>- 271/2- 28 - 24/2-25 25 - 251/2- 23 - 25V2-26 261/2- 23 - 23 - Midwestern Browns 30 - 30 - Midwestern Whites 261/2- 25 - 23 - 271/2- 25 - 23 • Prices subject to change 281/2- 25 - 23 - 29 - 26 - 23 - 32 - 29 - 26 - 311/2-32 291/2- 26 - 28 - 26 - 261/2- 23 ■ 30V2- 301/2- 28 - 25 - 23 - 28 - 26 - 23 - $3.75 $3 20 $3.95