2—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, January 9.1960 At Lancaster Yards Slaughter Quality Better i— lm Chorge. Market N*w« Branch 13 .00-14.25 at the close. pattlE’ The supply in- Utility and Commercial , H about 40 per cent bulls made 20.00-24.00 with c ud „ e = 01 . -ipp-s and 50 per- Good grade fed bulls selling Sla u* g c lm J feeders, up to 26.50. Medium and SS, receipS will total Sout Good 600-800 lb. stock stears as ss assrs: js sra «„ed previous g*® up’ "to -a. s.ioir.b. -ss The quality of slaughter managec j £5 25. Good and steers was slightly improved choic | stock calvcs rang cd pver tlie past several weeks. frQm 26 00 to 29.00 with a Compared with iast weeks smaU lot Cholce 422 lb. sell close, slaughter steers were at 30 00. ?5 f„d M 5 Sp «.m r, short°Sd CALVES Ve.lers held £ul cr npo lbs steady 10 Wlll total abou t 140 head pirtcpd nut the week more than last week’s 515 fully 50 lower Bulls held head total Good and Choicc steady Stockers and feeders vcalers brought 29 00-34 00 Sofce StrM |lau I S ! te b r UUI sfcerl -to PttafseU.ng SeShmg up to 1300 lbs. at 40 00 and 4100 Standard 07 A lot of high and low Good kinds manag- Cholce S lb. deputation ed 21 00-29 00 with Utility steers commanded 28 Good sel ioGS°^r a dm« 6 was mod to low Choice steers ranged HOGS. Tradm a was mod between 23 50 and 25 25, erately active Barrows and Standard and low Good sold gilts were unevenly steady Ainn rj U to 75 lower Tne supply will uu-~5 TThiitv nnws at total about 1700 head com thfdoTo a ofthewLk°malc fared w.th last weeks 1381 14 25-17 00 SLIT JroV^u/SS COW i h kM Jb nt »ld early at 12 75-14.25 up to 18 25, this kind absent (Xur * to page 3) .New Holland ELgm 4 211? BLUE BALL, PA. TelephonesV erre Hl " nmcrest 5 3455 ' (.Gap Hickory 2-4143 More farmers each month prefer to buy their /HAY /STRAW / EAR CORN from us for better value and all around satisfaction At farm or delivered, any quantity as your require ments may be. PHONE STRASBURG OV7-3211 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM IVAN M. MARTIN. INC. PARADISE, PA. Chicago Cattle Steers Advance Most Since March WEEKLY REVIEW — CATTLE Receipts fully 10 percent larger than last week which included a holi day but about 10 per cent less than the corresponding week last year. Receipts were smallest for the first full marketing week in any year since 1955 and market receipts smallest for any comparable week since 1951. Arrivals here included a smaller percentage heifers and cows than last week, around 70 per cent slaughter steers, about 20 percent heif ers and about 7 per cent cows Percentage choice and prime -steers smaller - than last week when 11 percent of the steer supply graded prime and 70 per cent choice Average weight of slaughter steers promising to be heav ier than’ last weeks average ox 1157 lbs. Slaughter steers sold stea dy to higher each market day but prime grades didn’t share the upturn until Wed nesday, consequently prime steers only 25-50 higher for the week. The advance in steer prices greatest for any week since last March. Vealers steady to strong. Stockers and feeders strong to fully 50 higher, mostly 50 higher with instances up more although trade not par ticularly active Load mostly prime 1225 lb slaughter steers 28 50, highest price since Decemb er 2, six loads high choice to mostly prime 1175-1325 lb steers 28 10-28 25, numerous loads mixed good & choice steers late 25 00-25 75, You’ll Do Better Starting Pullets Pullet growing records of .last fall on our own and custom ers farms Indicated the following factors. AGES RANGED FROM 144 TO 151 DAYS LBS. FEED CONSUMED PER BIRD RANGED FROM 16 LBS. TO 18.1 LBS. FEED COSTS PER BIRD AVERAGED 75 CENTS. (SOME OUTSTANDING GROWERS HAD LOW AS 67.65 CENTS AT 23 WEEKS). PERCENTAGES FIT TO HOUSE ON THESE FLOCKS AVERAG - ED 94:8%. LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR For the finest poultry service anywhere, contact your Miller & Bushong Representative or call Lancaster EXpress 2-2145. \\\ill/// Manufacturers of Poultry and Livestock Feed Since 1875 New Holland All Weights Advance Weight of cattle lost some of the importance it has held in the cattle sale at New Holland sales Stables in Thursday’s market with the market very active and all kinds sharing in the 1.00 to 1.50 advance. Most of the advance was on the better fed cattle, but weight was no factor in the advance if the steers showed lengthly feeding. The bull market was stea dy to 50 higher. Bologna bulls were steady to 25 low er. Cow market was active but 50 lower. Calves fold active and steady on prime and choice grades. Smaller calves sold strong to 100 higher The January 7 sale had re ceipts of 824 cattle and 306 calves. Choice butcher steers - $27 - 28 60, good - 25 50 - 26 85, plain to medium - 22 50-25 - 50, heavy short feds - 22 50- 25 50. Choice butcher heifers - $24 50-26.50, good - 22-24, pi to med - 18 50-22, dairy bred heifers - 15-18 Good bulls - $25-26 25, pi to med - 22-25, bologna -22- 24.50. Good butcher cows - $l6 - 50-17 85, med - 15-16 50, canners and cutters - 14 50- 15, shells - 12-14 Stocker and feeder steers Most standard and good veales 22 00-28 00, few choice up to 30 00. Few good 450-550 lb steer calves and yearling stock steers 25 25-26 00, ON EARLY BIRD . $23.50-25 50 | Choice to prime calves, I $3B-40, good - 33-38, med 3 30-33, thin calves - 24 ja monks - 16-23. « The January 6 dairy c ,| vie sale had receipts of i|i cows, 13 stock bulls and y stock heifers 1 AH top fresh Holsteiu were stead;y All other kin? were slow and $l5 per heS lower. | Fresh cows - Holsteinsl $350-510, Guernsey - 225 2]J others - 225-300 1 Stock bulls - $llO 2® stock heifers - 65-110 Mules continued their vance at the January 4 hotsj sale Mules sold strong $25 higher as all other kinj] were steady. Killers aga s advanced. Receipts were l{j head. i Mules - pair - $275-39( single - 110-175. Ponies mares - $l4O-300, geldings 55-110 Riding horses driving horses killers 8-8 Vz cents FEED COSTS AS REPLACEMENT PROGRAM & B CO' k ro Miller & Bushong, Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster EX 2-2145 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Will Pay Full Value For Dead Animals Dealers in Bones, fallow end Hides FRY'S RENDERING WORKS Prop., John Fry 2114 Bollinger RD. Lancaster Ph, EX 2-4815 H No Answer Phone EX 7-0472 ftp Inc. $llO-22( 110