Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 28, 1959, Image 1

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    VOL 5. NO. 1
Will Serve
The Lancaster County
Poultry Assn, is planning an
other series of four of the
popular winter broiler Bar-B-
Ques similar to the ones it
sponsored last year. First of
the events is scheduled to be
held on Saturday, Dec. 12.
Other dates are January 16,
February 13 and March 12.
Special rates for the half
chickens are available to
any organization wishing to
sell advance tickets and have
a complete supper at their
own premises. Fire compan
ies, church groups, and other
organizations with advance
orders for 25 or more halves
are entitled to this special
Officials of the Poultry
Association feel that last
year’s Bar-B-Ques helped to
-Tv.,, - ..
® * n t erest “ . ts } e
1 , USt y an< Z help . to
hold the line against sagging
poultry prices.
Take out orders of chicken
will be available at the Lan-
(Turn to page 10)
Jr. Chicken of Tomorrow
Contest Is Discontinued
The Pennsylvania Junior
Chicken - ol - Tomorrow
contest has been discontin
ued, according to the board
of directors of the Pennsyl
vania Poultry Federation.
In making the announce
ment in the news bulletin
of the federation, L. E Ke
gerreis, president, said that
the only reason the contest
has not been discontinued
earlier was the interest sh- ■
own by the 600 or 700 you
ng people who entered the
contest each year. For sev
eral years it has been ques
tioned by the board of di
rectors as to whether the
contest has outlived its use
One of the main object
ives of the C-O-T contest
when it was started 14 yrs.
ago was to develop a super
ior meat type chicken The
board of directors feel that
with the tremendous strides
made by the commercial
hatcherymen m the hold of
poultry breeding, the -indi
vidual contestant in the C
-0-T contest in the past few
years has had very little to
do with this goal
In addition, the commer
cial interests have become
such in recent years that
much of the incentive has
been taken from the indivi
dual contestant, and that it
is no longer profitable ei
ther economically or edu
cationally to raise as small
a flock of broilers as 50 or
100 birds.
Manpower requirements
on such small flocks made
close supervision of feed
conversion and other effici
ency records needed for an
educational type program,
almost impossible.
Approximately a year ago
a C-O-T contest study com
mittee was appointed. Am
ong -the committee membe
rs 'were representatives of
every branch of the industry
Lancaster County 4-H members will put the Garden Spot
m the limelight at the National Club Congress in Chicago
next week. Donald Hosier, Manheim R 3, left, and Fred
Bernhard, Orchard Drive, Mount Joy, as Winners of the
State livestock demonstration contest at Pennsylvania
state University in August, will representate Keystone
State 4-Hers at the national conclave. Subject of their dem
onstration will be cattle grubs and their control
which had any connection
with the contest and rep
resentatives of the state offi
ces of FFA aand 4-H. It was
the duty of this committee
to recommend continuation
of the contest or to suggest
a substitute - a new youth
program which the Pennsyl
vania Poultry Federation
could sponsor. In recom
mending discontinuation of
the present C-O-T contest
the committee suggested th
at the Poultry Federation
encourage already existing
poultry projects in both the
FFA and 4-H club work m
the form of an Awards Pro
Sisters Top
Capon Show
The exhibits of two sisters
stood first and second in the
judging at the capon round
up of "the Elizabethtown-Mt
Joy 4-H club on Tuesday,
Virginia Wivell showed
the grand championship birds
while her younger sister Lil
lie Ann had reserve champ
ions. The girls, daughters of
Mr and Mrs Clyde Wivell
Columbia Rl, each fed 100
Vantross birds for their club
projects, beginning with day
old chicks on Apr. 3.
The win lor Virginia comes
(Photo on page 8)
«s the reward for a four year
march on the trophy. Her
birds placed third in the con
test for her initial try. The
following year she advanced
to second place, but last year
had to fall back to regroup
her forces and finished in
fourth. This year the two
plump capons on display
weighed in at 9Vz and 10
pounds. The heavier bird was
Turn to Page 2
Lancaster, Pa., Saturday, November 28. 1959
Saturday - Wednesday
Temperatures for the
next five days will average
near or slightly above nor
mal. Normal tempera
tures for this week range
from a low of 38 at night
to a high of 48 in the after
noon. Colder over the
weekend. Warmer on Mon
day or Tuesday and colder
again about Wednesday.
Chance of some light pre
cipitation about Monday
or Tuesday.
Precipitation for the past
week totaled .47 inch of
rain which included some
few snow Hurries. Total
rain for November has
been 1.48 inches which is
well below the 2.71 inch
es normal for the month.
Kiwanis Presents
Essays pointing up the im
portance of soil and water
conservation won prizes total
ing. $lOO in savings bonds for
three 4-H members on Tues
The Lancaster Kiwanis
club presented a $5O 00 bond
to Kenneth B. Garber, Wil
low Street R 2. Darvm Boyd,
Ephrata Rl, and Donald Bos
sier, Manhcim R 3, both re
ceived a $25 00 savings bond
John C. Long, Sr. chair
man of the agriculture com
mittee made the presenta
tions at the luncheon meet
ing of the club at the Brunk
wisk Hotel.
Guest speaker at the meet
ing, which was built on the
theme of Farm-City week
was Dr. Herbert Albrecht,
director of extension at the
Pennsylvania State Univer
sity. Dr. Albrecht in a talk
illustrated with slides,
ed the importance and rela
tionship between agriculture
and business in Pennsyvania.
Six County 4-H Members
Attend Natl. Convention
Six young people from Lancaster county will be head
ing for the Windy City this weekend, accompanied by two
of the staff members of the Agricultural Extension Office.
Four of the 4-H club members will be attending National
4-H Club Congress in Chicago with Associate County. Agent,
Harry Sloat, while the other two members accompanied by
Assistant County Agent Victor Plasto will represent Penn*
sylvania. At the International Dairy Show just a few days
Attending Club Congress
from November 29 to Dec
ember 3 will be Fred Bern
hard, Mount Joy; Donald
Hosier, Manheim R 3; Glenn
Porter, Washington Boro R 1
and Miss Linda Mumraa, of
Manheim Rl,
Accompanying Plasto on
the automobile trip to the
dairy show on December 3
to 5 will be Kenneth You
ng, Mount Joy Rl and Mel
vin Shenk, Mount Joy R 2.
Porter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Porter, is the
Pennsylvania winner in the
Leadership bracket of the
National Awards Program,
and will represent the state
as exemplifying a well roun
ded club member. In win
ning the award, Porter sub
mitted his entire 4-H record
His farming program as
well as his other activities
were taken into considerat
ion. A repeat performer,
Porter attended Club Con
gress in 1957 as State Poul-
stration which won a trip to Chicago for "these two 4-H
members. Kenneth Young, left, and Melvin Shenk, both oi
Mount Joy Rl, discuss the hay on the farm before leaving
for the National 4-H dairy conference. They wall be ac
companied on the trip by Victor Plasto, Assistant County
Agent. The reasons for the suits in the barn? They knew
the photographer was coming. —LF PHOTO
$2 Per Year
try champion. In 4-H club
work for 10 years, Porter, a
high school graduate, is en
gaged in farming with his
parents on the 149 acre ho
me farm.
The only girl in the Lan-
castor County delegation
will be Linda Mumma, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry C. Mumma. Linda, a so
phomore in the Home Eco
nomics curriculum at Juni
ata College won first place
in the state in clothing con
struction demonstration. The
trip will be an award for
her win at 4-H Club week
at the Pennsylvania State
University in August.
Two other college stud
ents won the right to the
trip by their demonstrated
ability at 4-H club week.
Donald Hosier., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark W. Hosier,
and Fred Bernhard, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bern
hard,- will enter national
(Turn to .page 12)