*2—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. November 14. 1959 At Lancaster Yards Short Fed Steers Slow lam«« K* * O'Haia. In Charg*. Mark»l N«w* Branch CATTLE- Supply in the cattle division will total a bout 5200 head or about 500 bead less than last week. The supply Includes about 20 per cent slaughter steers add 76 pet cent stockefs and feed era. Trading was moderately -active on all slaughter class es except short fed slaughter steers, these were slow. Com pared with last week’s close, slaughter steers were steady to 50 lower with most of the •decline on short fed steers. Cows were 1.00 lowers IBulls held about steady Stockers and feeders sold steady to weak. .The bulk of the Choice slaughter steers brought 27.- 75-28.75 with a load nigh Choice and Frame weighing 1205 lbs. at 29.00. Gopd. to low Choice steers managed 25-28 with Standard & Good including Good grade grass fed steers at 23-25. Cutter and Utility cows closed out the week at 14.16.- 2 A with Commercial cows selling up to 17.50 but earli er, in the week they brought up to 18 25, while Canners & low Cutter made 11.75-14.00. Utility and Commercial bulls ranged from 20,-25 with good grade fed bulls selling up to 26'.75. Good and Choice 800-1050 Ibt feeder steers 24.50-28.00, while Medium and Good grades from 22.-25.50. Good and. Choice 550-800 lb stock steers brought 26.-30 .and Medium and Good 24.-27.25. Good grade stock calves 29.- 32:75, Medium down to 25 50. Several loads and Jots Com rhoo and Medium mixed “Prompt' Bail Bond Service" BUHRMAN'S CONVENIENT PARKING LOTS Opposite Brunswick. Hotel Opposite Post Office Next toWestern Auto Store 115 Rest Kinp Street Monacal A. Buhrman.* 228 N. Daks St f “Prompt Bait Bond Service” } DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Will Par Full Value For Dead Animals : Dealers in Bones, Tallow and Hides FRY'S RENDERING WORKS Prop., John Fry 2114 Hollinger HD. -Lancaster Ph. EX 1-4815 If No Answer Phone EX 7-0472 • Efficient high egg produc- tion • Superior shell texture • Large chalk white eggs • Small body size • Excellent interior egg - quality. Phone us collect to order Honegger Chicks. Special Early Order Discounts J. HOWARD MOORE, Sales Mgr. Second Avenue LITITZ, PENNA. Phone: MAdison S 5408 Windie's Hatchery HAROLD G. WINDLE COCHRANVILLE, PA. Phone; Atglea LY 3-5941 stock steers and bulls 550 to 700 lbs. 17.-19. CALVES:—In the calf div ision this week Choice and Prime vealers held steady but Good grade and below & weights over 20ft lbs. were mostly 1.00 lower.. Trading was moderately active thru out most of the week. Re ceipts will total about 775 head compared with last week’s 925 head, count. Good and Choice vealers made 28.- 35. while Choice and Prime brought 35. A few early in the week sold up to 4L. Stan dard and low Good kinds made 21.-28. with Utility down to 17. HOGS;— Receipts in. the hog division totaled about 1325 head or about the same as last week. The trading was moderately active as bar rows, ’ gifts, and sows ' held steady. U.S. 1-3 grade IftO -230 lb. barrows & gifts went across the scales at. 14.25-15. and a few lots of no. 3’s sold down to 14. Hogs more uni form for weight and grade including 1-2 grade 190-230 lb. hogs brought 15.25-16. Few lots mostly no. I’s weigh ing 195-200 lbs. brought 16.- 25-16.50. 300-600 lb. sows made 8-12. SHEEP:.— The supply this week of wooled slaughter lambs will total about 1 600 head compared with. last week’s 417 head count. Trad ing was moderately active as slaughter lambs sold 2 00 lower This lower trend fol lows recent declines on wholesale carcass values. Quality- continues poor with Utility and Good grades pre dominating in the supply. Good and Choice 70-95 lb. wooled slaughter lambs made 19.-21 50 early, but closing at 18.50- Utility closed at 14.50- 25. Few Culled to FOR MORE PROFITS, PLANT ammet's 6*£Aresr warns AND FOR TOP YIELDING CLOVER. ALFALFA. OATS SOW HOFFMAN SEE YOUR LOCAL HOFFMAN SALESMAN OR Phone Landis ville TW 43-3421 v * *» *9u2 Chicago ( Cati(Q * , New Holland < 4 Steer Markets Draggy Prices Dpwn " SS SSS^M&H *SSt ? «- sS-r regular 1 market about 5 per- some instances 100 lower. ses „ 90 . 2 85; killers 6 cent smaller than last week. The November 12 sale had cents. 15 per cent less than the receipts of 876 cattle and 351 same year-ago week, and the calves. smallest In six weeks, this choice butcher steers - $2B despite the fact that Mon- _ 2 q- good - 26.50-28: plain to days run of 27,000 was larg- met ji U m - 22-26 50.. est for any day in over a year Good butcher heifers - $22- Receipts after Monday sharp- 2 4 ; pi. to med. -18 22; dairy ly curtailed due to lower breed heifers - 14-18. prices that day and the vet- Good bulls - $25-27 25; bol erans day holiday at ' Mid- ognas . 21-24.85, pi to med. week when most packing 23-25. plants were c osed. Percent- Good butcher cows --S 15- age slaughter steers a little i 6.50; medium - 14-15; can larger than the 70 per cent nierte & cutters - 12-14; shells steers last week. . 10-12'. Prices for slaughter steers Stockers and feeders - $22- Irended irregularly. Mondays 25.85; stock steer calves - 24 general downturn of 25 to choice to prime butcher mostly. 50- in prices- for calves - 37-40: good - 32-37; slaughter steers. Prices for med. 28-32; Inin calves - 15- most steers Wednesday ad- 27; heavy calves - 22-28. vanced 50-75, the sharpest The Nov. 11 dairy cattle one-day upturn since last Ap- sale had 155 ’nows, seven ril,' but the- trend stock. bull%;and 22 heifers, downward agjiin Thursday/ Fresh f coWs - Holstein - As a result steeds ended the $350-480; Guernsey - 250-325; week about steady with last others 250-380- weeks close. * Stock bulls - $llO-187.50; Vealers about steady. Heifers-*- 75-140. Stockers and Feeders steady The November 9 Horse to 50 lower. Receipts includ- sale featured 22. head of ed around 1800 cattle and Standard. Bred Kbrses, ship several hundred calves for a ped in'from Illinois, selling special feeder auction sale from $l5O to 285 per head Friday. Monday about 15 loads of mixed high choice & prime 1175-1365 lb. slaughter steers 28.25-28.75, Top 28.75 for 1 load lowest since last Nov. Most good steers during the week 24.00-26.00. The major ity good 900-1100 lb weights 24.00-25.50 several loads of commercial and good 1300-1,- 550 lb weights 24.00-24.50. Few choice vealers 32.00, Standard and good 25 00-31 00, most cull and utility 13 Good slaughter ewes paid 3 7.00, SEEDS 00-24.0(kr ' ■ T , Few medium and good light stock steer calves 27.00, Good and choice 625-765 lb. stock steers 26.00-27.00, load medium andr good -725 lbs. 24.75, -medium 575 lbs. £4.00, good and choice 850-950 lb feeding steers 24.00-25.73, two loads medium 1035 lb. •weights 22.75, good 360-405 lb. stock heifer calves 26.75, few good yearling heifers 23. Just arrived for that Thanksgiving and C) baking' Trojan Pastry Flour - first. Buckwheat Flour of Season - Get yjpurs now! Just received a shipme Penn Champ Permanent Anti-Freeze at only SI.T gallon. root paint.--Gloves 40c up & poultry, feeds. Supplies, and. Medication. Household and dairy cleanel* - qts. & gal. Wo; for linoleum floors, windows and, dishes Prices subject to change ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STO t j t 947 Harrisburg Pike ' Ph. Lane. EX 4- * Willis H. Weaver, Mgr. A BRAND NEW BABCOCK BESS Will be available from our Litiiz Hatchery bei December Ist. She is a 3-way Leghorn strain cross and has 3 ite improvements over our 1959 Bessie. These are: UNBELIEVABLY GOOD LIVABILITY. ABLE TO TAKE IN HER STRIDE THE OF OUR MODERN POULTRY BUSINESS, AS DEBEAKING, CROWDING. SLAT FL ETC. EGG QUALITY— EXCELLING BOTH IN H lOR QUALITY AND STRENGTH OF SHELi If you would like to hove more informal 011 this completely new (but thoroughly tested) call us collect at Lititz: MA 6-5872 or MA 6-7 BABCOCK HATCHERY, R. D. =3 Soil BankQuol Is Reached He Farmers over the have applied to place twice as much land 1960 Conservation ] of the Soil Bank a; amount that can be ar with the funds availal cording to a prelimin; tional report received Lancaster County Agr al Stabilization and ration office. The initial figure that nearly 103,0(10 tion have been filed t( a total oi 9 6 million t reserve. - While presen cations are that sor more than the ongini tional goal of 5,100,00' can be placed under it will not be possible cept all of the acreage ed. This means, accord Earl Groff, Chairman Pennsylvania State tee, that the “best priority system pre announced will be States and counties to . mine which applicants be offered contracts, general order of ac •will be on the'basis at the lowest percent the basic per-acre rate lished for the farm. P. S. Same large early egg as our present Bessie. ' yi'> wl x lititz.