6—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 17, 1353 —------ ■■ - - S&SL > f >V> * >. < ><. Feed Grain To Dairy Cattle At Calving Time Feeding relatively large amounts of gram immediate ly before or setter freshening will not increase the inci dence or'seventy of udder congestion in dairy cows, says Associate Chester Coun ty Agent Joseph K Way This, he adds, has been clear ly demonstrated in studies at the New Yoik and Illinois Agricultural Experiment Sta tions Some dairymen have dis continued or drastically re duced grain feeding to pre vent congested or swollen udders. Way suggests such a practice be discarded as the cow’s needs for nutrients are great immediately before and after calving. He recommends most cows be fed 8 to 12 pounds of grain daily for at least one week before freshening. In crease the amount of grain fed by about one pound daily until her peak product ion needs are met. Studies show low blood protein levels are associated with udder edema or congest- Merryknoll Sexlink (Rock x Red)—Bred by electronic “brain" methods. Golden Sexlinks Harco male x Andrews White Rock feiAale. They’re tough, and great layers. Cobb's White Rocks Broiler Test winners and good layers too. Vantress x Cobb White Rocks Popular for meat. Garrison Cornish Male x Cobb White Rock female Super meat quality. Gove's Barred Rocks.. Still a favorite of many farmers. Burling's New Hampshires. Carefully selected stock. When you're ready to or der, pick up the phone and call Oxford 28S collect. Available At ALL Times HATCHERY <• ion Heifers often er blood protein older cows at Thus, they are su udder congestion, ing may occui the abdomen as The swelling in strains of heifers ; older cows results accumulation of ) fluid, which has ei the blood stream j possibly weakening tachments in some udder congestion little or no ad\ers cattle Udder edema r lieved to some certain diuretic can bfe admmisi veterinarian. Mr. Way explan ary research at II indicates that pounds of soybeai daily for six wer calving may icdi enty of udder cc susceptible amraa Advertisi mo far plan fhiSJS***’ *2*s l** Vztsb**