Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 03, 1959, Image 2

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    2—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 3, 1959
At Lancaster Yards
Supply Light;
James E. O'Hara.
la Charge/ Market New* Branch
The receipts this wk wall
total about 1100 head less
than last wk’s 8044 head co
unt. The supply consisted of
20 cent slaughter steers
and 70 per cent stockers and
The largest supply of the
year of stockers and feeders
were on hand this past wk.
Trading was rather slow th
roughout the week Com
pared with last wk’s. close
slaughter steers were 50-1
lower Cows in daily decline
close out the week 125-150
lower Bulls sold about st
eady. Stockers and feeders
were 50-1 lower with wgt. ov
er 800 lb in fleshy condition
•off the most
Load high choice and pri
me slaughter steers weighing
1235 3b sold for 30.15, few
lots and loads high choice
950-1200 lb made 29 50-29-
75. Bulk of the choice slau
ghter steers made 28-29 25
Good and low choice steers
brought 25 75-28 25. Lot ch
oice 840 lb heifers made 26.
Cutter and utility cows ma
de 15 50-18 25, Corn!, cows
up to 19 25, canners and low
cutters 13 50-15 50
Util and coml bulls sold
at 22 50-26, and good grade
fed bulls brought 26-27 good
and choice 800-1050 lb feed
er steers sold for 25 75-28,
few lots early m wk. up to
28.35, med. and good made
23J50-26 Good and choice
556-800 lb stocker steers at
26 75-31, and med and good
at 25 25-27 25. Good grade
stock calves made 29-33, and
med and good brought 26 -
The receipts of calves this
week will total about the sa
me as last wk’s 681 head co
unt Trading was active and
vealers held steady. Good and
cheiee vealers 27-34. Choice
and prime 34-39, and a few
prime sold up to 40, stand,
and low good kinds made 21
-27. and util sold down to 18.
The receipts will total ab
out 1400 head or 125 head
less than last wk Trading
was moderately active Bar-
New & Used
Snavely's Farm Service.
tastibulk is a real treat for
your cows . . . mighty easy
on your purse. This new ap
petizer-conditioner provides
highly palatable bulk for
milking herds . . . helps con
dition dry cows for calving.
tastjbulk is new, different,
and economical. Prove it for
yourself ... try a ton today.
Eastern fcJMRa
Service Center
Phone ST 6-3647
Service Center
Phone EX 4-3755
Or your local Representative
Trading Slow
rows and gilts were steady to
25 lower and sows held stea
dy. U S. 1-3 grade 190-230 lb
barrows and gilts made 1515.50,
IS.50, hogs more uniform for
wgt and grade made 15 75-
16.50, 300-600 lb. sows went
to the sqales at 8-12.
Trading was sl'ow this wk.
in the sheep division as sp
ring slaughter lambs were 1-
2 lower on about 700 head or
400 head less than last wk
Good and choice 65-95 lb. sp
ring lambs 19.50-21.50, a few
to 22, util and low good ma
de 16-20 Cull to good shorn
slaughter ewes made 44-8,
Tough Competition
(From page 11)
the trip came up with the
following conclusions.
The U. S. will hcive to
work hard to maintain ex-
to western European
countries, let alone increase Heifers closed steady to 25
them. Higher prices and in- lower than late last wk; cows
flationary trends m the U S weak to 75 lower, mostly 50
may make Hie job more dif- tower despite late strength.
fl CU lt Bulls mostly 1 lower V,eal-
U s producers will need £ ZTdVrs S, %%
to produce specifically for i ower Good clearance this
the export market in these w ic. as opposed to late last
countries. They cannot be wk.
used as a dumping ground _ . , ~ , .
for surpluses. bulk choice and mix
- is. ed choice and prime steers
Perhaps the greatest op- 26-28.50; late bulk 26.75 -29
portunity for increased U. S. week’s early top on prime
agricultural exports lies in steers of 29 lowest of the yr
undeveloped countries of the to date, Wed load mostly pri
world. If these areas can get me 1212 lb steers 29,65, lo
their per capita incomes up, lOBO lb wgts. 29 35 and
they can become large mark- arol *od 6 loads high choice to
fni* 4Vim T 7 c j j mostly primo 1175-1325 lb.
fihJe food and steers 29.25, few loads mix
nDers~ ed choice and prime 1450-15-
CALL EXpress 4-5412
Deliveries Made Over Two Tons
Trailer Load Prices, Bagged or Bulk
220 Lampeter Road Lancaster. Po.
' '
Bruce Babcock
Lancaster County
X?** "
+ S
Russ Mease
- - *%&' ,
Bob Decker
Chicago Cattle
Supply Off
Price Steady
Marketings sharply curta
iled after Monday, four day
receipts 20 per cent smaller
than last wk. when supplies
were largest of the year to
date. 70-75 per cent of re
ceipts slaughter steers, 15 -
20 per cent heifers, and ar
ound 5 per cent cows and
fully 5 per cent stockers and
Average wgt. of slaughter
steers promising to be con
siderably lighter than last Wk
average of 1166 lbs; prices
for slaughter steers and hei
fers trended lower early in
the week but substantial ga
ins were scored Wed when
receipts were smallest for
the day since July, as a re
sult closing prices on slau
ghter steers around steady
with late last week although
some big weights over 1400,
lbs still around 50 lower.
We are looking forward to be-
ing with you
October 6,7, and 8.
Please stop in at our Booth F3O.
in Harrisburg
MA 6-5872
Hew Holland
Steer Market Is Steady
The outstanding feature of
the New Holland steer sale
on Thursday was the sale of
the New Holland Baby Beef
Club which averaged 31.57
in price and 1,016 in weight.
All steers grading choice
and weighing under- 1,100
active and 50 higher Heavy
weight short feds again 50
to 75 lower. ' '
Stockers and feeders - in a
heavy run were 50 to $l.OO
Cow market was
with last week, bulls 50 to
75 lower, choice to prime
calves $1 higher. All ether
kinds steady. Receipts for
the sale were 850 cattle and
404 calves.
Prime Butcher Steers
$29-31; choice—2 B-29; good
—26-28; plain to medium —
Choice Butcher Heifers
$25-26 85; good—22-23; pl
ain to medium—l 9-22; com
mon yellow heifers —l5-19.
00 lb steers 25 50-27 25 and
two loads comparable grade honey, advises Mi.s r
1770'1b beeves 25 75 while ine B Love, Penn Slat
high choice under 1200 lb. tension consumer edn™
steers sold as high as 28.25, specialist. Color, flavc
Standard and good veal' ai }A aroma of honey
ers 25-32, few good and ch- with the flowers from •<
oice 33, cull and utility vea- bees gather nectar Ht
lers 15-24 Loadlots good and with a distinctive flavo
mixed good and choice 535- generally labeley W i V
765 !b. stock steers 26.50 - soUrce of the nectai \
29 ’ j lld a label doesn’t indma
ce 850-1025 lb feeding ste- nectar - ni , rop Ihn ca
ers 25.25-16.35, load medium ne „ sour . c ?> hone;
945 lb wgts. 24 60. load go- 18 a blend of diffi
od and choice mostly good nectars As a rule the 1
grade, 500 lb. stock heifers er the color of honey
28. milder the flavor.
Special Feeding Program
for High Producers
ms&m KiD-gpiii
Beacon has developed a feeding program to mi
special nutritional requirements of high pioclucmg
It’s designed to help each cow express her full m
potential, get greater returns over feed cost. In actu
formance at the Beacon Dairy Research Faim it ha
just that.
Records on 11 cows 2X, 305 d., M.E.
New Program (average age 6-4) 18,347 lbs,
Old Program [average age 5-3) 16,885 lbs, a v
Average increase on new program 1,462 lbs.
On the average, each cow received 360 lbs. mon
on the new Hi-Spced program. With grain at $4.20, ci
milk at $4.40/cwt. cows on the new program
$49-20 more above feed cost than on the old piogia ul
We’d like to tell you moie about
the Beacon Hi-Spced Daity Piogiam
Just phone us today and we’ll gladly supphl
The Beacon Milling Company
A Division of Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc
Telephone: York 8-2341
- . •v
plain to
Bulls — s,
med JUm _ -4 5
bulls 20 501 2 J
Good Butcher rv,
18 50; mcd—ls.l7 ow '-
and cutters— l3-15’ Cai
Stocker and Feeri„
-$23-27 60. dor S
Stock Steer Calves
31; choice to prim, ,
40 50; good—32-36 r 3
-26-32; lhm-21o 6 me
heavy calves— 23 50.0 V.
The September in' 6
sale had 130 cows anri 1
ock buls on a steady J
Fresh Holstein L rn
$350-470, guernseys 9-
300; others 250-300 “ 3
Stock bulls—sB2-1 r=
The September 28 1
sale had receipts of ir?
ses All mules went f“ r
ers Market was mostly
dy to weaker. y
. Mules— $125-152 50
ies—-70-140. Ridina Wa
125-250; Dnvmg |£.
110-175. Killers— 7 . ° e rse!
5«53 Mara
jt: ; I
"V v