i' , weights 29 75-30.00, two f\]\C&QO i drOS loads at 30 00, one load of n\ which ieedlot mates of cat (From pass J tic at the same price last ~,v e r, kinds grading av- wee k j most loads choice and choice and better oil miX ed choice and prime K a nd dosing mainly 50- s t e ois 27 50-29 00. moderate iWcr. utility and stand- showing mostly choice over , heifers continued very 1125 lb weights late down -e and held about steady. 27 25 and an occasional [ steady to 25 lower load 27 00 several loads high , and vealers steady, choice and piirae 1450 1500 steers 800 lbs. up lb steers 28 00-28 25 loadlots .wifely active, ~ mostly mixed good and choice steers feeding 1125 lbs down 27.00-27 25, W’ and stackers slow, choice 1,000 lb weights at *1? over 25 loads high 2/50 carrying a good grade o to mostly prime 1050 end, most standard and good So lb slaughter steers steers 24 00-26 75, few loads ‘‘an 00 late down to 23 50, 2 loads loads 1155-1277 lb 1000-1050 lb standard hoi- DE * LB jig are gone forever. It takes a crew of skillfully trained lists to produce the highly efficient and productive DeKalb is demanded in today’s highly specialized poultry industry, alb has the skilled personnel—the “Know-How.” aS3“VOLUME' It takes large numbers of research ito produce top-quality Chix. DeKalb maintains thousands 1 times. DeKalb develops many, many inbred lines. DeKalb of experimental crosses each year. Yes, the LARGER program, the GREATER the selection pressure, the greater cefor better birds. DEKALB has the “VOLUME.” “EQUIPMENT’ It takes many buildings,.. many ich workers ... an army of birds ... an unbelievable array of ssary equipment. And, it takes the magic of the “punched ” to record the individual records of thousands of birds, \LB has the “EQUIPMENT.” jous increase in popularity of DeKalb Chix can be traced i! performance of the DeKalb Chix themselves. This results imcreasing number of satisfied customers every year. Insist on sib, the Chix that have what it lake? goiden voltes IN Ml, THICK AlBO»*N itSoS^Vw^ 1 ’ 'Hohrer & Bro.. Inc. ©KETOWN, PA * Lane EX 2-2659 G. Haldeman UIANHEIM, PA ’’one MO 5-7371 Hiestcmd, Inc. marietta, .pa HA7el 6-9301 46r H. Rohrer Lester R. Buckwalter Lancaster, pa r i, Washington bor W TR 2-7670 Ph Millorsvillc TR 2-5784 Piupp S ]. Wiiliain Groff WARRYVILLE, pa k 3, QUAKRYVILLE, pa r.io n(! ST 6 , 2832 Phone, Kn K\vood, LA 9-22.: /J od Longenecker i l ' OXFORD, PA LA 9-24 L-i EKALB CHIX "SATISFIED CUSTOMERB”The Meibom Bros. MOUNT JOY, PA Phone OL 3-8582 Aaron J. Brubaker 1836 Wanetta Ave , LANCASTER, PA Phono EX 3-8362 Harry F. Houser R 7, LANCASTER. PA Phone EX 2 0247 Goo. W. Jackson & Son R 1 CHRISTIANA, PA plior»> Atglen LY 3-5403 stein steers included at 24.- Load utility and standard utility grades 16,00-25.00. 1072 lb. weights 23.25, few Load medium and good 520 1050 lb cutter holstein steers stock steers 2800, good 595- 20 00. Two loads mostly 745 Igb stbckcrs 26.50-28 35. prime 1043 and 1157 lb hei£- Good and choice 850-1000 ers 28 25 and 28 50, loadlots lb feeding steers 2b 50-27 30, mixed choice and prime few 27 60, load good and heifers 27 25-28 00, load 830 choice 465 lb stock heifer Jb weights included at 27 50 calves 30 25, load mostly Early bulk good to high good 400 lb weights 30 00, choice, heifers 25 00 27 25, few good 550 lb slock heii late bulk 24 75-26 75, few ers 27 00 loads still unsold utility and standard heifers 19 00-24 00 Few standard cows 18 50- too big for the barn, the 20 00, utility and commercial dairyman may be tempted to cows largely 16 00-18 50, build a bigger bam However laod 1125 lb utility white- Donald Ace, Penn State ex face cows 17 50, most can- tension specialist, suggests ners and cutters 14 00 17 z.>, c h ec i- ln g all 'angles careful- S tew g l,ght caS. dowS »' Solute of the problem to 13 00 may be m cullln s out the Utility and commercial producers and shipping bulls 21 50-23 50, few fat them to market bulls 200 00 Good and choice vealers 32 00 32 00, standard Lancaster Farming advertis \ealers 26.00-32.00, cull and mg brings results READY TO HOUSE YOUR PULLETS! Pullets moved from range to the laying house find themselves in an en t’ely new environment, "Strange Quarters'", as far as they are concerned 1. Supply extra fountains around the floor and on the roosts, also feed- ers. Some of the birds which looked so nice when you brought them in will have difficulty finding feed and water at first and get uneven and loss some weight unless feed and water consumption is kept at a high level by extra i waterers and feeders. 2. Feed -33 EARLY BIRD POULTRY FITTING RATION in hoppers first 2 weeks instead of scratch. When birds are brought in off range lack of exercise may cause some constipation. Fitting ration helps keep comb color and vigor. 3. When changing to scratch don't have your litter too deep in the house at first. Scratch in deep litter when pullers are housed is apt to cause a decrease in feed consumption the first few days. Pat some scratch in the feeders as well as on the floor at the start. When chickens are ulsed to their quarters after the first few weeks build up litter gradually to desired depth. 4. If your chickens start to lay on range DO NOT FORGET Oystershells or Calcite Grit. Without these the bird will draw on her calcium reserve in the bone structure to make the shells. This will eventually result in some weak and poor birds and poor shell quality. 5. Early Bird All Mash Redon or Early Bird Egg Mash and Grain will help you. to efficient LOW COST production of quality eggs with just the right yolk color. If we can be of be,lp to yea in any poultry problem, please call youi Miller & Bushorg representative or dial Lancaster, EXpress 2-2145 direct Miller & Bushong, inc. Manufacturers of Poultry and Livestock Feed Since 1875 V * Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, September 19. 1959—S When the dairy herd gets WHEN YOU ARE A feed pelleting machine for use in the field will bo a reality some day. says Bur - ton Home, Penn Slate ex tension agricultural engineer He reports extensive lesear ch is being done by engine - cis on such a machine RENT PORSCHE DIESEL TRACTORS $9.00 PER DAY SNAVELY'S FARM SERVICE NEW HOLLAND Rohrerslown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster EX 2-2145