3—Lancaster Farming' Saturday, July 4, 1959 • PoulftymarT (From page 1) features of his original oper- ation, fie started out by building 68 feet of brooder .house and 60 feet of laying house, each one story at the time. The brooder house he added to ■with a 30 foot long addition aid another 'of 12 feet, ■"here were several , more loots of-laying house added in timV Y THi Savings added to your account here by the 10th of'the month earn from the Ist so it pays to save now! If you do not have an insured savings- account here, why not open one right away? A convenient amount will get you start , ed. Good earnings paid on savings, here, help your account grow faster! Current Dividend 3 % per Annum ' Paid On Savings ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $lO,OOO feIRST FEDERAL ft ® C Javinte and loan AMOCIAIIbM OP LANCAfTIII W 25 North Duke St. Phone EX 7-2818 Gilbert H. Hartley Emlen H. Zellers Treasurer Secretary Geo. L. Diehl James N. Esbenshade Asst. Treasurer Asst. Secretary - These eafly houses includ ed running water with over flow pipes and central con trols on the windows, feat ures still lacking in many poultry houses. About 1927, he relates, he became the first county ppul tryman to range shelter pul lets, also using small range nest houses He was using “built-up litter” more than 20 years ago, before Penn State re searchers began recommend ing it. “Of course,*’ he notes, “I cents per pound, also was the first in this - Although he has had as area to have Newcastle dis' high as 4,000 layers on case It hit the entire, flock, range and in the houses, Mr one pen at a time So actual- Herr reports ho had a 2200 ly, I was able to maintain to 2400 normal laying hen fairly high production " all capacity for his operation, through the attack ” <1 a i m f o r 75-80 per cent His original operation in- lajing percentage the year eluded a battery of “Hbt-wa- lound. Culling every two ter incubators” for produc- weeks, I check my laying mg layers from imported charts to see what percenl- English Baron Leghorns. At age I’m getting and know this time he was working how many ‘head .must be tak with other farmers in Bird- en out to raise the percent- In-Hand and near Mt. Joy, age to the right level,” he he reports, in producing bet- states. ter layers. "But this strict adherence Later -they switched to to principles of good man- Anthony strain cockerels for agement and constant search further improvement. for better Ways to operate Right from the start, Mr. are only two reasons for the Herr says, he shipped grad- selection of Roy B. J Lancaster P oultr ° and was a S'ears, because h, vi e needed it ” e TJ He also h e]pM the Producers c { Exchange at Coal. 11 sells his graded the co-op s ' s ‘ -He was Northeastern ducer’s Council 3 years in the 1930> S I For 21/2 years ij Mr. Herr served Js 3 of the state fedetJj honored him as ‘MJ Year.’ For 12 years, h ( J president of ih 6 fj peter Community m ciation and after J that post was naaiedi manager of the fj, ( he has filled for eight years ] (Turn to pa a i See The New Meyer Hay Conditio*' In Your Field. No Obligation!