pcaster Poultry Exchange iler Avg. At 18.98 r emcaster Poultry 1. Lane. Co. Farm Bueau broiler market (John L. Herr), 3000 WV je JST Thursday C-Cap. 13-6, NO SALE, 23.4 sd auarter cent bid. 2. Same, 1400 WV-P-Cap, in° ther „ i?mited offer- 13-6, Linn Poultry, 27.1. 3. with Same 700 WV-C-Cap, 13.6, 12 P r averaged 18.98 Carl B Kisser, 23.3. 4. Har birds, q range vey Zimmerman, 3000 WV, “ - u JL w* <*»■ l° 9 l\ L, " ni 19 - 9 - 5 - samfe lots, VVil ' 07 3 l "- D -' K°rt.Ae lots, with 6. Same, 2500 WV, 10-6, aD a d rn fowl went for NO SALE, 18 bid. 7. Harold Nine lots stayed Hostetter, 1500 L-F, 12 mo , 11 ~a the grower’s Kisser, 11.1. 8. Robert B. farm To as | 4 33 Noll, 1300 WVX, 10.1, John LB io9oo’ of 68,580 N Thomas, 19.7. 9. Elias ft 40 AZ activity Frey, 525 WV, 10-2, John E. P ld £ sale had 39 Hettinger, 19 3. 10 Floyd L £ ea oi 975 birds sell- Hershey, 2600 WVX, 8-4, NO Lmf 29 lots with SALE, 17 7 bid. tbrnilers, averaging 11 David E Merkey, 1000 WV, 9-6, Risser, 19 3. 12. Parke K Herr, 450 WV-C- Cap, 14-2, College Hill Poultry, 25. 13. Herr, 850 WV-C-Cap, 14-2, Marvin Sweigart, 24 5. 14 Herr, 900 WV-P-Cap, 14-2, Linn Poult ry, 27 3. 15. Herr, 900 WV-P- Cap, 14-2, Risser, 27 1. 16 SAME ALL 17 Jonas S. Stoltzfus, 500 L-F-Y, Risser, 10 9 18 William C Schultz, - mg is the complete f ßuction, with seller, ' in parentheses, a aiid breed, age in ind days, , buyer and CODE WV-white . x-cross; Cap - cap cockerels; P - pul p . leghorn fowl, and irhngs Potato and Tomato Growers— Du Pont MANZATE' gives powerful disease protection... helps produce higher yields, FOR POTATOES —“Manzate” gives outstanding control of blights... it’s the “new standard of excellence” «■ In grower tests, “Manzate” has boosted yields of No. I’s an aver age of 21.4 hundredweights per acre over standard fungicide pro grams. Right in your own state, “Manzate” led all other fungicides tested. In fact, in these tests, “Manzate” stood out best because it consistently resulted in high yields. Last year, potato fields treated with “Manzate” stayed blight-free, although surrounded by infected areas in many instances. FOR TOMATOES —“Manzate” is the most nearly perfect'fungicide yet developed Don’t risk the severe disease damage that so many tomato growers suffered during 1958. Use “Manzate” for positive control of all major fungus diseases of tomatoes. “Manzate” controls defoliation and fruit rots with maximum efficiency, yet is mild on plants. And canning-house records show that spraying “Manzate” increased tomato yields an average of 75 per cent over untreated fields. Remember these advantages from "MANZATE”,.. • Outstanding Disease Control. • Thoroughly Tested, Recommended. •Flexible Spray Programs, "tailor made” for your area and conditions. For the most effective-disease control, be sure you get Du Pont "Manzate” maneb fungicide. Order a supply of "Manzate” from your dealer now! On all chemicals, always follow label instructions and warnings carefully. iPQNJ U S FAT off. b ETTER things for better living.., through chemistry Guaranteed 80% J. C. EHRLICH CO. ktributor of Monzote and other DuPont Agricultural Chemicals Chestnut St., Lancaster Phone EX 7-3721 maneb fungicide more No. I’s • Easy to Use —No mixing or han dling problems. • Economical —The most disease con trol for your money. MANZATE® maneb fungicide "Manzate" 8000 WV, 9-2, NO SALE, 18 bid. 19. Same, 18.2 bid. 20. Frank Amey, 1750 WV-Cap, 12-2, NO SALE, 18 bid. 21. SAME ALL: 22. J. J. Hess II (Earl Groff), 1000 WVX, 9-5, W. C. Mellinger & Son, 18 5. 23. Hess (War ren Eshleman), 2000 WVX,' 9-5, Daniel K. Good, 18.4. 24. Miller & Bushong (James Pinkerton, 3500 WVC, 9, Mellinger, 18.5. 25. M&B (Millard Osborn), 775 WV- Cap, 13-1, Risser, 24 3. 26 M&B (Naomi Jane Blessing), 500 WV, 9, NO SALE, 17 6 27. M&B (John Olesh, Jr), 4000 WV, 9-2, Linn, 19.8. 28. Elmer Metz ler, 3000 WV, 9, Mellinger, 18 5. 29 J. Robert Musser, 3600 WV, 10-2, Mellinger, 18 9 30 Eugene S Ruhl, 4,- 000 WV, 9-1,-Roy E. Ream, 18 31 Melvin M Groff, 700 L-F, 1-2 yrs , Risser, 10 7. 32. Aaron Brubaker, 280 L- F-Y, NO SALE, 8 bid 33 Farm Bureau (John L. Herr), 700 WV-C-Cap, 13-6, Risser, 23 1 ' DelMarVa-Geo. Mid's. On Pg. 8 Active Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, June 27, 1959 —3 Weekly New York Egg Mkt From Monday, June 22nd to Friday, June 26th Ext. Fey. Hywts 36 - Med. 29 - Pullets 20%- P-wees 16%- Ext. Fey. Hywts 37 - Med. 29 - Pullets 22 - P-wees 16%- Ext. Fey. Hywts 33 %- Med 27 - Pullets 20 - Stds 29 - Checks 25 - Ext Fancy Ilywls 35 - Ext Fey. Hywts 34 - Med. 28 - Pullets 20 Vz- FRIDAY TREND—Market position continued closely cleared and fully steady to firm. Somewhat heavier re ceipts generally expected next week. Copyrighted 1958 By Urner-Barry Co. Original MANZATE Distributor ORGANTIC PLANT FOOD CO. GROFFTOWN ROAD Ph. Lane. EX 2-4963 xllS'' LOOKING FOR RESULTS? Try WIRTHMORE HI-ENER-G 16 LAYING MASH Here’s what it will give you; ★ Greater returns over feed cost. ★ Good performance in any climate. ★ Labor savings—easy to feed —a complete ration. Why not try it and check the results for yourself? WIRTHMORE FEEDS PAUL M. RESSLER & SON PARADISE. PA. Nearby Whites 371/2- 40 - 30 -30% 33 - 20%- 20 %- 16%- 16%- Nearbv Browns 39 - 30 %- 22 - 16%- 41 - 32 Vi -22 - 161/2- Midwestern Mixed 34V 2 - 28 20 29 25 > 30 20 -30 29 25 -30 30 -26 26 Midwestern Browns 37 - 39 - Midwestern Whites 371/2- 32 - 20V2- 35 - 201/2- CHAIN SAW SERVICE CENTER New & Tiled Snavely's Farm Service NEW HOLLAND EL 4-2214 ORDER YOUR MANZATE From LANC. CO. FARM BUREAU Ph. Strasburg OV 7-3931 41 34 - 20 Vi -16 Vi 41 - 34 - 21 - 161/2- -42 4] 34 22 - 16V&* 41 -42 34 - 22 - 16M>- 38 - 30 - 20 - 39 -40 381/2- 33 - 21 - 38i/o -33 - 20V2-