2—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 27, 1959 At Lancaster Yards. Receipts Up James E, O'Haxo, 1 ' In Charge, Market News Branch LANC LIVESTOCK JUNE 26- CATTLE; This week in the Cattle Division receipts to talled about 4675 head -or some 875 head more than last week. Slaughter steers accounted for 60 percent of the supply. Stockers & feed ers 30 percent Trading was moderately active on all classes. Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers were steady to mostly 25 higher, with several loads and lots 50 higher; but slaughter steers were scarce after Mon day. Cows closed the week fully 75 lower Bulls and stockers and feeders sold at about steady rates. Bulk of choice slaughter steers ranged from 28 75-30., few loads and lots average to high-choice weighing 1150 - 1232 lb commanded 30.25 - 31.00. Good to low-choice steers made 26.50-28.75, with standard down to 25.50. Utility and commercial bulls ranged from 23.-26, while good grade fed bulls made 25.75-27.25. Cutter and utility cows closed the week at 17 75j21.75,, with Com mercial cows up 'to 22.75 “ while canhtes arid low cut ters moved out at 16-17.75. Good and choice 800-105 C lb. feeder steers made 27.75 29.50, with medium and good at 26.75-28.25, Good to low-choice 550 ■ 800 lb. stock -, steers went back to the farms at 3Q.-34 and Medium, and Good made 28.-30.25. Good stock calves brought 30-34, "several lots medium down to 29. CALVES: Receipts will to tal about 100 head more than last week’s 549~head count. Trading was active through the week. Vealer quality after Monday was less than in previous weeks. Vealers sold mostly steady with spots $l. lower on good grade. Good and choice vealers made 29.-35.00, with choice and prime ranging from 35.- 28.00, with a few on Monday Manheim Judge Tops Contest John Henry Hess, Jr , of Manheim RD 1, was champ ion swine judge Saturday, during the Penna. Hamp shire Swine Breeders’ Assn. Field Day at the John Stub er farm' Denver Hess received a prize o£ 100 lbs of pig pellets for hi& top judging performance Darvm Boyd, Ephrata, placed third in junior divis ion judging during the day long event CUSTOM BULK SPREADING SMICKER BROS. BIRD-IN-HAND Ph. Intercourse SO 8-3610 WHITEN, BRIGHTEN and SANITIZE your barn with Carbola disinfecting white paint GET ALL A ADVANTAGES with t easy spraying 1 Sprays a clean bright white 2. Kills disease germs 3. Eliminates cobwebs for months A. Kills flies, lice and other pests Your barn smells clean because it n clean Carhola clean! For a ‘Grade A” job see your Certified Carbola Spray man or -ask your dealer about the Carbola Rental Sprayer For further information write Dept LF 69 Carbola CHEMICAL CO., «tic. Natural Bridge, H.r. t Run 75% To 4675 Killer Steers at 39.00. Standard and low - *JI WSI O good kinds made 23.-29, ttctja MARKET while utility sold down to USI ?~ 18.00. NEWS -SERVICE HOGS: Trading was mod- CHICAGO, JUNE 25 crate ly active on about 1,- CATTLE: Supplies 12 per 525 head which was 175 cent greater than last week, head less than last week, largest in six weeks, and 5 Compared with last week’s'p e r cent above the corres close, barrows and gilts were ponding week last year, steady. Sows sold stronger. Small increase in the percen- Quality of barrows and gilts tage slaughter steers and was poor on Wednesday, cows and small decrease in with most lots grading 2-3. the heifers; Fully 75 per cent U. S. 1-3 grade 190-230 lb. slaughter steers, barely 15 barrows and gilts made 17.- per cent heifers and 7 per 75-18.25. Lots more uniform cent cows for weight and grade includ- Prime cattle remain seas ing 1-2 grade, scaling 190- onally scarce, percentage 220 lb. made 18.50-19.25. A choice steers smaller than few lots No.’s same weight the 72 per cent choice last brought 19.50 on Monday. 2 'week and percentage good 3 grade 220-250 lb. butchers grades larger than the 22 brought 16.75-17,50; 300-600 per cent good last week, lb. sows made 10.50-14. Average weight of slaugh- SHEEP.: Receipts will fall ter steers promising to be short of last week’s 679 head heavier that last week’s av count by about 100 head, erage of 1157 lbs. and will But tins is some 500 head probably be the heaviest in less than last year. Trading more than three months, was moderately active, as Slaughter steers and heifers spring lambs declined 1.00. opened the week 25-50 high- Bulk of- the spring lambs ev but prices for most graded utility and good, weights and grades trended Good and choice 60-90 lb., downward from • Tuesday-on spring lambs brought 23.00- as the result of increased 27.00, while utility ,j»oJd supplies, down to 17.00. ' Slaughter Roof paint - 5 gal. $2.60 Fine chick $5.00 Roofing paper roll $2.20 up jj starter $445 Roof 45c & $1 2Q B. Grower $4.40 Baler twine $6.50 16% All Mash $4.05 Peat moss $4.00 20 % -Quality c $4.20 Dog meal $8.50 2 0% O. k Hog' $4 35 Dixie litter $2 40 Fltting EatiDn $3 65 Stax Dry $2.60 v meal 25 lb . $l5O 4 Pt. tolf - $10.45 Milk Re P lacer 25 lb - * 2 ' 95 32-in. cattle wue $29.60 . Dairy Feed $3.35 Red Oxide Paint - - -Special chop $3.35 gal. $2 50 Rabbit pellets $5.10 ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STORE 947 Harrisburg Pike Buy Steeling Blusalt and all your summer salt needs from Ihe following authorized Blusalt dealers: BAREVILLE M S Graybill & Son COLUMBIA. Mountvillc Feed Service R. D EAST EARL Paul H Hurst & Sons R D. ~1 EAST PETERSBURG Hempfield Mills, Inc EPHRATA Henry B Hoover Martin Feed Mill, R D C P Wenger & Sons FLORIN Wolgemuth- Bros GAP J C Walker & Son GORDOHVILLE John J. Hoober Chicago Cattle Ph. Lane. EX 4-7715 Willis H. Weaver, Mgr. LANCASTER Eastern States Farmers Exchange Farmers Supply Co. Ira B Landis LITITZ Eby’s Mill Millport Roller Mills, R. D. #4 MANHEIM Cassel’s Mill, Inc., R D MILL WAY J H Reitz and Son NEW HOLLAND Earl Sauder David H Weaver POMEROY Eastern States Farmers Exchange TERRE HILL Harold H. Good closed steers are we cows glad! nothing like Sterling to give tis lull-time ion against trace-mm ificiencies. Blusalt con itnganese, iron, sulfate copper, cobalt, iodine ic—blended with high ■ salt, the ideal natu ■ier ” y mal SaJtCompany, Inc. New Holland Heavy Steers lmpr 0l from WT«w Holland Sales Siablc s Thursday cattle receipts $29 50-31 „ totaled 806, with 308 calves. pJam-medium Steer Market brisk at all (-hoi™ 1 times, especially Qp , steers -a. p-,-,! 1011 ®* t over 1300 lbs. these 50 high- 29 ‘ 5 °: Sood - 25.. er. Heavy kind steady with last »«£ - . £“ d ■■ ft Bulls steady to strong. and cutters - h Cows lower, better grade Good bulk 16 ' 1 showing most ,p]_ . mec j . „ ' lower—Cahners and cutters Choice - n r , ’*■ steady. Calves strong to $1 337 . 39; g0 * higher on all kinds except -28- 34 and a’ 1 Prime. T he June 24 ! Choice butcher steers - had receipts 0 t * -—-—-—~ rr* live stock bulk 1 steady to 50 lower than late heifers The 4 last week and weak to 1.00 steady, wUh lower -than Monday this cows verv . 'Hi week. Most decline* on good- v Fresh Holst Ue steers over 1050 lbs, and-on-. 470. q u ‘ n ci choice steers over 1200 lbs and ot h er br 3 Heifers closed steady to 25 stock bulls -1 lower than late last week <, t ock heifcis .«g and mostly 50 lower than . Trend ot Monday this week, several .hbrse maiket hundred head good and with 2 72 recemfc' choice slaughter steers sfall All draft h o £ unsold late. , - 'vfent to the kill* Cows lost mostly 1.00, pri- cents per pouno ces on cows grading utility Pomes were and better dropped to a-, low 185. since March and canners arid ' Riding horse (Turn to page 5) driving horses URLINGS CH RS' N T FARM! You can End just what you ant at Bill Burling’s hatch ■y. You have eight top rains and ctpsses to choose om. Our Leghorn eggs jrdly need grading—they’re > uniform. Our Sexlinks re’ very-'popular with hear r farmers. Then there '"are the“"“pick” ; the best strains and cross for Broilers, or^-meat-and- ’duV"irnany tpj) ,wing at' hick and Egg Shows prove ieir in competition One customer said our arey Leghorns,, /are; ."JusV onderful birds to handle”, hat’s important in high jwered Leghorns ake your pick suit ir needs. Big 8 Carey's -jjFamoaa ' Random de Test-winning Leg- A Chick for every Fcttm or Business fl( LING’S HAT with the WAYNE CALF FEEDING PROGRAM • • • • Fewer Pot-Bellied Calves! • Smooth, Crowthy Calves! • Sell. Up To 1,200 Lbs. Mo • Stop Milk Feeding In 3 D* • Reduce Digestive Troubles! ' • Endorsed By Top Dairy"*" l Fortified With An fib*' H, M. STAUFFER & SON'S, i Wilm«r - Bonks - L«ola> P !l ROSS C. ULRICH.-JR. D. 2, Peach Bottom, Pa, K. STAUFFER & SOW iwn and Bellaxre, Pa. SUNSHINE FARM SUPPLY Liiitz. Pa. MILLERSVItLE SUPPLY CO. fcorns. A custo. 270-egg aveiagt birds! Merryknoll male x Andrew “brain” methods Golden Sexlu male x Andiev iemale. They’re great layers Cobb's Whitt Broiler Test • good layers too ‘ Vanltesa x Bocks Popu Garrison Cobb While Super meat qu; Gove's Barred a favorite of ra< Burling's New Carefully select When j ou're der* (and il s pick up the pt Oxford 286 col Oxfoi ABEW- H.D. 2, E* ll ROl b.d- 1 lime H.D. 1. Millezsville, Fa.