0 Yards pa£ e , te the previous „ ne d strong to 'Tost the advan steadv to weak throughout S J" high 6l *’ nloS^ ,„frs, cutters and and these up to •a! level of cow S seven yrs. ’ .ptive through lers slow, steady dressed beef pri “n the New York D.. ER DRY & FRESH FOR • Better Body Condition • Easier Ccdving • Less Udder Problems • Higher Production • Use As A Complete Feed STOP IN TO TALK TO US h M. Good & Sons LEOLA QUAHRYVILLE [ore You Buy Any Machines *y Paul nolt Hwy.. Gap. Pa. wholesale fresh meat mkt weak to 1 lower. Numerous loads high, choi ce and mixed 'choice and prime slaughter steers early 30-31 50 with scattered loads up to 32 50, late bulk such cattle all Wgts. 29 25-30 50 with some high choice over 1250 lb. steers 29, few loads mostly prime 1175-1325 lb steers late 31-32 50, Weeks top of 32 50 lowest in three months, early bulk high good to average choice/ steers 27 50-29.75," late bulk 26.75-29, loadlots mixed good and choice 950-1050 lb. steers sold as high as 28.75, many loads average choice steers 1200 lbs up:27.75-28.75, stan- dard to average good steers early 24.50-27.25. Most late sales 24-26.50. Some standard Holstein steers 24-25, load mixed util ity and standard 1250 lb. wgts 23 50, part load hght- weight cutter grade Holsteins Few loads high-choice and mixed-choice and prime 925- 1075 lb heifers 29.50-30.25, bulk good to high-choice hei fers 26-29 25, choice largely 27.50 up, part load prime hut wasty fat 1275 lb. heif ers 25 50, utility and stand ard heifers 21-25.50, several loads standard 825-850 lb heifers 24-25, few standard 900-1200 lb. Holstein heifers 23 75-24 50. Few high commercial and standard cows 22 50-24, late bulk utility and coml cows 19.50-22, most carmer and cutters on the close 17 25 - 20 50, few heavy cutters and lean utility cows mixed up to 21 and few light canner cows down to 16. Utility and coml. bulls 23- IRW-C-Cap, 13-2, Good, 19.4 25 50 Few choice vealers 34, 42 Same, 1250 IRW-C-Cap„ standard and' good 25-33. 13-2, Longaere, 22 3 43 Ja- Cull and utility 15-24. Part mes High (Lee Petticoffer), load choice 155 lb, -mixed'9ooo -WV, 9, Col. Hill, 17.1. steer and heifer stock calves 44 Same, 5000 WV, 9, Col 40, few good 300-500 lb. ste- Hill, 17 1. 45. M&B (Paul DEPENDABLE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT NEW and USED BARTON Complete IRECO Irrigation Systems A complete Barton irrigation system is your as surance of better crops, greater yields and more prof it. We-11 engineer the system to meet your exact needs. Call or write us today. We have several used systems in our yard avail able at greatly reduced prices. We will buy your pres ent equipment or you can use it as a trade-in on a new system. Redesigning existing irrigation set-ups is also an important part of our work. LEWIS W. BARTON CO. KRESSON HD., HADDONFIELD, NEW JERSEY Ph-.'HA 1 9-S5OO At Night; HA S-6501 Leaders in Irrigation Since 1938 f* rt er calves 32-33, few medium kids down to 26 50. Some med and good 650- 785 lb. stocker and light fe eding steers 27-28 50, good and choice 800-1025 lb. feed img steers 27-29. Load 915 lb. Holstein steers m-eutter and utility flesh sold on feed er account at 23. # Lancaster Poultry (From -page 3) 9-2, Weaver, 17 33. Same, 3000 WV, 9-2, Weaver, 17. 34. Same, 2900 WV, 9-2, Weaver, 17. 35. M&B (Willis Ghck), 900 WV, 9-4, Marvin Sweigart, 18. 36 M&B (Paul M Martin), 225 W Mts.-C-Cap, 13 Tho mas, 22 9. 37. Same, 260 W Mts-C-Cap, 13, Col. Hill, 21.1 38. Melvin Barge, Jr, 755 WV-C-Cap, 13-2, NO SALE, 20 7 bid. 39. Same, 800 WV- P-Cap, 12-2, Risser. 19 2. 40. Same, Mellmger, 22.1. 41 N. Parke Miller, 625 USED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 6, 1959—5 See The New Meyer Hay Conditioner Stutzman), 2000 WV, 9, St-, arr, 17.3 46. Same, 3000 WV, 9, St arr 17.3. 47 SAME ALL. 48. SAME ALL. 49. Geo W. Jackson, 800 L-F-Y, Ream, 97. 50. Eastern Stales (H. Raymond Charles), 1400 WV 9-6, Good, 17 1 51 Barge, 750 WV-C-Cap, 13-2, Risser, 19 2 52 N P Miller, 625 IRW-P-Cap, 13-2, Risser, 19 3. 53 Fruitvxlle Farms (Abram Shenk), 2500 WV, 9-2, Starr, 17 3 « Del.-Geo. (From page 3) Tues Exch. sales totaled 310,300 head of 474,800 of fered, on 14 5-15 4 range, 228,000 at 14 8-15 Tues to tal, 747,000 at 14-14 5. Wed. salles totaled 764,000 at 14.5, 61% at 14.5, no Exch sale Thurs. estimate was 786,000 95% at 14 5. USE ... Belmont Limestone FOR . . . —SOUNDER ROOTS —HEALTHIER PLANTS —FINER CROPS BELMONT LIMESTONE COMPANY (Wenger & Sensenig Co.) H. D. 1. PARADISE " PJh. Go® jn 2^4500 In Your Field. No Obligation!