2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 23, 1959 At Lancaster Yards , , Steer Market Slow-Weak Mkt. Steady James E* O'Hara* 28 00 - 30.50. Good grade TT* 1/ . t» rrtTir h stock calves made 32.00 - 36- | O VY GoK In Charge, Market New* Branch Q()> and me( jium and good Trading was slow through sold for 27 - 33 __ USDA MARKET the week for slaughter steers Vealers weighing over 135 NEWS SERVICE all other classes were mod- ib closed fully 2 lower but 91 eratcly active. lighter weights were steady. CHJCALU, max 21 Receipts will total about Trading was slow during the WEEKLY REVIEW 5174 compared with last later part of the week. Sup- CATTLE— Local receipts week’s 4080 head count ply of dealers will total a- about 5 per cent below last ■Compared with last week’s bout 725 head compared week but little changed fr close slaughter steers were with 608 head last week, om the corresponding period steady to 25 lower with the Good and choice vealers sold last year while 12 market re decline coming on Wednes- for 30 -37. ceipts slightly below last wk. 77 Vh gilts made 17.75-18.25, sever- est since early January, bal teought IIS 33 75. Good to al l° ts N° 3 sold down to ance steer supply largely go low-choice steers, sold for 27- } t , , . •m cf, for weight and grade includ- Large share steers high ' ii i i ln g i’ 2 grade 190-225 lb good and choice 1050-1300 i small lots IJ« e h°S s brought 18 25-19.00, a lb. wgts. valued between 28.- heifers made 26.00-27 75. Vf ew j ots mostly No. lat 19.- 25 and 29.50 with many loads and Coml. bulls 23.00 25-1950 300-600 Ib. sows choice. 1150-1250 lbs. from -26.00 while good grade fed ma{ je 10-14. 29.25-29.50 at midweek. Av t-uus made 25 75-27 50. Sheep receipts will total erage slaughter steers little Cutter and Utility cows about 525 head or about 75 changed from 1169 lbs of brought 18.50 - 22 75, and head more than last week, last wk. which was the high- Coml. cows sold up to 23.75, Trading was active. Spring est since mid-March. Slaugh and canners and low-cutters slaughter lambs weighing ter steers 1100 lbs. and heav made 16 75 - 18.50. under 70 lb. were lower with ier slow throughout the wk. Good and choice 800-1050 heavier weights steady Good and steady to 50 lower, mo lb. feeder steers ranged from and choice 70-90 lb. lambs stly 25-50 lower, steers be -28.-30 , Medium and good made 25-28, a few lots im- low 1100 lbs. and heifers mo commanded 27. - 28.25. Good der 70 lb. sold down to 24. i and choice 500-800 lb. stock Cull to good shorn slaughetr steers made 30 00 - 36 00. ewes made 4-7, a few lots and medium and good sold choice up to 9. | AS A RESULT OF A DESIRE OF BOTH I | FARMERS and BUYERS | EVERY WEDNESDAY S n | THEBE WILL BE A FULL LINE OF ■’ I SLAUGHTER CATTLE f OFFERED FOR SALE g I AT THE K I LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS ; | Your cooperation will be appreciated. ') is 3 For futhcr information consult your commission firm I STOCKERS & FEEDERS on hand daily. | -srfsw ' 5 x 'v— 7 r ~^r^' r y* v :7 r ~~' ! r " " 'zsmsizM HUBBARD White Mountains FIRST In WEIGHT at Fredericksburg Region out of 108 Official Entries Reared by Ronald Yordy. Route 1, Jonestown, Pa., these 15 WHITE -MOUNTAIN broilers weighed 62-12 lbs., (eviscera-ed weight), just two-hundredths of a pound behind the heaviest entry in the state, among all 667 official entries started* Charles Tester and William Durboraw of Hubbard Farms admire Ronald Yordj’s dressed White Moun tains at the Ponnsyh ama Finals The birds were puichascd by Hie Lebanon Knvanis Club, for $2 95 pci pound UubcUrd farms cwm -- • MANHEIM PIKE TEL. EX 2-2155 Chicago Cattle REDUCE COST OF GROWING "Heallhy-Produdtxve” PULLETS BUILD Profitable Layers Farm Bureau Way! Prompt . . . Courteous Delivery in Bags or Bulk .c. cou BVJfcfc 1 Lancaster EX 4-0541 Hvy. Steers Oft a Littj (Specials from New Holland Sales Stables M a Thursday’s beef receipts good - 24-26 anri included 880 cattle and 262 21 - 24 calves. Heavy steers, over Good butch e , v 1200 lbs., grading choice 28 85, pi - mod , were barely steady to 50 Good cows lower. All lighter steers . 19 50 . 2 2 2' and cutters - lf f Bulls steady and active shells - 14 -ig 5n Cows steady. Choice and v.m„ prime vealers $2 lower, all t \l in the L' others steady. _ un Prime butcher steers „i ° ICe QO7 ,P r » NONE; choice - $3O - 31.85; 90 qV 9g( good - 28 50-30, and plain to ,Vq ’ ani3 medium - 26-28 50 Receipts on .1, Choice heifers - $26-27 85, da^ C “ ‘ with 130 fresh C n« derately actve, steady buPs and 24 st „ Cows strong to mostly 25 Fresh cow nvr-u, higher, Bulls strong to 25 hi- slow, w.th good < gher and vealers steady to 1 ers due to lic*h ( higher Stockers and feeders weeks very t , C h V o in short supply and about st- Fresh holstcm eady. Carcass beef 50-1.50 .370, Guemsoxs lower in Chicago. stock bulls,--*: Load prime 1180 lb slau- Stock heiters < ghter steers 34, load prime There were i7s 1225 lb. 33, other h gh-choi- the .May IS horse co and mixed choice and pr,- sa l e , with the year me 29.75-32 50, five loads run. Saddle horsf mostly prime 32 50, load mi- ~ y active Dieft xed choice and prime 1300 mules were g 0 m? lbs 30-75, four load string a t 10 cents per lb mixed-high-choice and pri- Mule teams me 1225 lbs. 32, load high- Smgles-110-140 " choice andjpnme 1466 lbs Pomes—sloo-230 31, load mostly high choice ' Riding horse* (Turn to page 5) Drivers—l4o-295' Need any more seed corn Ya, we ha\ e n htt 100 Strain Cross Leghorn chicks - 3 weeks -sti White Pekin Ducklings 50 BB Bronze Turkeys - BB White Holland Turks Why not place your order for these heai you have been wanting? Turkey Starter TMash & Crumbles Cm. prices on Feed Stuff and then try some of and see the difference! A few more spuds left Come and get reduced price! ALTMAN’S CASH FEED S 947 Harrisburg Pike y the Manheim New Holland Quon ritOhawk 5-2466 ELgm 4-214 G Rye Grass - $l7 00 cwl Willis H. Weaver, Mgr. SYISCHRO-BAL adds to your pn Mo ways . • 1. Trims feed 2. Builds strong■ productive h Farm Bureau P’ er Feeds are Sl’ BALANCED to your pullets with “ act combination of lexns and cd'oues they need SYNCHRO- - 3. cuts your feed cl raising replacement builds strong i ra ® 4 increased capacity sustained, pi otitaW duction *GttCU tfURE, OWNEB md CONTROL by Lancaster County f ' 85c 85c Ph Lane 51'dlii'g