sweetened cho rm place until bubbly (ab ces) oUt hours )- enriched Stir down and mix in pe- S " C cans. Turn batter into well greased 10-mch tube pan. Let vanilla extract rise until doubled (about one 1 . „r>Ded pecans hour). Bake in moderate ov c . en (350 degrees) about 35 IC * n3 s’ su- minutes confectioner Combine confectioners’ su- *.vtract gar and rurn extract. Add mi 's 111111 ___ Ik to make icing thin. When e coffee cake is cool, drizzle ist m water. with icing. Makes one 10-m. ' sugar, salt and coffee cafce< irgarme Cool to * * Melt chocolate Add enough flour stture to make a jughly until smo and let rise m wa- Cptmon in •f®; O give you iture, vent- and space ents for 'cks, plus f useful ion on ..» TRUPE ■l, R. D. 1 [LL & SON ■eville lufaclurers of High Efficiency Poultry Rations Quality Footwear at Prices Siidcd self cun CO Ul Eli SERVICE onucd : WE GUARANTEE OUR SHOES WE EXCHANGE OUR SHOES ; WE are making hundreds of new ' CUSTOMERS EVERY WEEK .... YOU : COME IN . . . YOU'LL SEE WHY! WE CARRY THE LARGEST STCCK OF FOOTWEAR IN LANCASTER COUNTY CHILDREN’S cither Sandals I Js9 Whll « • Red Brown • Neu t ra l Sizes Infant 5 lo Big 3 per self Strawberry Coffee Cake 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 6 tablespoons sugar % teaspoon salt MUD CHICK STARTER REGULAR OR SUPER B. G. MELLINGER & SON Willow Street. R, D. 1 IRA B. LANDIS 779 Valley Rd., Lancaster This Is The Place To Stretch Your Shoe Dollars LOCATED AT 220 W. KING ST.. LANCASTER—WITH FREE PARKING LOT RIGHT AT THE STORE OPEN DAILY 9 TO 9 CHILDREN’S OXFORDS LOAFERS STRAPS $179 Hundreds of Pairs To Choose From Sizes BV2 to Big 3 SERVICE SHO Vj eup shortening egg, beaten % cup milk IVs cups strawberries, cl eaned 3 tablespoons butter Vi cup sugar 3 tablespoons sifted flour Sft first four ingredients together. Cut in shortening with two knives or pastry bl ender. Combine egg and mi lk and add all at once to dry ingredients. Blend thorough ly. Spread dough' in greased cake pan and arrange straw berries on top. Combine re maining ingredients and mix together with fork until a cr umbly consistency. Sprinkle over strawberries Bake in hot oven (400 degre es) about 25 to 30 minutes. Makes one 10x6-inch coffee cake. Strawberry Fluff Pie 1 p nt strawbemes % cup sugar Vs teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin H> cup cold water 1 cup evaporated-milk, ch illed 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 Graham Cracker Piecrust Wash berries, hull and cut ves six J y. v y;yv \#,;v -- R.D.I, MOUNT JOY; PA.. SUPER IS OPEN SAT. NITE TILL 9 P.M. LADIES’ & BIG GIRLS' CANVAS OXFORDS • Black • Blue • White • Red sl*9 ARCH TYPE Children's Sizes $1.59 & $1.69 ES, 220 W. KING ST., Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16, 1959—9 For the Farm Wife and Family Soc. 7 Meets Farm Woman’s Society No 7 met Saturday at the home of Mrs. Henry Ebersole, Pa radise Mrs. Herman Brack bill was co-hostess, with 34 members answering roll call with their favorite hobbies. Mane Brackbill had char ge of “Mother’s Day” devot ions. The members voted a contr'bution to Paradise Twp Cancer Dnve Mrs. Harold Patterson, Gor into small pieces. Add sugar salt and lemon juice. Chill one hour or more. Soften gelatin in water 5 m nutes, dissolve over boil ing water and add to chilled strawberry mixture. Whip mi Ik very stiff and fold in Add vanilla, turn into crust and chill until firm. Garnish with berries Ser- Unheard 220 W. KING STREET, LANCASTER MEN'S GOLF SHQES MEN'S AND BOY'S HEAVY SOLED CANVAS OXFORDS MANY COLORS LADIES' LEATHER LOAFERS . BOY'S SNEAKERS MEN'S DRESS SHOES ... LADIES' MOCCASINS ... LADIES’ and GIRLS’ Play Shoes Straps & Pumps s!■69 Choice of 50 Styles donville, gave a demonstrat ion of copper enameling. She also exnibitcd some of her craft products of jewelry and trays. Next meeting of Society 7 will be a Family Night at 6:30 pm , June 13 at the Ira Mast home, near Mount Ver non. Household Hints If your white dacron cur tains seem gray after two or three washings you’ll need to be sure to do a thorough wash and rinse job in hot water. If the curtains hang near forced air heat, they may have picked up an oil film th at gives them the gray look. You may want to pretreat the curt a’ns by making a pas te of detergent and warm wa ter and using this m soiled areas If you wash the curtains with soap be sure to use wa ter softener in both the wash water and the first warm rin se Rinse thooughly. To remove grease spots from wall paper make a stiff paste of corn starch or ful ler's earth with a dry clean ing fluid and coat the spot, then let dry. Rub lightly to remove the soil You may be able to pick up some grease by putting a white blotter over the spot and holdmg a warm iron ag ainst the blotter. Potash increases yields and prolongs the life of legumes. Two tons of good hay will remove from 60 to 70 lbs. of potash from the soil. of Before MEN’S WORK SHOES _ SJM _ $£9S s£9B CHOICE OF OVER 5,000 PAIRS! CASTER, PA. . $8.98 $2.69 $1.98 $1.79 . $3.98 . $2.69