6 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 14, 1959 Good »rade meats please thrifty shoppers who seek ually moderately n oj ■ beef with little fat but with fairly, good quality. Although smoothly laid in but n Jj D £ .1 _ i ___ f ■ cuts of this grade lack juiciness associated with Choice and Pff r slightly promit VjOOO D©6l “ SflOrT On T3T Prime meats, their relative,tenderness and high proportion older Cattle. By Jamas E. of lean to fat make the preference of many buyers. Tb® twist and roun This is the third in a series of articles on USDA bud f t value * ®^ phasl2 t? by "“fl ranking as s, ““ Bhto '“ ue ”” i *x* Spnr'Wr?,'' \\a\,>s' V'JSi'WwA' „ v 'o v\ n ,'i'v a\»s''' '\ V piUIDpIICSS. X XIQTQ is «, VV! -C, !' Farm families in most fare. Until farm familieshad a very .slight fullness t parts o£ the country eat - a ' zers the h iC h eli the "Sad over th Sto, “““* •*** C ° U dtatrlMtton , less cash in meat due to Cattle possessing minim- may be somewhat home - production. But even um qualifications for Good particularly'in older M :'then, only about half the grade may differ somewhat as evidenced by ties, ti meat on farm tables in home in appearance because of the fat over the loin edj produced. numerous possibile combina- ribs, and patchiness - ' The chief reason farm fa- tions of varying degrees of the tailhead. milies have been eating excellence of the grade fac-- Cattle over 30 moj V m&lm " '”''W 4 *?''''' 4 ’'''S ~'.’V „_ v :■ more meat, particularly beef, tors. age carry at' slightly '' '' in recent years is that home in conformation, Good covering of fat and th ( \ ' ' \ S® . freezers and freezer lockers cattle tend to be shghtly-low ket, rear flanks, and ( \, . , ' ' have made it possible to pre- set and compact. They are udder show a marked Freezers also are responsible fleshing and slightly wide \ Good cattle 18 i yxr^rvl^for the noticeable shift from over the back and loin. The months of age carry a s wWWV %„ pork to beef in farm family shoulders and hips ire us- (Turn to page 7) Aureomycin in dairy feeds Low-cost way to help prevent costly disease! OMYCiN®per pound of body weight day. Feed continuously ! Dairymen have long known the of AUREOMYCIN In milk replacers ters. Calves make fast gains, scour^_ y reduced! Be sure your calves get American Cyanamid Company, _ llt%f .4A Bl mf*|»i Division, New York 20, New York. AUREOM I CIN American Cyanamid Company’s IN FORMULA FEEDS Foi hss than one cent a day, you can help pre- gram of AUR] vent respiratory infections (including shipping per head pf fever), foot rot, bacterial diarrhea and sub- Calves too clinical diseases. These diseases take cotvs out profit valu< of the milking line, cut production! anc j ca ]f s ta For /<,<;<,• than one cent a clay, you can help assure ing is sharj the vigorous, all-round good health necessaiy to AUKEOMYCI ;E( ier i ; es ,rti ■pi; ;n. Agricultural! . is * dairy feeds that provide of a milli- trademark for chlortetracycline. achieve full production potential. Ask your feed manufacturer or feed dealer for ®aureomycin 11l to