er Poultry Exchange i'ers Hit , e on 22 lots of on Thursdays -itry Exchange . to 19.54, average on the 29,700 broilers with a price 6-21* of 43 lots with Is were offered taking the NO , on nearly one itS. ,ete March 12 with seller, gro antheses, amount age in weeks and and price follows WV-white van rhite vantress ,w—mdian river I—leghorn 1 —leghorn fowl; ;; p—pullets; C ;ap—capettes; W rock fowl, and , fowl. Ludwig, 750 L-Ft Koser, 12 5 2. ,om, 4000 WV, ivis, 19 3 3. SA- Hill Poultry, iE, Daniel K. 5. Osborn, 5000 W Longacre, 19. Davis, 19 5. 7. 'usselman. 4000 . C. Mellinger, ,elman 2200 L-F, 9 H M. Stauf (Samuel Miller), ■3, Harry H Wea- Pans Ober, 475 NO SALE, 22 and Bushong ~ 9000 WV, 9, 12 M&B (John 6500 WV, 9-2, 191 bid. 13. S- A 19. 14. An- ;ter for blight control es stand-by protection 's yields "ing 1958 in major potato states i the blight controlling ability INE M-22 and of nabam. Late 13 severe in two of the states; ;ht in one. lusions reached by the scientists the results by the owers who also compared the mce of Dithane M-22 and itervals of seven days, ne M-22 (l]/ 2 pounds/acre) setter control of late blight •ithane D-14 (2 quarts/acre). rivals of ten days the superi -3f Lithane M-22 was out- n S- Similar advantages in early control with Dithane M-22 oted. were significantly higher ; better blight control was ea with Dithane M-22. In at 7-dav P. L. ROHRER 'KETOWN. pa 19.54 Avg. drew N. Miller, 2000 WV, 10-2, John N .Thomas, 20.3. 15. H. Robert Mylm, 1500 WV, 11, Marvin Sweigart, 20.4. 16 Snader’s Mill (Daniel Kopp), 1200 WV, 9-1, NO Sale, 17 bid. 17. Snader’s (Paul N. Kline), 2000 WV, 9-1, NO SALE, 17 bid. 18. Harvey M. Zimmerman, 600 WV-Cap, 13, Roy E. Ream, 26.4. 19. Same, 1500 WV-P, 14, NO SALE, 23 1 bid. 20. Same, NO SALE, 23.6 bid. 21. Mary E. Forry, 800 WV, 9-3, John E Rettinger, 21. 22. Greider Leghorn Fa rm, 1300 WR-F, 14 mo., NO SALE, 19.5. 23 Casse’s Mill (Charles Warfel II), 5000 IRW, 10, Good, 20.2. 24 Same, Header’s Poultry, 19. 25. Same, 19.4. 26. SAME ALL. 27. Amos C. Funk (Robert Wantz), 1100 WV-C-Cap, 13, Longacre 26.3. 28. Same, 950 WV-C- Cap, 13, Col Hill, 26.1. 29. Same, 2100 WV-P-Cap, 13, Risser, 25 3. 30. Farm Bureau (Jacob C. Herrl, 600 WV- P-Cap, 13-6, Risser, 25 2. 31. Same, 950 WV-C-Cap, 13-6, Mellinger, 26 4. 32. Same, 450 WV-C-Cap, 13-6, Mellinger, 261. 33. M&B (Loyd Stoltzfus), 8000 WV, 9 2, COl. Hid, 19.1. 34. M&B (Clarence Shenk Jr.), 375 WV-C-Cap, 13-2, Good, 27. 35. Melvin E Hess, 500 H-F, 12 mo., NO SALE, 20 bid. 36. Martin H. Weaver, 32- 00 WV-L, 9-6, Ream, 20.4. 37 SAME ALL 38. Weaver, 2700 WV-L, 9 6, Risser, 20-3. 39. Andrew N. Mil er, 2000 T,T V 10 M ‘ ANE Your Local Dithane Dealer Delmarva - Georgia Delmarva at 18 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Delmarva broiler market opened firm with heavy- off erings and good demand, 17.60-18.50 price range, with 64 per cent at 18-18%. Mar ket weakened Wednesday, re gained loss and climbed to strong 18 50-19.70 range on Friday report, with 52 per cent, 19-19 70. The De’marva broiler-fe ed ratio for the week ending March 6, was 3 4, compared with 3 5 for the previous week and 4 8 one year ago. Average broiler price for the week was 16 92 with 20% mash at $9B 71, compared with 22 65 and $94.92 one year ago. Volume of Delmarva gro wn poultry for the week end mg March 7 was 2,731,027; 581.977 live and 3,313,024 total This was one per cent below the same week 1958. Georg’a opened with short offerings and good demand with 92 per cent at 16 cents. Short supp y continued, th rough moving into fair bala nce by Friday, with market c’osing with 94 per cent at 17 for the Friday at farm price. Volume of Georgia poult ry for the week (Fn.-Fri.) was, 4,051,600 at farm and 2,652,700 FOB plant. 20 3 20 2, 41 H. M. Zimmerman, 900 WV-C-Cap, 13, Ream, 251. 42 FB (Jacob C. Herr), 450 WV-P-Cap, 13-6, Manbeck, 25 3. 43. M&B (Clarence "heik Jr.), 375 WV P-Cap, intervals, Dithane M-22 out yielded Dithane D-14 from 20 to 70 bushels per acre. These facts prove that Dithane M-22 is superior to nabam in controlling early and late blight. Equally important, Dithane M-22 gives you standby 'protec tion— protection to carry your vines safely past emergencies when the inter val between sprays must be lengthened. We think you will find Dithane M-22 truly a milestone in potato blight control. Dithane is a irademaik, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. and in principal foreign countries. Oumicah jor allure ROHM S- HAAS COMPANY WASHINGTON SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA 5. PA. BRO. Phone Lone. EX 2-2653 40 Same, 9-6, Ream, ■22 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 14, 1959—3 From Monday, March 9th to Friday March 13th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Extra Fey Hywts Medium Pullets Peewees 37%- 34%- 30%- 24 Extra Fey Hywts Medium Pullets 38 - 34%- 34%- 32 - 32 24 -25 24 -25 24 Peewees Fey Hywts Medium Pullets Standards Checks 33%- 3oy 2 - 35 - 33 - 36%- 34 - 30%- Fey Hywts Medium Pullets Fey Hywts 37 - 37%- 37%- 37%- 37%- FRIDAY TREND Spot shell egg market steady to firm with supplies ample and trading fairly active. Copyriqhted 1958 By Uinet-Barry Co." • Lancaster Yards Wool f* 9 * augbte s. „ lambs (From nag- 2) were steady to 50 hlgher oa 1-2 grade 190-215 lb. 18- ab ° ut 3 J. 5 head Trading was 18.75, a few lots No 1 the sa active. Good and choice slau me weight at 19, 230-250 lb. ghter lambs made 21.50-23, butchers made 16-17: 300- a few lots 80-96 lb at 23.50. 600 lb. sows made 12-15, few UtilPy and low-good made 600-650 lb. sows at 11-11.50. 50-21.50. Life Swine Contest sponsored fay Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. for Hog Producers Only Exciting "Over-the-Pole" Trips to Europe For 4 Hog Raisers and Their Wives 9 See foreign hog raising operations . . • exchange information , . 0 get new ideas. 9 Visit agricultural research centers . . . talk with top agricultural representatives. • Fly to Denmark .. . London .. . Paris ~ . Germany- Complete 10-day educationaj tour of Europe via luxurious Scandinavian Airlines. Enter This Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity Todayl leacen Feeders are eligible to participate. See your Beacon Dealer. The beacon Milling Co. PHILADELPHIA & CARLISLE STS., YORK, PA. Telephone: York 8-2341 BEACON Nearby Whites 37%-- 37%-- 34 %- 34%- 30%- 30%- -25 24 -25 24 -25 Nearbv Browns 38 - 38- - 34 Vi -32 - Midwestern Mixed 36%- 36 Vi -34 - 34 - 30 %- 30y 2 - 35 - 35 - 33 - 33 -33% Midwestern Whites 37 - 37 - 34 - 34 - 30 %- 30%- Midwestern Browns Cycle Contest 37Vi 34Vi -30V2-31 24 -25 37Vj- 34Vi -30Vi-31 24 -25 38 - * 341/s -31 -32- 24 -25 38 - 34 Vi -31 -32 24 -25 -25 36Vi— 36Vi -34 - 34 - 30Vi- 30 Vi -3- -35 Vi 35 -35 Va 33 -33 Vi 33 -33 Vi 37 - 34 - 30%- 37 - 34 - 30%- .V