Yards Haw -Does Your Teenager Eat? ;e 3W' Ho\fr they ? g Aioad- *Wter seems to have no interest in food? The kind and a- require more protein than utility 'lOOO-mount of-food your childrtn eat can influence their present adults. A minimum 'of two idstein ..'Steers ari ,j health and'Vhappiness. servings of meat, poultry, or , '/V „ addition, young nomml * cows-Pew loads mixed -good and- Cheddar cheese, iy 4 cups cot- people-should have-four sex -50 21' mostly choice <875 - -900 lb. weights tage Cheese, or. -1% oups ice vings of-breads or Other- cer canners -and $26.30 - 27. Short- load com-- ” $10.50 - 19.50, mon and medium -<893 ib. Utility and feeding- steers. $23.50. - NTION DAIRYMEN for Vour > tinse and sanitize. d«!pi features tlut 2810 °** er * y° u * tink '"‘th a future. ;ro'j round racuum ® post card today for complete in clean make it pos- formation. * u tonutic»lly. It’s a of Zero's Super to-tatsk hook-up,-and TANK m. PIPELINE HOOK-UP f'VV •s/V 't'Jl ■>% > -ft MM ■ ,; . /:, ; ,"v'-? «»ji /> , w ■■ < - u - ■£'-. Vc:* r ' \ ** SN w*» - * Covers ' ,FT GRAIXS PH. TW 8-3421 AMOS HIVELY Quarryv lle ST B-2770 Qunningham mmnm humiirahi hay cohmtwmir - '* ' v* % ■ S ! FEED.. 1 PIONEER DRY & FRESH Joseph M. Good & Sons m ■ SNAVELY'S FARM SERVICE NEW HOLLAND MANN & GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE QUARRYVILLE L. H. BRUBAKER 350 STRASBXJRG PIKE. LANCASTER FOR— Better Body Condition Easier Calving Less Utter Problems Higher Production Use As A Complete Feed STOP IN TO TALK TO US LEOLA QUARRYVILLE „ Loneasier Fanning, Saturday, Maych-14, 1959—13 /ears per «; in e«s, TOflt irtrrers the kes _W* eals'each day. When your teenager eats these foods daily, he is lay ing a gopd foundation for present and ’’ future health arid Your “evef hungry”. son may eat addi tional’foods as long as he doesn’t gain too much weight Your calorie concious dau ghter can profit by-this diet if she- chooses her - foods from those s|ie needs "for ra diant 'health.,7 ■ "Prompt - Bail Bond Service” ; BUHRMANS 'Z ICONYENJENT PARKING LOTS ■ Opposite Brdn«wicfc ‘ Opposite Ptar^Office'" • Next Jo Western-Auto Store - ' Ll's Easf TSing "Btreef~ „ - Npimoa Af ’Buhrmcm ,' 228 S’. Duke St. r , - ''Prompt i Bad Bond Service" - FOB ANY 'FABMvPjfBPOSE "mace "tap 'nuMEß's't/? WAY 2 I * - ' Lancaster ~ - Mi - Production ■ ■ -Credit Ass’n. 'nh w.. %MTai9-Ed " Lancaster, Pa. - ■ 7r - T Ph. lane. EX 3-5921' SAVE NOW ON AEROPRILLS (AMMONIUM - NITRATE) 33%% NITROGEN TOP DRESS PASTURES AND GRAIN FIELDS for earlier pasture and •larger yields of grass. Better stooling, and in creased yields of grain. SMOKETOWN, PA. P.h. .Lane. EX 2-2659 STANDARD Equipment, Inc. Announces Its 16% BIG Spring Discount SALE ON All-New Bam Cleaner Easy-All Comfort Stalls SALE CLOSES MARCH 31 Cope & Weaver WILLOW STREET Ph. Lane. EX 3-2824