(C aster Poultry Exchange ler Average Off IV4 r,Wres on the Lan- 10-6, John E. Hettinger, 20.6 .fflv Exchange 11. M&B (Clair Bomber ouction skidded VA ger), 5000. IRW, 9-6, Daniel Sc 18 cent aver- K. Good, 18.2. 12. Same, 3500 the top third IRW, 9-6, Ream, 18.9. 13. M i hrnilers averaged, &B (Rodney Miller), 1200 'fer prices ranged WV, 9-3, Risser, 17.9. 14. Sa -6 on a small 1 me, 5500 WV, 9-3, Header’s 1 the 12 lots of Poultry, 17.6. 15’. Same, 4200 ■oilers selling. WV, 9-3, NO SALE, 17 5 bid. * 93-25 8 -was paid 16. M&B (Chas. Boose), ,+c of 23,950 capet- 5000 WV, 9, Header’s 17.6. two tote of 1100 17. Same. NO SALE, 17.3 brought 12.3, bid. 18. David L Newcomer, One lot of 1210 we- 350 KPX-Cap, 15-6, NO SA- U with 100 males at LE, 22 bid. 19. Kinter and m " Grove (F.oyd Raffensberger) , * cfllpi 7500 WV, 9, S. E Davis, 17.4 <£&. l£owe? same, 9-3. NO SALE, 15 i h f“weete°Md days 21. Lester High, 500 KPX, nrice 10-6, Sweigart, 18 8. 22.- S. wv white van- M. Fisher, 3000 WV, 10-2, 'DE: WV-whitevan- NQ SALE ; I4I bicL 23 . Aber rnck fSp- deen Mills < MrS ela DoVe) W cocke?els- X-cr. 1000 WV, 9-2, Good, 19 3. 24 ' C -TTPk TCer- Moore Farms (Abram Fans), ' C n P ?W Imd L-F- H5O WRF, 13 mo.. NO SALE jon Cross, ana ux 2 0.1 b id.vs. Eastern Grain, (eTand Bushong (Mo Co. < Barley) 5600 IR Terman), 800 WV-Cw , 9-2, NO SALE, 16 8 bid. 2 Mamn Sweigart 26. Paul Lydic, 7200 WV, skme 1200 WV-C- 9-6, NO SALE, 17.4 bid. 27. i w C. Mellinger & Farm Bureau (John L. Herr), 1’ 3 ‘ M&B (Paul L. 1450 WV-P Cap. 13-6, Mellin S 2150 WV-C-Cap, ger, 24.3. 28. Same, 1400 WV •1 B. Risser, 23. 4. P-Cap, 13-6, Malinger, 24.1. > SALE, 21 bid. 5. 29. FB (Clair Hilsher), 1000 W. Longacre, 23. WV, 9-6, Sweigart, 19.2. 30. i (Christ L. Herr), N. Parke Mil'er, 800 WV-P --P-Cap, 16, C. F. Cap., 14-6, Sweigart, 25.1. 25.2. 7. Same, Roy ' 31. Master Feed & Grain, f 25. 8. M&B (Elmer (Evan S. Kohl, Jr.), 2000 WV 14800 WV, 9-5, Mel- Cap, 13-4, NO SALE 23 bid. (7 6 9. M&B (Clair 32. Same, 23.1 b’d. 33. Sam© 1600 WVX, 9-2, 23 bid. 34. Same, 23.1 bid. homass 19. 10. M& 35. Parke K. Herr, 800 WV (d Moyer). 800 WV, C-Cap, 14-2, College Hill /'<#■ ,< -4 J x ■OS tans Higher Over-all Income For YOU! • Successful poultrymen look for OVER-ALL in some when buying a particular laying hen. No ungie profit characteristic . . . livability, egg size ir egg quality ... is the sole reason for their ;hoice. “BALANCED BREEDING” makes H&N “Nick Ihick” Leghorns the most profitable birds you can buy today ~—All profit characteristics are jarefully weighed and balanced to produce . a aymg hen of highest over-all performance. To order this superior, profit-making bird write 'LORIN FARMS TODAY . . : or call us at Mt. foy OLdfield 3-9891. o 10 to 20 week old started Pullets available Q/UHS we. (DUCE THE FINEST POSSIBLE SILAGE AT THE LOWEST COST MARTIN STEEL BILT SILO :CK THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES irtight Walls tooth Inner Walls ientfic Exact Fermentation roper Temperature Control imincrtes Danger of Loss :otn Frost & Freezing r ithstcmds H'ghest Pressures tsts a lifetime DON'T DELAY - WINTER DISCOUNTS LOWER COSTS ERR THE PUMP MAN ORT H ANN STREET LANCASTER, PA, PHONE EX 3-3694 M3M “BALANCED BREEDING” MT. JOY, PA. RED #1 Phone: OLdiield 3-9891 Delmarva - Georgia Georgia Mkt. 15c At Close Delmarva opened unset tled to weak, light offerings, slow demand. Continued weakening through Thurs day , steady Fri. Prices op ened mostly 18-19, then set tled to 17-18, then 16-17% on Fn, with 60% at 16-17. Volume, Tues. - Fn., 2,729,- 600. The Delmarva broiler-feed ratio for the week ending Feb. 20 was 3 8, with an 18.- 66 broiler average. Georgia opened slow to fair at 16-17, settled to 15-16 range by week’s end, mostly 15. Total volume, Fri. - Fn; At farms, 3,758,000; FOB plants, 2,094,600. Poultry, 25 3. 36 Herr, 2200 WV-P-Cap 14 2, Mellinger, 24 4. 37. Herr 800 WV-C-Cap, 14-2, Mell inger, 25.2 38. M H. Weaver- Poultry, 1500 WV-C-Cap, 14- 6, NO SALE, 20.1. 39. Noah, W, Kreider & Sons, 800 L-F, 22, Marvin Sweigart, 12.7. 40. J. H Hess II (Ben Bru baker), 1700 WR-C-Cap, Mel linger. 41. Same, Linn Poultry,, 25 2. 42. Elmer Sensenig, 950 WV-Cap, 13-6, Risser, 25.8. 43. John E. Erb, 3000 IRW, 9-3, NO SALE, 14 bid. 44. Same, 15.3 bid. 45. Same, 14.1 bid. 46 Same, withdrawn. 47. Erb, 2700 IRW, 9-3, NO SA LE, 16.2 bid. 48. Arthur Gra bill, 300 L-F, 2 yrs., Ream, Most crops and helpful bac teria thrive in acid soil to about the same degree as do loldfish m a bowl of vinegar. “Prompt Bail Bond Service” BUHRMAN'S CONVENIENT PARKING LOTS Opposite Brunswick Hotel Opposite Post Office Next to Western Auto Store 115 East King Street Noimon, A. JSuhrmon, 228 N. thike St. “Prompt Bail Bond Service” xllp' LOOKING FOR RESULTS? Try WIRTHMORE Complete Chick Starter Here’s an economical feed that is especially well suited for starting replacement chicks. It is high in quality proteins and contains the vitamins and other factors known to be needed for early chick growth and health. You’ll save money "with this dependable ration. Available in mash, pellets and crumbles with medication against coccidiosis. Why not try It and check the results for yourself 7 WIRTHMORE FEEDS PAUL M. RESSLER & SON PARADISE Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. February 28. 1959 —3 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, February 23rd to Friday, February 27th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Extra Fey Hywts Medium Pullets Peewees Extra Fvy Hywts Medium Pullets Peewees Fey Hywts Medium Pullets Standards Checks Fey Hywts Medium Pullets Fey Hywts 37%- 38 - 38 - 38y 2 - FRIDAY TREND Market generally steady though undertone continued rather nervous and overall position sensitive. 12.3. (100 males, 10.8) 50. N. Parke Miller, 800 WV-C- Cap, 14-6, NO SALE, 23. 51. FB (Herr), 1450 WV-C Cap, 13-6, Risser, 24.2. 52. Same, 1400 WV-C-Cap, 13-6, Risser, 24 1. Ph. Strasburg OV 7-393 Nearby Whites 38 - 38- - 35 - 35 - 33%- 33%- 24 -25 24 -25 Nearbv Browns 39 - 39 - 35%- 35%- 33 %- 33%- 24 -25 24 -25 Midwestern Mixed 36%- 37 - 35 - 35 - 33 - 33 - 35 - 36 - 34 - 34 - Midwestern Whites 37 - 37 y - 35 - 35 - 33 33 %- Midwestern Browns Copyrighted 1951 By Utner-Barry Co. M Hiiteiks uVIINI You do better, you live better, when you put the Mount Hope QUEEN to work for you. For3s years they have beep bred to lay more big, high-quality eggs on low-energy feeds than most I strains. They ore rugged, too. Yes sir, they are "Just the Bird" for you. Why settle for half Mount Hope blood-lines (in other Leghorns) when you con get "100% Mount Hope" by going direct to a Franchised Hatchery near you? Johnson’s Hatchery uPHRATA, PA. Ph. RE 3-2980 38 - 35 - 33%- 24 -25 39 - 35%- 33 24 -25 37 - 35 - 33 - 36 - 34 - 31Vz -35 - 33i/ 2 - Firestone Tractor TIRE SALE! Big Discounts Cope & Weaver WILLOW STREET Ph. Lane. EX 3-2824 Keep These Dotes Open! March 13 & 14 Open House SAVE NOW! ON AEROPRILLS (AMMONIUM -NITRATE) 33%% NITROGEN TOP DRESS > PASTURES AND GRAIN FIELDS for earlier pasture and larger yields of grass Better stooling, and in creased yields of grain. SMOKETOWN, PA. Ph. Lane. EX 2-2659 38 - 35 - 33i i -24 -25 40. - 351/2- 331/2- 24 -25 37 - 35 - 33 - 36 - 34 - 35 - 33i/>-