2—Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, February 28. 1959 At Lancaster Yards fat Steers 50c Higher lame* E. O'Hara. lers sold for 32-38 and choice . .. T H -_ . and prime made 39-42. with In Charge. Market New* Branch & up to 4 g stan dard and ’WEEKLY REVIEW— low good kinds made 25-31 Feb. 27, 1959 while utility sold down to 20. Trading moderately active Barrows and gilts were a for all classes this week and bout 25 lower this week and highlighted by a steady to 50 sows held about steady. The higher market for slaughter .supply is about the same as steers The supply included last week’s 1421 head count 40’ per cent slaughter steers Trading was moderately act and a few loads of heifers, i V e. U. &. 1-3 grade 190-225 45% of the run, stockers and ib barrows and gilts brought feeders. 16.50-17.25 with No. 3 back Receipts wil|l total aboui down to 16. Hogs more uni -3550 head compared with- form-for weightand grade in -3161 head count last week, eluding 1-2 grade weighing Cows 25 lower. Bulls steady 190*215 lb. sold for 17.50- to 50 off. Stockers and feed- 18.50. 230-250 lb. hogs made ers about steady. 16-16 50 300-600 lb. sows A lot of prime 1231 lb. brought 13-16. slaughter steers made 30 40, Trading active in the, drtd a lot high-choice Weigh- s ] ieep division for about 225 iffg 1133 Ib. brought 30. h ead. Wooled slaughter lam- Bulk of choice steers weigh- bs wer * fully steady. Good j ng 950-1300 lb. made 27 50- an( j choice slaughter lambs 29. Good to IoW choice sold made 20-21.50, with a few for 25-27.50 depending on lb ts 80-95 Ib. at 21.75-22.50 weight. Load choice weighing an< j a f ew - head prime 80-85 1647 lb. brought 26.75. Good at 23 50, utility and low aftrf choice heifers ranged g QO d lambs ranged from 18- frihh 25 $O-27.50. 20 - Utility and coml. bulls jrttade 22 75-25.50, and good grade fed bulls brought 25 50 -27. Cutter and utility cows sold for 16.50-20.75 and com. cows, 21.75, a few early in the week up to 22.00, while banners andlow cutters made 14 75-16.50. Good and choice 800-1050 lb. feeder steers commanded 27-28.75. Lot choice scaling 875 lb. brought 29. Medium and good feeders made 25 - 27.25. Good and choice 550- 809 lb. stock steers "27.75 - 30.50 and a few lots average to high choice weighing 500- €5O lb. sold up to 31 50. Part load choice, scaling 602 lb commanded 33. Medium and gbod stockers made 26-28. Good grade stock calves sold at 29-33 Calf receipts will be about 775 head or 125 above lastl ■peek’s count Trading mod erately active. Vealers held steady Good and choice vea- AS X RESULT OF A DESIRE OR BOTH FARMERS and BUYERS *■? EVERY WEDNESDAY THERE WILL BE A FULL LINE OF SLAUGHTER CATTLE OFFERED FOR SALE LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS , Your cooperation will be appreciated. For futher information consult your commission firm STOCKERS & FEEDERS on hand daily. MUSSER Leghorn Chicks bred for the poultryman who is look’ng for de pendobility. we do not claim that we have a perfect bird. THERE IS NO PER- / FECT BIRD. we do not give pr'zes, gimmicks or impossible \ promises. OUR WORD IS OUR i BOND. we do say that they are for business minded commercial egg producers who want a dependable, sturdy chick bred to make high, "honest" records. they are pleasing hund reds of successful poul trymen and are a sound buy at a fair price. CALL COLLECT For Early Discounts MOUNT JOY Oldfield 3-4311 Additional Markets On Page 5 Proper use and protection from loss of soil and water are forerunners to land im provement. Publicize Your Meetings In The Farm Calendar AT THE New Holland Thursday Receipts - 1,366 rwTPAan *Vb' New Holland Sales Stables’ tive, heavy choice „ wmrVREVIKW- Thursday has receipts of 1,- ter 50 -75 high’ WEEKLY RkVIEW 072 cattle and 294 calves, steady. Comm co\ V; CATTLE—Better distribu- with the steer run contain- to 50 lower. All oth, tion of receipts than past mg rpore good quality long- $1 lower, calf mark, three weeks. Supply fully fed cattle offered than for Prime butcher s t e , 5% smaller than last week, past four months Packer? $29 - 29 50; choice above year ago. Receipts! were willing to bid as high Good, $27-28, and i smallest since April. Reduct- for better-finished heavy me d , $25 50-27. ion in supplies due to last cattle as for yearlings, con- choice heifers week’s sharp price decline! trary to mkt. for past three e d * 2 3-25 and « and slaughter holiday of Mon med.’ $l9-25’ s day. Steer market was very ac- G o od bulls s2s _ 2f . Smaller percentage slaugh- 1 * D gna bells, $22.50-25 ter steers and increased sha* e( j a t $31 —feedlot mates plain to med re heifers and /cows, barely of $29.50-30 cattle last week. Good butcher COs 70% steers, about 20% hei- jEarly bulk choice steers26.so 21.25, Med, SlB 50 1 fers and 9% cows. Receipt 2g Late-bulk, $27.25-29.50. Cannes' and cutters include d? loads western cat- j-oadlots choice 1400 lb / ste- is 50, ’ tie, mainly fed steers. Small- ers $2 7-28. Load high-choice Stocker and feed? « shar s. P”'™e 1475 lb. at f 29.75 were $26-27.25. Sto, than 10%. Choice, 60%. Avg ,—(f eed t o t ma tes of $2B cat- calves, $2B-33.25 wt slaughter steers slightly t i e j as t week. Choice to prime above last weeks 1180 lbs. Loadlots mixed-good and calves. $3B-41.50; en, Series of higher mkts. left! choice ioflO-1250 lb. steers 38; "Med, $27-33, a , steer prices mostly $l-1.50 i a t e $26.75-27.25. Early Bulk slg-26. higher for week. This was good g/teera $24 .50-26, late' The Feb 25 dairy, 4th straight week of relativ- bulk $ 2 5-26.50. Good 160$ receipts of 100 cows ely small cattle supplies and, lb Included at $24 75, sever- and four heifers & a higher trend developed in, loads mixed-standard and fresh cows again wei the dressed mkt. for steer good g 7 5 .1 050 H>s. $25.50, with all cows rega,r, and heifer beef, advancing $1 utility arid standard steers, vrous week’s loss to 2; cow beef declining $1- $ 2 i.50-25 Load 1100 lb Hoi- Fresh Holstein cow steins $23, and load 900 lb. 425 Gueriflteys, j; Slaughter heifers strong to utility holsteins $22:50 Other breeds, $250 3 75 higher, mostly 50 higher. Two loads high-choice to c k bulls, $145-250 Cows about steady. Bulls 50- mostly prime 975-1120 lb. The Feb. 23 horse ai $1 lower. Vealers about stea- heifers $29.60-29.75, loadlots sale had 2TT receip dy at last week’s - sharp de- high-ehoice and mixed-choi- very brisk bidding elme. Stockers and’ feeders ca and prime 900-1075 lb. Draft horse tearr slow but steady to 50 higher, heifers, $28.75-29. Bulk good $3lO-425; singles $l2 reflecting slaughter steer tre and choice heifers, $24.50-28 Mule teams, $265 nd. Several loads mixed stand- gles, $125-215 Chicago Cattle Steers Active Five loads high-choice to ard and good $24 Utility and mostly prime 1175-1250 lb standard $19,50-23 50 Few steers $3175-32. Numerous standard cows $2O-22 Utili loads mixed-choice and prime ty and comml cows $l7 25 1025-1475 lb. steers, majority ' v 2o Canners and cutters scaling 1125-1350 lbs. $29.50 mainly $15.50-17.50 -31.50. Loadlots 1240-1340 lb (Turn to page 5) ' 'I i ' r •’ms?" MR. POULTRYMAN: Buy Early Bird Poultry Ration FOR Better Results - Lower Cost HERE ARE A FEW REASONS WHY 1. Finest nutritional and research facilities in this area of tl Eastern United States. 2. Our customers consistently report outstanding records performance. For Example: On January 31 we reported the record of a customer vra produced 243.5 eggs per hen housed for one year on 411 of feed per dozen eggs. Recently we received several p« duction reports as high as 266 eggs per hen housed, afe with 4 lb. feed per dozen. _ 3. We render REAL SERVICE cold ore sincerely interest ed in the SUCCESS of customers. FOR THE FINEST POULTRY SERVICE ANYWHERE contact your Miller & Bushong Service x'epresentative or call us direct at Lancaster, EXpress 2-2145. REMEMBER! It fakes Quality Eggs to preserve the market for Eastern Pennsylvania Eggs. Can we help you improve your qualify? \\\ill/// fc Manufacturers of Poultry and Live Stock Feed Since 1875*