V- / 14—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 28, -1959 Myerstown Holstein Breeder ‘ Honored by H-F Association . Brattleboro, Vt.—Mr. Hubert S. Miller, Myerstown, has qualified for the Progressive Breeders’ Award— the highest recognition attainable by a breeder of registered Holstein cattle. ' The Holstein-Friesian As sociation of America has accorded, this honor to only 384 Holstein breeding estab lishments, including 42 in Perinsylvania. This is the second time that Mr. Miller has been so recognized. To qualify for the ' Pro gressive Breeders’ Award, a Hoistein breeder must meet strict requirements in all phases of dairy_ cattle breed ing and management, includ ing production, type im provement, herd health and the development of home bred animals. , The Miller herd completed its latest Herd Improvement Registry testing year with a lactation average-calculat ed on a two milkings a day, 305 day mature equivalent basis on 43 individual rec ords of 13,618 lbs. of milk and 511 lbs. of butterfat. The herd has also been, officially classified for type with an average score of 81.- 7. The current award is bas ed on a herd of 71 animals of which 44 have freshened. Thirty-nine of these were bred and developed on the Miller farm. A certificate of this award has been sent to Mr. Miller by The Holstein - Friesian Association of America, na tional organization of the Holstein breed representing over 49,000 members. A bronze year piate will be presented to him at a meeting of Holstein breeders from his area, to be added to the bronze plaque award ed when this herd first achieved the honor. CHAIN SAW SERVICE CENTER New & Uted Suavely*s Farm Service NEW HOLLAND EL 4-2214 {Division oi Martin 4> Hurst. IncJ MARTINDALE, PA. Phone: Terre Hill HI 5-2932 [rebsts! ■ ■ 5 Sure Crop Seeds s ■ ALFALFAS ■ Vernal DePuit Ranger Buffalo Grimm CLOVERS S Pennscott Ken land Perma. grown Mammoth HYBRID CORN ■ DEVELOPED BY ■ STATE EX S STATION 5 -m m Get our pr’ces ■ and save money ■ ■Reist Seed Company ■ MOUNT JOY, PA. ■ a Phone OL 3-3821 S | Seeds | PUBLIC SALE! Of Dairy Cows and Equipment Tuesday, March 3,1959 at Ip.m. On form along Route 72, Vz mile north of Wakefield. Lancaster County, Fulton Twp. COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF 25 Head of Dairy Cattle 10 Holsteins 13 Guernseys 2 Ayrshire* All Cows home raised ex cept two. including 6 Heifers, 3 Holsteins and 3 Guernseys. All bred to S P.A.B.C. Sires.' Health papers with every animal. Dairy never on herd test. If you need milk, don’t miss this sale. 2 Unit Surge Milker, 10 Milk Cans, Stainless Steel Buckets and Strainer. 10 Can Wilson Milk Cooler, 10 Gal lon Water Heater, Doub’e Wash Tubs. Herman Cameron T. Everett Kreider,' Carl Diller, Aucts. Xreider, Griffith, Clerks PUBLIC SALE Livestock - Implements - Household Goods Thursday, March 12,1959 On the premises located three miles of Eliza bethtown, close to Bossier's Mennonite Church. 9 Head __ HOLSTEIN COWS #3s TRACTOR with two 14” bottom plows, two-row cultivator, three-point hookup; Sauders Manure Loader: set of chains; subsoiier;FAßMALL "C" TRACTOR with two-row cultivator and tobacco hoers; FARM ALL SUPER "C" TRACTOR with two-row cultivator and hoers; grass mower, and manure loader; New Holland power take-off Manure Spreader; International disk harrow 28-18; International 3-bar rake; rubber tire wagon with 16’ flat and high sideboards? set of 20 ft. double tobacco ladders; 16-disc Superior Gram and Fertilizer Drill with power lift; Fershey 2-row Transplanter, like new, used one seas on; A lls Chalmers B'ower with pipe; Little Genius two 12” bottom plow; International 3-section spring hafrow; 3- section spike harrow; soil pulverizer; New Holland Ham mer Mul; one 3-in-lme International Milk Coo’er; one 4-in- Ime-Tnternational Mi'k Cooler, hot water heater, DeLaval Mi-k Machine with motor and vacuum pump, piping for ten cows; Rite-Way Hanging Milker; eight 85 lb milk cans, strainers, buckets; rubber tire milk cart; rubber tire tray wheelbarrow; 3 range shelte's with built-in feeders; one feed house on skids, metal chicken nests; feeders and water fountains; Mihnich Tobacco Press; tobacco shears; tobacco spears, forks, shovels; log chains; grindstone; 40 ft endless belt, set of'good buggy harness; front gears; HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Loveseat with four chairs; bedroom suite; beds; springs; mattresses, buffet; roll-top desk; kitchen cabinet antique cupboard, 9x12 rug; rag carpet, plank bottom high back rocking chair, swivel chair, antique wooden container, 8-day clock; ironstone china, glassware and dishes; wooden handled knives and forks, Guardian Waterless Cookware, egg scales, butter sca'es; large copper kettle, iron kettle, empty jars & jugs, and a lot of articles too numerous to mention Sale to commence at 12 Noon, when conditions will be made known_by Dupes & Gerberich, Aucts. Kraybill & Kraybill, Clerks New Ferguson Cultivator; Ferguson Disk Harrow; Fergus on Wagon, Ferguson Spring Harrow, Ferguson “40” used 500 work hrs ; Ferguson hay rake; Ferguson seeder; Fer guson Disk Plow; John Deere “A” Tractor; 16 hoe Super ior Grain and Fertilizer Drill; John Deere Disk Plow; two Ford Plows, two disk harrows; New Holland PTO Side rake, 4-section land roller; Egg-O-Matic Egg Grader; large poultry feeders and nests; by MILK EQUIPMENT I FERGUSON 20 TRACTOR Terms by —OF— some purebreds; 8 Light-weight Feeder Bulls PHARES B. LONGENECKER ALSO AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE *fc t * ****** v-> - ' q al * 1 Subscribe For Lancaster - Farming 14 Fresh by sale date. PAUL HIESTAND ' -CrV ' "i •"-t Winter blankets are good n inc| i of water per weai for soil, too. Sod and cover growt h periods. £ crops reduce the number of erally amounts to alternate freezings and thaw dies per mo'nth-J ings and thereby preserve of that may be W good soil structure. off. PUBLIC FARM EQUIPMEN SATURDAY, MARCH 7, On the premises along the road leading ir 0 , stoga Center to Martic Forge, 2 miles south of $ Center, in Conestoga Township, Lancaster Counh full line of FARM IMPLEMENT TARMALL H fRACTOH, FARMALL SUPER A Tjj with plow, cultivator and fertilizer attachment, y tort m excellent condition with good rubber; m tractoor, gram drill, 13-disc; McDeering rake, m No. 9 mower. Smoker bale elevator, McDeenJ planter, McDeering corn binder, McDeering manuttj er, McDeering 28-disc harrow, 3‘■section spring hart] Deering Xittie Genius tractor plow, Bern is tobacco rubber tire wagon, 16-foot bed; lime, drill, fodder J with carrier, 2-hole corn shelter, platform scales 1 1951 CHEVROLET Ti TON TRUCK (one owi than 30,000 miles); 1954 CHEVROLET CLUB COUI in very good condition. 3 single tobacco ladders, Minnich tobacco pr« tobacco lath, two 4-hole Oaks hog feeders, electric fe 2 range shelters, chicken, feeders, - electric fencer fence posts, bushel, crats, log chains, ropes, Steu: pers, small items too numerous to mention. 20 Tons of Corn, 20 Tons of Hay, 10' Tons Soybi 8 Tons of Straw DeLaval '2-unit milkers, 20’ milk, cans, * 265 G: CAPACITY WILSON-MILK TANK, used little over in excellent condition (Sweet water type); douM tubs, electric water heater, pasturizer egg washer Also some household goods. Be sure to attend if m need of good equipmf has been taken care of. Sale to start at 12 pm. when conditions will h known by Diller & Kreider, Aucts j CONESTOGA R D Lunch-by Ladies .from ColemanviHe Methodist PUBLIC SAL FARMIMPtEMENTS - HOUSEHOLD GO Saturday, March 7, li In Rapho Twp„ Lancaster County, midway b Landisville and Manheim; two miles west of Ault lion off Route 72; Vz mile west of Lancaster Junctw miles south of Sporting Hilir 1858'Massey-Fergeson No. 50 TRACTS fully equipped with power steering, Front and « mounted cultivator, used 170 hours. Massey-Hctrris No. 44 TRACTOR completely overhauled > in 1956 ' ] 1958 Massed-Hams 6 bar trai’er side delivenl Sam Mulkey bale elevator; Massey-Harns -No 31 baler (1956); Ontario gram drill; Massey-Harns 7 ft 1 mower, John Deere No 44 2-bottom plow, John Dec set disc harrow, 12 ft spring harrow, 3-section spit row, New Ic|ea manure spreader, ly 2 h.p ( _Clinton e Iron 2-rnw tobacco planter, Roto beater, 4-whet on 2-wheel trailer wagon, potato grader, Surge nw unit pump), Kelvmator mi.k cooler, hot walci t| mitk cans, racks, strainers, wash tubs, and bucket! platform scales, exact weight"scales, hammer mill I lene welder, air compressor, 9600 tobacco lathi, '1 wagons, one set double tobacco ladders, scaffold mg | pot-bellied stove, 1958 Tryeo 8-row crop sprayei, 3& on trailer, 8-row Hanson wded sprayer, tractoi n' ( with boom and broad-]ib; feed cart, wheelbarrow, McDade hay drying fan with 5 h p. motor, automat' switch; pig shelter, Jamesway 10-hole self feeden fan, cattle clippers, tools and many other numeiow les. HAY AND STR A“W Bedroom suite, Dining room suite, living room] 6 old fashioned chairs, desk, bookcase, chests, rag l 1 two 9x12 rugs, floor lamps, card table, studio couch j living room suite, baby carriage, benches, lamps, cjl drawers, pots and pans, clothes dryer, wooden g a, l steps, rocking chairs, kitchen cabinets, nylon cij kitchen stool, canister set, sewing cabinet, quart J a ij electric washing machines, sweepers, end tables, Gtj washer Most items in better than average conditio 11 Sale to commence at-11 A. M. Refreshments by Sporting Hill P.T A No W' allowed Spahr & Landis, Aucts. IT nirilAPl} 7( Gainer & Hertzler, Clerks 11 * IVIVIIAIU/ * 9-2 c COMPLETE LINE OF AMOS M. SI —OF— HOUSEHOLD GOODS SA